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 Aug 2016 Emilio
Got Guanxi
All you wanted was my wifi code

Why try.
I could see the veins in your head ready to explode.
Always on the line,
Trying to find sweet circumstances left behind in text messages not fresh ink.
Always on my mind, through computerised images and jpegs -
I just wanted a bit of you to save for myself in memory.
The remedy for running out of time and space,
And as I let you into mine,
The first thing you asked me as you looked me dead in the eye after a hard drive home,
was, 'Nate can you tell me what's your wifi code'
 Aug 2016 Emilio
Between the Stars
 Aug 2016 Emilio
we have our own place in the universe
a spot specifically destined for us to inhabit
in each galaxy we have different versions of ourselves
maybe in this galaxy of ours
I'm just the space between the stars
the one who keeps them up in their places
making sure they never lose their shine.
 May 2016 Emilio
Alvira Perdita
i read a poem that made me question
the things i've been calling poetry
it made me feel that what i write
simply isn't enough

i could do better

the poem was about a woman
and i felt whole
and the words weren't for me,
about me,
but i felt whole
in ways i can't explain
and i'll never be able to

but i thought to myself
that this is poetry
and this is what words
are supposed to do
they're supposed to make
you feel things
regardless of what
and i kept wondering
if my words
have that effect

i want people to yern,
survive off my words,
devour them
and i want my words
to leave them longing
and hoping for just a bit more

and i read this poem not once,
not twice,
but three times,
eating up the words like they
were the last meal on earth
and i felt whole
 May 2016 Emilio
Alvira Perdita
she was always looking away
at the river, the sun, her phone
never did her eyes meet anyone
else's, and she never smiled

she was sick and fragile
and never smiled
but people loved her anyway
as they hugged her and held her close
she never smiled

she'd answer their questions
in the least personal way
and they wouldn't ask
too many questions or
anything that was personal
and she'd ask many questions
leading into personal parts
of their lives

she sat alone
with her hair hanging like
a curtain in front of her face
hiding her brokenness from the world

worst of all, she hid behind this falseness
that she showed off to the world
a blank mask that held everyone
at an arm's length
and she never smiled
my true reflection.
 May 2016 Emilio
Another second
Another minute
Another hour


For the clock to tick by


For time to pass by...


*­Till I can breathe again.
Sometimes, time can be such a pain in the ****.
 May 2016 Emilio
Got Guanxi
the caterpillar can't comprehend the life of a butterfly x
 May 2016 Emilio
The Serial Killer
 May 2016 Emilio
how many hearts
would be broken
invaded, raided
infested, overrun
forayed into

for all the
wrong reasons

if every time you say
"I love you"
you don't mean it?

because a betrayal
of those three  words
can make you a
serial killer of hearts.
I don't believe in the saying that actions speak louder than words.
If only people understood that words can affect us just
as much as actions, the world would be a better place.
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