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Mar 2018 · 353
Little Green Laughter
Rex Allen McCoy Mar 2018
Sunlight sweeps above the dale
while shades of heather
lift their veil
Then gentle mist of morning
enhancing dawn
with nature's pearls
Songbird's flight encircles glen
to spot late crawler's
search for den
not all that dwells in understory
hides this day...
this day's their glory
The songbirds flee... the piper grins
"Far Darrig O'Malice
yer at it again"
The silence broke
the wildwoods rustle
From near and far
the wee ones
The songs roll out
the barrels too
the leprechauns abandon shoe
They all break out one piece of gold
To waste
before their play grows cold
They barter sheep
while lifting hogs
They saddle...
the farmer's dogs
And all the while they laugh and shout
they never spill their mugs of stout
The Cluricauns with stouter trumpet
descend the town
subdue the strumpet
Spend their purse to chase romance
The quean much slicker
steals their pants
Within the glen
with dusk's approach
the smoke gets thick as suppers roast
The music swirls
the echoes sail
The dancers chant an Irish tale
And those with naked butts
are taught
They stop
it gives the bugs a shot

Far Darrigs crawl beneath the kegs
they pop the corks and fill their legs
St. Patrick's blessed another year
The sound of snoring
now all you hear
Mar 2018 · 411
The Sum of my Brim
Rex Allen McCoy Mar 2018
When clouds roll by
in a blink
Leaving starlight
to compete for a nook in my cranny

I find
that the sum of my brim
grows brighter each night
I persistently
from my *****
Mar 2018 · 363
I Must Leave
Rex Allen McCoy Mar 2018
I must leave now for a while

Do not grieve or shed tears

Just hug your sorrows
then set them free

Greet new days with gallant smiles

for my sake
In my memory

live on
Change nothing
For one pining thought
gives grief one last reprieve

Reach out for me
Feel my heart

be afraid when you see me
in the sky
Jan 2018 · 343
Rusted Smile
Rex Allen McCoy Jan 2018
Hearts in memory drawn before us
haste display their vesting style
Daydreams shed and plead ... restore us
dancing o'er a rusted smile
Chancing fancies may discover
heart-light cast where sins may dwell
Shadow-darkened skies recover
the isolation sought to quell
Sifting through those haunting traces
ringing round a fading light
Who might stop and trade us faces
invest a smile to warm the night
To the wise that rise above us
bend an ear to wishing well
See the dancers push and shove us
to the brink of living hell
Nov 2017 · 244
Come Sail Away
Rex Allen McCoy Nov 2017
The pitch o' night her captain feared
her leeward pending doom

November's raging breath
to daunting reef she loomed

Her belly shattered
pitched and gorged
as raging swells

The drift of break
blizzard cold
"Come Sail Away"
is her name
Nov 2017 · 378
Enchanting Beauty
Rex Allen McCoy Nov 2017
Hiking through a woodland glen
as mellow shards
of sunset bend
to capture
in waters clear
from mountains shear
The silhouette sings twilight's best
Enchanting beauty
north by west
'Twas then my heart
forgot to beat
while visions to my gaze complete
A gentle sigh
resets its rhythm
I step toward this face from heaven
In twilight's eerie haze she stood
amongst the tranquil shades of wood
where timeless paths
bestow the land
she beckons
with extended hand

hardly seen
I spring a trap
laid there between
Then falling
to darkest dread
Above ...
the trap
once more is spread
I tumble blind through timeless mist
as things unseen
tear skies to bits
Attesting shrieks bare blackest dreams
When fingers
they choke the screams
I'm lifted
to brink of ledge
I scramble
back from edge
Breath wheezed
lungs filled
sanguine air
but shadows dance
to flame's despair
Perusing cavern round about
entwined with scents
of mash and stout
The shadows fade
as faces bare
Their eyes unblinking
strangely stare
Just who they be I have no clue
In cloaks of rag
bereft of shoe
A boiling ***
Aroma wafts
to pull my nose
As grumbles strike beneath my chest
a bowl they pass
I say my blest
The taste is odd
but strangely
Then laughs
beneath their hood
It strikes me now this tale I'm told
just echoed back
from memories cold
Beware the pit from beauty set
Where mortal feet
with regret
I sense
the danger lurking near
Too late
I'm ****** through worlds of cheer
Round about
with no control
Immersed in love
then stripped of soul
Tears of pleasure
tears of pain
Round about and back again
Conscious whirling
Blackness lifting
Drenched with shame
Hiking through a woodland glen
as mellow shards
of sunset bend
to capture
in waters clear
from mountains shear
The silhouette sings twilight's best
Enchanting beauty
north by west
'Twas then my heart
forgot to beat
as visions through my haze
A pondered thought
sends senses reeling
'tis Déjà vu

