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Lotus  Jan 2021
Lotus Jan 2021
You watch these videos
Of people shouting BLM
Because if your black you are condemned
To them,
Because to them you are not equal
And somehow ****** is legal
But only if your a white cop,
My name is Rayshard Brooks,
I am only 37,
I feel asleep in the cops car,
Resulting in me being restrained and shot because I was believed to be intoxicated,
My Name is Daniel *****,
I am 41,    
I died in 2020,
I died due to strangulation from cops,
They used their body weight to slam me to the ground and strangle me,
I am George Floyd,
I am 46 years old with a child,
A cop sat on my neck for 8 minutes and I died due to strangulation,
I had a kid and a wife,
Their names and lives are more important than your privilege,
SO speak up and speak loud,
Because you are their voice,
You can be the voice of the unheard,
And the misrepresented.
francesca  Jul 2016
melanin (blm)
francesca Jul 2016
i am sorry that the world looks down
on your skin
on the darkness of it
calling it ugly
i am sorry
for the comrades you've lost
(mothers fathers sisters brothers

i am sorry that
people shame you for
the color of your skin
as if you can do something about it
as if it were a curse
when all it does is symbolize
the strength
the tenacity of your people

i am sorry that society
breathes down on your necks
burns your fingers
whips your backs
i am so sorry so sorry
for everything
but please, dont lose hope
Timothy Ward Sep 2016
Teeth bared
Jaws clenched
Hammer cocked
Yet another
Your coffin
In darkness
Sealing you
From bigotry
In self justified
RIP dear brothers
Your Lives Matter!
I used to have great admiration for the police...but we as a community have been derelict in watching over those we hire to serve us!
Big Virge Oct 2020
Now We May Have Had...
......... A FEW........ !!!

Who Were Seen As...
........ “ COOL “........
Who Made Positive Moves...
To Uplift Black Groups...

But Here Is The TRUTH... !!!

Those of Us With DARK SKIN...
Are NOT Treated LiKE KINGS... !!!

We’re Just USED And ABUSED... !!!

And Then Used To CONFUSE...
About The... VALUE...
of Our Skin With DARK HUES...

What We Have Been Given... !!!

When It Comes To Our WOMEN...
And... Leaders Positions... !!!

I Guess I’ve ALWAYS Known...
When It Comes To... **’s...
DEEP DOWN In My Soul... !!!

How Things REALLY Do GO...
When It Comes To Prejudice...
That A Lot of Folks Hold... !!!!!

For Those With Light Skin Tones... !!!

Who Seem Happy To LAUGH... !?!

About... How DARK We ARE... !!!
How We Are LOWER CLASS... !!!

And WON'T Get Some HOT ***...
Without A... Light Skin Pass... !?!

They Run Talk That Is FARCE...
On Our... IGNORANT Past... !!!

And Our... Present One Too... !?!
But Some Truth Is Now Due... !!!!!

About The ABUSE...
That Goes Far And Beyond...
of How... Colonial Crews......

... Apparently Made...
Blacks Deal In SELF HATE... ?!?

When... EVEN Today...
There Are Nightclubs Around...

ALL Over The Place...
That... CLAIM To Play...

... “ URBAN Music “...
For Us Blacks To Get Down...

Where Those With DARK SKINS...
... THICK HIPS and Big Lips...
Unless They Are... RICH... !!!

And These Are Things...
That Have ALWAYS Been... !!!
Part of Places Like Bim’...
Or YES... Barbados... !!!.

Where Clubs Like...
... “ Harbour Lights “...
Have Been DEFINED...
To Me By... BAJAN Minds...

As A Place...
That Should Be Named...

As Being Harbour WHITES... !!!

Because Light Skinned Flavours...
Are STILL Those Favoured...
As Being Much GREATER...

Than US Melanin Kings... ?!?

Are Blacks Acting On THIS... ?
So That These Clubs DON’T Exist... ?

Because... In My Opinion...
These Light Skinned Dominions...

Should Be...
For Being That Way In The Modern Age... !!!!

But The TRUTH Is THIS... !!!

A Lot of Light Skinned Minds...
As Well As DARK Tribes...
Really Like To Play BLIND...

And Run ALL Kinds of LINES...

That Make CLAIMS...
... “That It’s Whites “...

Who’ve CORRUPTED Our Minds...
To Cause... INTERNAL Fights... !!!

There’s NO DOUBT That They HAVE  ... !!!

