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3.2k · Dec 2014
Limitless Affection
Salvador Torres Dec 2014
Limitless affection,
My affection is limitless.
Like a clock without a long arm
my love is minuteless
but a message
with no recipient is meaningless,
Still I Love....
2.1k · Jan 2015
Runnaway Thoughts
Salvador Torres Jan 2015
We're separated by illusions
united by our flaws,
a doubtful optimistic thinking
that the future might be lost.
I'm calling out to god,
please help this lost sheep
deal with his run away thoughts.
1.5k · Nov 2014
Doubtful Optimistic
Salvador Torres Nov 2014
No one bears witness
to the loneliness that a man holds inside.
Therefor, No one can bring him comfort.

There exist no mountain high enough
to shield him from the tidal wave of doubt,
No fire hot enough to burn away his insecurities.
Nor a drug potent enough to hurl him far from reality.

His every dream and hope take the same
suicidal plunge towards unfulfillment,
as do his desires and cravings.
He's become all to familiar with this hollow shell
of existence that presents itself in his bathroom mirror.

Failure wraps around him
Constructing his every thought
and suffocating any sign of imagination.
His dreams vanish into oblivion
and as his vision fades to black,
the world whispers...
"You Are Nothing".

But, As his heart withers away
like a dying star...
His soul explodes with inspiration.
The windows of the night shatter,
Allowing the brightness of confidence to bleed through
and his faith be resurrected.
He gains the courage
to stand against the world
and even tho it opposes him
He continues to pursue that which he knows
can be accomplished,
Forgetting that he was ever... doubtful.
892 · Nov 2014
Optimist' Cause
Salvador Torres Nov 2014
What causes an Optimist to dream?
Is it Confidence?
Is it talent?
Or something unseen...
Unmatched bravery?
Life planned cleverly?
Or something in between.
Maybe.....Just maybe,
they're the ones
living in reality.
And the sight of their accomplishment
withers away our false sanity.
Wrote this during a boring *** math lecture.
769 · Sep 2014
If The Wind Could Speak
Salvador Torres Sep 2014
Of all the stories, lessons, and wisdom,
that the Wind has to offer.
You see the Wind is one of the oldest entities we know,
Older than life itself.

Think of all the events, changes, histories,
That it has witnessed.
For there is no place that "it" is not present.
We've all shared precious memories with the Wind,
Even if only for a second,
But even that miniscule fragment of time
Has left a whispered scar in the memory of our invisible friend.

That the Wind could speak,
Would you not stop and lend an ear,
Take time out of your life just to hear,
What the world has to say.

I believe the Wind can speak,
Although its tongue I don't yet comprehend,
I remain eager to listen,
And await the day,
I'll understand.
676 · Nov 2014
Salvador Torres Nov 2014
As I stand here in front of you
And nervousness drips from my hands
As my mouth dries up
And sweat covers my face.

I begin to build up the courage
To speak up and say what I have to,
Not saying what I can say,
Nah, I’m saying what I want to
Because it’s clear to me
That the truth is needed,
But at the same time
We’re afraid to concede it,
I’m with you, Where I too don’t wanna believe it.

However I’ve grown sick of this society
That can’t make up its mind
Always contradicting itself, the irony.
I’m sick of the fact that the sharing of information is considered piracy,
At the same time loving the coincidence,
Of our precious word democracy
Rhyming so nicely with Hypocrisy

I’m sick of these politicians lying through their teeth,
How can they hope to fix anything
When all they do is speak?
I’m angered by the fact that America still judges
Based on appearance,
Or how I can’t side with liberals or conservatives
Cuz I don’t see a difference.

See both Republicans and Democrats
Claim to have a mission,
You’re always welcomed to join them
But under one condition,
“Sir your wallet is not empty,
That can’t be,
Why don’t you give us that money
We’ll hold unto it for free.
Now you can’t pay your bills
But we’re thankful for your donation,
No! this is not stealing, It’s merely cooperation”.

Our Government is a big mess,
But thank God we have
The Military Industrial Complex,
This system is anything but honest,
And if I keep exposing them
I might become a victim
Guess death is the only price for Wisdom.
It’s true I should be proud to be American
But living here what have I inherited,
The Atom bomb, some stolen land, and broken promises
The American dream painted in obstacles,
Or a set of congress who doesn’t act,
Unless their pocket’s full.

To top it off we have this culture we created,
We love it if it’s bad but if it’s good we hate it.
This is why I’m proposing a solution,
To put it all in a nutshell,
Well, it’s a peaceful revolution.

