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Robby Robinson Jan 2016
Hello there,
Its been a while.
Did you miss me?..
Of course you did,
We're old friends after all.

I'll admit,
I'm a bit disappointed.
You tried to ignore me for a while,
Tried to shut me out.

Did you forget so easily?
You need me to survive, remember?
I am part of you,
I always have been.

May as well face it,
You’re stuck with me.
Just let me take control...
It’ll be easier that way.

I promise I won't hurt you.
I'll be gentle.
After a while,
You might forget that I'm even there.

I'll reintroduce myself,
Since it's been a while.
Hello there,
My name is Mr. Anxiety.

And I missed you, oh so dearly.
Because everyone knows this old friend..
Robby Robinson Dec 2015
Silent night,
Wretched night.
Keep me company
'Til morning light.

Let the families have their fun,
Whilst I stay here and come undone.
I do not sleep in peace tonight.
I do not sleep in peace.
Because not everyone's Christmas is merry...
Robby Robinson Dec 2015
I do not have depression,
But I face it every day.
I have spent years
trying to save someone else's life
instead of taking care of my own.
Many times I have caught myself
picking people up off the floor
and leaving a piece of me in their place.
I have spent many sleepless nights coaxing them out of death
because the insomnia was having it's way anyways..

I am not asking for sympathy
or a pat on the back.
I ask simply that you remember that
I am human too.
I can break just like everyone else can.
The only difference is that I am willing to break for the sake of those who are already broken.

I do not have depression.
But that doesn't mean I am not depressed.
For the people that live to help others survive..
  Dec 2015 Robby Robinson
Free Bird
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,
Money in the pocket of the biggest shareholder

Day by day, we grow older
Love is lost, hearts grow colder

So while you still can, you should hold her
Say what you feel, before you wish you'd told her

Don't stash your dreams away, in that folder
As you care less what they think, you'll get bolder

Listen to those, who need a shoulder
Let her live, don't try to mold her

Don't sell your soul, for something golder
  Dec 2015 Robby Robinson
A Lopez
I'm a murderer
I've stabbed my own heart.
I'm a thief
I've stolen my own happiness.
I'm a liar
I've told myself how much better things would be.
I'm a slothful woman
I fell asleep.
I'm greedy
I've eaten my own pain.
I'm hungry
Just not for sin again.
  Dec 2015 Robby Robinson
Denel Kessler
This brilliant morning
anything is possible

we are limited only
by rigid minds
whose fragile confines

can be vaporized
by choice alone.
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