Whine, sob and cry it all out,
Complain, don't refrain,
Or sustain from the pain,
I know its hard to explain,
The suffering, the aching
All so tiring 'n' breathtaking,
Just pour it all out,
Don't let it consume you,
You're inside self and out,
Don't let it confuse you,
Your mind nor your heart,
Just let it all out,
Don't put up with it alone,
All the misery and ruin,
You're not all alone,
So lift up that chin,
Show me your gorgous grin,
Cause this time darkness won't win,
Let it all flow out,
Those buried blue feelings,
Before you're all worn out,
I know it's not as easy as it sounds,
Heart aching every time it pounds,
Don't conceal it in anymore,
Let me heal your wound that's sore,
I'll get bandages from the store,
And the pain will be no more,
Sometimes it'll need much more,
At hard times,
I'll give you my full attention,
No matter what my current condition,
I'll create for every conflict a solution,
I may not be sure of done delusion,
But, I assure you, I've got quit a comprehension,
Sometimes I'm full of confusion,
But no harm can pass by me without detection,
I'm clumsy, so yeah, might get an infection,
But fighting it back will be my reaction,
Won't loose simple because of exhaustion,
Even if enimies drop an invasion,
{[who knows, maybe all that's needed is a single conversation,
To maintain between them a peaceful connection ]}
As long as I'm around, you safety is a confirmation,
Away from any discomfort or discrimination,
You might think now, where's the relation,
Well I may lack many traits and concentration,
Always relying on my unstable intuition,
And mess up in almost any situation,
But I have made a firm resolution,
To keep you happy, that's my intention..
29 July 2014
My poems to you, an unceasing continuation,
Doesn't stop, just pauses, in this conclusion..