The man stands behind the curtain ,
for in silence he stands ,
no body speaks to him .
no one even knows he is there .
The moon and sun rise ,
then fall ,
for no one even knows he is there .
The birds fly unto their nests as winter chatter brings ,
the starlings and flinch ***** their tiny wings .
He looks out and the clouds and sun play hide and seek .
Still he says nothing ,
still he won’t speak .
No food or water does he eat or drink ,
no table does he dine with a beautiful lady to pass his time .
And fear not his mood does not tell ,
of the darkness he feels inside his own hell .
There is no light in his house and no one knows ,
that in silence he cry’s for the young and the old .
The clock ticks another day has passed ,
and after many months his beloved walks past .
He smiles .
Then a knock on the door and his heart starts to pump ,
with loving arms they kiss and ****** ,
her flowers hit the floor ,
and the doors slammed shut .