What I ask of you is not simple,
Think of society as a pond,
Truth is the pebble, now it’s up to you to create a ripple.
If you ask for a change,
They’ll tell you to be patient
That’s when you stop asking
And start demanding.

If they tell you to be quiet
I want you to speak louder
If they tell you that their money is sweet
Tell them that hunger is sour
If they say walk, You run
If they demand you respect
You raise your hand, put four fingers down, and leave the middle one up.
If they silence me, I want you to keep going,
Find the truth yourself keep you mind growing.
We’re taking matters into our own hands,
Starting today,
So stand up, and stand with me,
As together,
We Disobey.
Wrote this for a talent show my senior year in high school, it was around this time last year actually.
598 · Jan 2015
L0v3 Application
Salvador Torres Jan 2015
I will be there when you need me
and when you don't
I'll be a dream.
I'm  not the past
not the present
but something in between.
If anything
I'm sorta just a broken gift,
that can love you for the all of it
cuz I just learned forgetting.
You wouldn't believe the luck
that I'm not getting.
My funerals now look like weddings
I don't care about my caring
just a tragic story playing...
so you know I won't be noticed
590 · Feb 2015
Runnaway Thoughts pt 2
Salvador Torres Feb 2015
Who would've thought
The voice of ignorance
was so potent,
That the eyes of justice
were blindfolded
And the path to becoming conscious was hidden...
Who would've thought
That even a self driven optimistic could fail,
That a vision was just a dream
or that a prisoner could love his cell.
Contrary to popular belief
there's snow in hell
the Devil's cold as Ice
or so we tell,
What if he was a myth and so was god,
That doesn't take the fact
out of the wars we fought,
It wouldn't justify
The things we think we thought,
Or refund the things we didn't need
but still bought.
Humans...are gullible in nature
Giving their strings
To whoever promises
To yank them straighter
and believing in anyone
With the title of "a creator"
...think of the life's wasted
Don't get me wrong I believe in God,
I just don't believe in hatred,
Aint that the main reason why we ****?
It can't be in God's name,
cuz she gave us free will.
577 · Dec 2014
Salvador Torres Dec 2014
We all have flaws,
No matter how pure a heart
it is still human.
No matter how hard you strive to be perfect
you'll always be flawed,
but  that's just perfect.
368 · Nov 2014
Salvador Torres Nov 2014
Bullets Flying
Barrels Spitting
Bombs Exploding
People Screaming
Blood is Spilling
Limbs are Missing
Black Lungs
With Smoke they're Filling
Death Approaches
Can't Shake this Feeling
Of Regret
Pray for Forgiveness
Death is Next
That ******* Smell
Of Burning Flesh
Feel that Sting?
The Bullet's In
Thanks A lot You ******* Vest.
Days Have Passed
With No Rest
How Can Someone Handle so Much Freaking Stress?
I'm Loosing My Mind!
How can I be proud of Mankind,
When we end up killing each other
Every time that we intertwine.
Human History is overfilled
With Grief and Sadness
And our Actions only help Feed the Madness
Getting Sick of all this Blood and Gore
But What Can You Do
This is War....
355 · Sep 2016
Runnaway thoughts pt ♧
Salvador Torres Sep 2016
Pink skies, purple mountains
Yeah this life is a dream.
I can be
Anything that I want, until the sun starts to sing
Until the sun starts to sing.

Then its back to the grinding
I be grinding all day
From sun up to sun down
Yeah i be slavin away
I just been slavin away...

So much weight on my shouldas!
Pray my back doesn't break,
I find hard to move forward
Can't take a couple of steps,
Can't take a couple of steps.

Blue clouds
Greyest heavens
I been hoping for change,
Cuz right now all my seasons
Yeah they lookin the same
They just be looking the same.

So green, So young
You should be livin it up
I know
Life holds many treasures
But just livin's enough
I think that livin's enough.
Its a song
277 · Nov 2014
Open Thoughts #1
Salvador Torres Nov 2014
Being alive means existing,
Having lived, however, means making sure
People know you existed.
266 · Oct 2015
Ananymous Beauty
Salvador Torres Oct 2015
Words R anonymously beautiful.
That being said
If I wrote you my thoughts,
Would U take the time to read my complexion?
Or just judge based on my cover.
Would U dive into my pages n every story uncover
259 · Sep 2016
Skies of you
Salvador Torres Sep 2016
Saw her name spelled in the heavens
Written in a loving shade of gold.
How she added beauty to a sight of which,
Nothing ugly  could be told.
A gradient sunset,
Whose departure leaves the world so dark and cold.

I welcome the night.

But not the truth she sleeps inside another home,
Or knowing some nights she won't sleep alone.
How can i feel that ive been stolen something that I never owned.

— The End —