I've got this feeling
Nov 2017 · 298
In Due Time
Rex Allen McCoy Nov 2017
When tomorrow's reckoning
draws a bite
and contemplation concedes to fear
Most expectations
fade their light
as echoes flash from yesteryear
Aspersion paid
to good advice
proceeds to mock all sacrifice
of future's past
you see
invades your pride and revelry
What goes around
comes back
to be
In due time
Nov 2017 · 211
Rex Allen McCoy Nov 2017
I'll never love you simply because you appear to look like an Angel
I'm falling for an Angel
who simply prefers
to look like you
Mar 2015 · 644
Return to Little Street
Rex Allen McCoy Mar 2015
Traditions lead to streets of dream
to scant abodes
beneath the green
So tiny
'neath gardens tall
with russet
above them all
Their chimneys waft
of fire's stoke
the meek step forth
though bashful folk
The pitter pat
of little feet
the length
of Little Street
They take my hand as pipers chant
descend the street
with river's dance
Around about
the dancers croon
to every home
I'm blessed ...
Tranquil glade amongst the heather
sparks ignite
the moods in feather
Flames leap forth
as cauldrons
tubers roast
as whispers twaddle

I fill
and pints
I swallow

Tip 'em Back
their chant
seems hollow
Breaking bread
their stew
yumm - titious
in my head
their brew
grows vicious
Little Street
a fading glow
still ...
I was little once you know
The shutters
the visions
their magic
my hiking cane
Another day
another plane
the child inside


Feb 2015 · 555
The Freckled Face of a Girl
Rex Allen McCoy Feb 2015
Dappled grey horses
sweat crusted and weary
hooves drifting dust
lift a day
passing dreary
The harness bells faded
reigned in at the rill
a cool running brook
near the base of our hill
My eyes
I'm a lad
scant older than four
brought visions to mind
full of wonders in store
A wagon decked out
like a big city market
he lifted the side
then he shook out the carpet
Our old kitchen door
screamed out
lack of oil
a kettle
clanged gently
just set on to boil
E'er mother's voice shouted
"I think it's the Pox
the old folks have died
I've been digging their plots"
"My father's in bed
and they won't let me near"
the stranger walked by
with a smile
mussed my hair
Went in with a bag
full of magic he grows
started mixing a broth
made with god only knows
Tip toed on a box
dragged in from the yard
through windows
he folded
gunpowder with lard
The screams of my father
sent tears to my eyes
they rubbed him completely
in spite of his cries
They fed him the broth
a few drops at a time
I climbed off the box
with his horses in mind
"The horses love apples"
I turned with a whirl
peeking out from his wagon
the freckled face
of a girl
In moments I knew her
a lifetime
it seemed
a most likeable friend
who knew all the schemes
As father got better
t'was time to move on
her father
a doctor
a peddler
a con
He'd done us a service
we could never repay
though he sold us an *****
an' stool
by the way
Each year they returned
once or twice
they dropped by
little freckle faced Mary
the girl of my eye
They'd rest a few days
with each visit
it's true
she wrote the best love songs
while I wrote the tunes
Then one night it happened
'neath moon and the stars
consummating a love
that would forever
be ours
He stumbled upon us
but said not a word
in the morning
so early
fading echoes we heard
Ne'er again did we see them
though rumors
of peril ...
my parents expired
to a place 'neath the barrow
Five years had surpassed
isolation and grief
knocked a lamp
from the table
when I'd fallen asleep
The house nearly cinder
an' I felt like the fool
only item I'd saved
was the old ***** stool
Just sat there and watched
till the sun broke the morn
in the distance
an echo
I'd heard years before
Then over the rise
sweat crusted and weary
two dappled grey horses
on a day
passing dreary
The horses reigned in
right next to the rill
that sweet running brook
at the base of our hill
A woman climbed down
took a step
to the glade
the dawning day's sun
streaming in to pervade
A light in my heart
jumped a thousand times fold
the smile in her eyes
and the story's been told
The tears
fell in rapture
though nothing was said
now with Mary
she'd returned from the dead
She unhitched the horses
I lifted the side
"The years have been kind"
I said
lifting her pride
"Are you my daddy?"
I turned with a whirl
peeking out from the wagon
the freckled face
of a girl
A true story about my great great Grand Parents
Feb 2015 · 524
Loomed in Reflexion
Rex Allen McCoy Feb 2015

