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 May 2018 Renee
Joel M Frye
why a poet?
because a poet
hears the words
which sing the
purest harmonies
because a poet
paints their portraits
in pastels
of phrases
because a poet
dances their agonies
into leaps of faith
and pirouettes
of passion
because a poet
the beauty
in the commonplace
and captures
the moment
in a snapshot
of ink and white
because a bloodless world
cuts itself
a thousand times

and the poet bleeds
For my friends here and around the world on World Poetry Day.
 May 2018 Renee
do not date a girl
who writes.
she will internalize
carve poems
into your eyelashes
instead of
kissing them,

she will analyze you,
calculate age
from the rings
your coffee cup
instead of refilling it.

she will memorize
the way your
lips curl around steam,
but not that you
take it
two sugars,
no cream.

she will read your
palm instead of
holding it
against her chest.

she will not
when you leave,
because she is
romanticizing it.
 Aug 2015 Renee
 Aug 2015 Renee
I've lived a thousand lives
And died a thousand deaths
Within the pages of my notebooks
change your costume
before they discover
what you really are
 Aug 2015 Renee
 Aug 2015 Renee
duly noted*
what does that even mean...
...that you are correctly recording
my words of anguish
and disbelief
of the fact that you are
punishing a completely
innocent person

duly noted.
 Apr 2015 Renee
Shylah S
 Apr 2015 Renee
Shylah S
artful way to vent
spill secrets you wouldn't tell a soul
to make things that can only be woven by the fabric of words
 Dec 2014 Renee
you see,
that’s the problem
with being the strong one
who always offers others
a hand
everyone thinks that you
don’t need a hand and
they think you have lots
of surplus energy and no

 Nov 2014 Renee
a case of ethics
 Nov 2014 Renee
if i drowned
in my own tears,
would it be
because they were mine,
because you caused them?
 Jun 2014 Renee
Aoife Teese
you've got me sitting
in my room
listening to the music you like
trying to figure you out
trying to decide if you like me
if you want me

my mother says
"he probably doesn't know either"

and i'm frustrated
because someone has to
someone has to understand
and i don't
and i have to
i have to understand
you're a puzzle i can't solve
is this something i'm doing to myself?
nothing is as analytical as i need it to be
your tones of gray are confusing me
and i can't find a way to organize
the things you say to me

but to say i don't enjoy the task
would be a lie
because it does, in fact,
make me feel alive
i want you to want me,
that's very true
but it won't be easy
to convince me
that it's okay to want you
i am complicated//i am dumb
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