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 Dec 2017 sage
She Writes
I hope someday you get played,
The way you played me.
I hope you give someone your heart,
And they up and flee.

I know I shouldn’t think this way,
I should be happy for the lesson.
I need to swallow my pride,
And let the bitterness lessen.

One day you’ll see,
You made a mistake.
What you did to me,
Will someday be your fate.

In the future, I know I’ll be fine.
As for you...I would wish you the best, but you already had it.
 Dec 2017 sage
First Kiss
 Dec 2017 sage
I'm afraid to kiss you
to lock our lips
and taste you.
I'm afraid that I will love you
and then you will leave
like most men do.
I'm afraid it won't be enough
to make you stay
and that desire you've always had
will finally go away.
I'm afraid of the damage
you will do to me
before I finally
let you go.
 Dec 2017 sage
 Dec 2017 sage
when you left
those scars
on my heart
i became
a beautiful poet.
my heart was too precious to fall in love with someone like you
 Dec 2017 sage
 Dec 2017 sage
when i speak
to you
my words
become soft
and vulnerable
the last thing
i want to do
is leave you hurting
why can't you be that kind to me?
 Dec 2017 sage
love gave one more kiss
it lingered with ardent lips
bone passionate jaws

 Dec 2017 sage
harlee kae
like the way
his tiny hand reaches for mine
as we line up for lunch

or the way
she says she loves my sweater
even if its the same as the day before

or the way
20 pairs of eyes light up
when i say the word experiment

yeah, some things are beautiful
like the flower
he picked me on the playground
or the moment she could finally
read the word as

and i wouldn't trade those moments
for all the money in the world.
some people turn their nose up when i say i am becoming a teacher but i honestly can't think of anything i'd rather do
 Dec 2017 sage
this is how it happens
it's the last day the temperature will be
above thirty-two degrees Fahrenheit
until February
you're not looking at the date
it's just the end of November
the middle of the night in the middle of a road
at the end of November
the hum of this small town hurts your ears
you're stuck in a dream where everything you see
turns into a weapon
this is how it happens
you knocked back sharp, amber liquid
to make this place feel a little more okay
and it only worked halfway
no matter how soft the edges are
you bruise your hips when you
run into them in the dark
you're ******* on your fourth cigarette when
a police officer pulls over and asks
how you're doing today
in the too-bright white of the headlights
the sick taste of Red Stag sticks to
the roof of your mouth
the mouth that you're moving into a smile
the mouth exhaling plumes of smoke at the ground
you're okay
"i'm okay."
you don't tell him what you're really doing
you're really taking all of your
thoughts about stopping your pulse for a walk
you don't tell him you've been
chasing ambulances all night long
please, officer don't leave me alone, you don't say
he tells you to have a good night and drives away
and this is how it happens
the moon smiles at you with every single one
of its tiny, sharp teeth
nobody but your cat finds you in that bathtub
nobody but your cat watches you rise from red water
watches it drip drip drip
from every chasm carved in your left arm
nobody but your cat saw the soft animal of your soul
shiver from the cold that day
it's the first day the temperature
dropped below
thirty-two degrees Fahrenheit inside your chest
based on true events
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