INDEED Built Strands...
That Have HURT Africans...
And DIVIDED Black Clans... !!!

But Look Around NOW...
Are We STILL UNABLE... ?!?
To... REMOVE Their Fables...
About Our DARK SKINS... !!!
When We’re Melanin Kings... ?!?

Especially When...
It Comes To The Names...
Who Were Quick To Trade...
Black People As Slaves...
To Those With Pale Face...
Who Were QUICK To Deal With...
Africans With... LIGHT Skin... ?!?

Take A Moment To THINK...

And Let Me Ask You All...
.......... THIS........ !!!!!

If We Now Ask Women...
Who They Find ATTRACTIVE... ?

When It Comes To Our Skins...
It Seems To Be These White Chicks...

Who Have The Least Melanin...
Who Are QUICK To LICK...
And Jump On Some DARK ****... !!!

And EVEN Have Some MIXED Raced KIDS...
Who Have YUP... LIGHT Skins... !?!
Because They’re The... HOT THING... !!!

Which Is Why They’re Now Seen...
So PREVALENTLY On Our TV Screens... !!!

Now Of Course Within SPORT...

Because RECESSIVE Genes...
AREN'T A Part of Our Being... !!!!

Dark Skins Are A FORCE...
As They ARE Now In... ****...

Where Girls Wanna Be BLACKED... !!!
Because They’re Earning Cash...
For Now Bedding Black Man... !!!

I DON’T Hear Any Blacks...
Really Speaking On THAT... ?!?

AFRICAN Americans... ?!?

It’s Pretty Clear That NUFF’ Blacks...
Are Simply... FULL of CRAP... !!!

When It Comes Down To WHO...
They Choose To... INCLUDE...
Within Their... “ COOL Crews “...

Where TRIBALISM Is Used...
To Create These ISSUES...

But We’re... “ Melanin Kings “... !?!

When Our FAMOUS Names...
From Marley To Manley...
To... Haile Selassie...

And Now The Don Lemons...
Are... Public Addressing...
And Clearly Are STRESSING...
That Black Folks Should LESSEN...

Their Talk That’s Suggesting...
That Black Lives Should Matter...
WHENEVER Their Shattered... !!!!

Even When There’s NO CAMERAS...
The... RACISM FACTOR... !!!

Where White Folks Embrace...
HATRED For DARK Face... !!!

And Now We Have DRAKE...
Who Is Now Seen As GREAT...
AHEAD of Big Daddy Kane... ?!?

From... F1 Chicanes...
To These Girls Gaining Fame...

Where Are All THESE KINGS...
Who Have THIS... MELANIN... ?!?

It’s An Interesting Thing...
DON’T They All Have...

.... Light Skin.... ?!!!?

And Now Michael Holding...
When It Came To Bowling... !!!

Has Broke Down CRYING... !!!
Those Within His OWN Kin...

No Wonder Poor Garvey...
Was Made To Leave Smartly... !!!

While Now A Man With MY SKILL...
When It Comes To Words Built...
of THIS... Poetic ILK... !!!

CAN’T Even Get PAID...
For My Melanin Brain... ?!?
In This... “ BLM Age “... ?!?

Aren’t These Things Somewhat STRANGE... ?!?

I Guess I Must Be...
A Black Who Now Needs...
To Learn My History...

When My REALITY...

That My Black Skin...
Is... NOT Something...
That Could Ever Make Me...

Be A...

... “Melanin King”... !!!
Funny how THIS Stuff, NEVER seems to come up, in all the fancy talk, in, Black History Month !?!
Ken Pepiton Oct 2018

that meaningless word left dangling before children,

a damoclean sword held fast in a gordian knot tied with scarlet thread,

finer than the spider's that once tied men's souls to an angry American God,

birthed in Transylvania,

over the woods, and through the dale, no lie

There is a tale of lies told in Nobel houses, never reachin' ground,

Down here, we situations manifested to, vain, again, stem the tide,

We flounder, fish out of water, why are we sent if


he hears, he listens, haps he knows, and

how such as we came

to be here,

Welcome and see, dare ye ask me in? Might I ply you with lies

and you, believe 'em?

I could make a mindless robot out of your parts, but

that would take forever and

that's not how

Wisdom's child would tend to be, for first,

You must believe a lie and I, amusing as can be,

can't tell lies.

Discernment, fine points, per-spicacity per se, the only way.

Good luck (Luc, said luck in many tongues, is said Lose- as in Luc-ifer.

