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 Dec 2015 Sarah DeeSarah
you are a million twinkling stars
a sinking ship filled of butterflies
the marshmallows in my cereal

and i can't seem to get this **** grin off of my mouth that you give me everyday
 Dec 2015 Sarah DeeSarah
How do you save someone from themselves?
Is it even possible?
How can you interpret their cries for help
when they're in a language no else one understands?
Do you just give them a great big hug?
Maybe walk with them a little and hold their hand?
The truth of the matter is,
you can't save them.
No one can.
Pathos, pathos, pathos.
 Dec 2015 Sarah DeeSarah
A love;
rooted in my heart,
tangled in pain,
slowly it rots.
As the memories fade.
the broken pieces heal,
and inner peace I regain.
Every time I start to get used to
You being gone
You appear in my dreams
And remind me of what I'm missing
I want to create
Beautiful things
Just maybe
It will make me beautiful
break my body into a thousand pieces

break my heart into a million more
Let him break you
A thousand pieces of your love
Shattered on the earth
Beneath his feet

Let him hurt you
A million knives from his eyes
Thrown into your chest
On the bed you once made love

Let go of him
Your love was made
For greater things
And you deserve the universe
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