It means light, as in light, regular old granted light.)

Lightifier, good, take some, good light, for the travail, in the night.

You see, not so long ago, for me, five years before I'as born,

my momma moved to town.

What was that like, I axed my old uncle, while back,

movin' t'town, in 1943?

Well, he says,

We had electricity.

USA, 1943, some folks still was poor, and all the good men

was gone to war.

Cities, it was different,

if the movies got it right, Bowry Boys, n'em.

In the desert we did, okeh, in town, though,

we had electricity.

He was ten back then. He'd been huntin' rabbit's,

to buy Christmas presents from Sears and Roebucks,

since he was five.

C'mon, I say. No lie, he say,

BLM or some gover'ment

whatsajigger, was payin' 2 cents a pair fer jack rabbit ears.

'Said he bought Christmas presents for his mom and dad,

and my mom, with his first rabbit money, at five.

Shootin' with a single-shot 22, 12 cents a box,

Jack Rabbits, 2 cents a head.

Three Christmas presents, plus postage, $2.56.

Do the math, I think, and go -

Five years old, at ten, he moves to town, 1943,

we had electricity. That's all.
An older man than me gave a thought to ponder. Thought I'd try to share the bounty. This is read, by me at
SammyJoe  Jun 2020
SammyJoe Jun 2020
By the time you let go
It was too late
What was it with you
That consumed so much hate?

How you knelt down
On his neck for so long
Did nothing in you
Scream, Wait this is wrong?

How bout the words
"I can't breathe"
The humanity
To give A MAN some relief

To see life drain
From pleading eyes
There has got to
Be some evil inside

A grown man
Calling out for his mother
How you had
No love or care for this brother

Black, white or brown
Let's love one another
One thing is for sure
We all bleed the same colour

I guarantee now
You'll never forget
What you thought was nothing
Is histories biggest upset

The BLM movement
Worldwide protestings
Black & white marching
From your act resulting

In that moment in time
You hadn't a clue
Just what the results
Of your actions would do

If you'd known in that time
The after taste from your cup
Would be so bitter
You would have got up!

Police brutality, racism
And the latter
All I can say is
Black lives really do matter

The hurt the pain
The families destroyed
Guess now you'll always remember
The name George Floyd.
Wither Bloodfall Jul 2020
In the haze of it's flames
a man laid under Canopies
of  burning light of a siren
cutting through the smoke
as if it was paper.
Their voice, flooded with drought
loss of input
they weren't able to speak
nor breathe
it was suffocating
the texture of the brittle
firm cement, under their cheek
Thus all they had left
was a broken requiem
of a better day.
jeffrey conyers Jul 2016
Oh, pretty black Americans, we aware many disputes your importance.
Just like they did the protest of Martin Luther King or the eloquent of Malcolm X.

Many whites quick to deny your cause by stating all lives matter.
Except, it's strange that those criticizing BLM barely tackle the racist white groups that holds more horrors than the BLM protesters.

Political figures most white barely ever speak of the foolish with guns that kills students in school.
Or bomb abortion clinics like many, many whites have done.

Not brave enough to attack the NRA because they needs votes.

A group that proclaims their importance gains negative from whites.
Who barely brave to walk within their group.

Similar to fame black colleges BLM holds a purpose when those cries all lives matters.
For whites hadn't faced nothing similar to the killings of minority youth.

We seen church bombed
We know through the years black males hanged from trees.
And all white juries scared and agreed that the perpretators done a good thing.

Does a group mainly vocalizing themselves of fear?
Scare those that lives safely under theirs created rules.
Brian Oarr Mar 2012
Between empty junction gullies of the Dogskin mountains,
the BLM has once again released their Judas horses
luring the free ranging mustangs into capture corrals.

Their crime --- thriving in a battle of survival.
I assure you the Comanche do not dance around the fire,
nor does the ghost of Cortez roll in the wildflowers of El Dorado.

Ironically this native species is now considered feral,
introduced in the very habitat which shaped its evolution,
arcanely empowered to exceed enviromental carrying capacity.

The lands of nature are so dear: rejoice their freedom!
The mountains do not judge, they merely shelter.
Let the mustang graze unfettered through winds of dawn.
Sarah Clark Nov 2018
hope you are doing
well and have stopped
rebelling against our
founding father's
cautionary counsels.

risky over here,
still doing kudzu
in hot water and
lighting off firecrackers
in the pouring rain.

— The End —