I'm watching the road to eternity
I'm just basting cries
to the hopes of attracting a moonbeam
a reflection
within your eyes
A twisted path
from dawning time
that leads
through push and shove
A breeze that moans
through bows aloft
and swirls the dust of love
My footstep
stubbed a root
so gnarled
I tumbled
astray the path
Though I returned
to sacred ground
my fate so befell your wrath
I stand alone
amongst the weeds
where a Fragrant Rose
once bloomed
I cannot see
nor feel the warmth
within your heart
And still the years
creep past forever
dark shadows veil these skies
Your rose defies
a memory's tether
No reflection
within your eyes
Feb 2015 · 1.3k
Heaven's Sail
Rex Allen McCoy Feb 2015
A gentle breeze was drifting soft
cooling sands
beside the sea
The shoreline cast with countless lore
a bounty
shared for free
An essence
smiled upon the wind
with pleasant times gone by
and spoke of treasured times he shared
as visions
blurred his eye
A tingle on his lonesome lips
a tear
mixed with a sigh
The cadence of a crashing wave
with a cry
The pangs of love grew stronger still
with every passing thought
They'd be together
he promised
on a ship
that sails aloft
He slowly walked the tides of time
a cane gripped in his hand
The footprints ...
if you looked behind
showed more sets
in the sand
A loyal friend
stayed at his side
and ran
to fetch a stick
To fetch a smile from ones he loved
he'd do most any trick
At dawn's first light he met a boy
with fishing pole and bait
They reminisced
and spun some yarns
he talked about his fate
His heart was fading ...
borrowed time
he spoke of home with sacred grace
The boy had been there
many times
a gorgeous cliff above this place
His legs were failing
heart too frail
the boy packed up his gear
Arm in arm
they slowly climbed
a path to yesteryear
His little dog was first atop
a stick still clutched to play
The rising sun on golden dew
sent mist to greet the day
Near the edge
'neath shaded tree
they stopped to catch their breath
His finger traced its' trunk in trance
the boy and dog played fetch
The crash of surf
and seabird's song
were echoed through the years
The freshest air from heaven's sigh
inhaled ...
he shed his fears
A rolling mist rose up from sea
and hovered on the brink
A loving voice called out to him

... the boy knew not what to think ...

When fingers touched he stepped aboard
a ship of floating cloud
He turned and raised his hand
and smiled

"Please love our little dog"
The ship rose up on gentle breeze
they waved
it passed so frail
They'll be together always now
on a ship with heaven's sail
I was that boy so long ago
it seems like reverie
But if so ...
then where'd I get the dog
and whose initials are in this tree?
Thank you all... I'm happy to have shared this piece with you and pleased,knowing it may have brought a smile to so many readers
Jan 2015 · 428
Sharing the Fire
Rex Allen McCoy Jan 2015
My easy-chair shifts closer to the hearth
with each passing winter
My ingle-nook...
forestalling isolation and despair

A wisp of smoke and the gentle song of embers
as flames engulf stale reality
with their golden glow
merry voices
from so many years ago

the chime of Church-bells
faintly mingling
with the sound of carollers
weaving through streets
door to door
through the fresh trackless snow
Smiling eyes
with hand in hand
Their warm wishes reaching out
and then hugs
before moving on
to the next Manor-house


One stayed on to linger ...

Songbook clutched across a breast
to the feathered touch of fairy feet

One face...

framed by a wreath of flaxen hair

The shyest stare from downcast eyes

Cheeks... flushed to rose

and a voice that still whispers to my deepest parts

If only you knew that from that very moment
to this
you've brought to me
and always will
kindle my fondest memories
each fireside
Jan 2015 · 502
A Simple Thought
Rex Allen McCoy Jan 2015
We send our thoughts to cyberspace
to see if they can grow
They vanish
without a trace
A blink
and it is so

Simple thoughts... from simple we
solicit no reply
The bitter truth
disturbs content
and stings
the strongest eye
Jan 2015 · 496
Huh ?
Rex Allen McCoy Jan 2015
~ ~ ~
Rsifafh setps
porepl the dsut
taht dfirts
bweeten the eras
Sintfig in
from pelaruse's csrut
taht hpaes
ingreod for yraes
Tohguh cwebobs mcok mtautriy
tehy ptcunuate the fraes
Wehn srorow sintgs ...
Tehn wosidm
gwros from traes
~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~
Raffish steps
propel the dust
that drifts between the ears
Sifting in
from pleasure's crust
that heaps
ignored for years
Though cobwebs mock maturity
they puctuate the fears
When sorrow stings ...
Then wisdom grows from tears
~ ~ ~
Jan 2015 · 511
Top o' the Morning
Rex Allen McCoy Jan 2015
My dream soars high through crystal skies
aloft in astral flight
Drifting free on shifting breeze
banking left ...
then banking right
A reclusive need for solitude
spread wings
within my head
rising up through phobic mist
topping all ...
'tis stress I dread
A rising sun smiles upon my face
triggers ...
coronary delight
above the clouds of Heaven's step
helping ...
rectify my plight
My leaden shroud
lifted high
six angels share its weight
Top o' the morning
I heard them say
as they passed
through Heaven's gate
We'll have your shroud
all cleaned and pressed
We'll embroider
on its' nape
A Morning Dove shall carry it home
wear it well ...
it's Heaven's Cape
Descending home ...
can't help but notice
the world's a brighter place
A pristine air
pervades the sky
all tension
seems erased
Subconscious thought
soon nullified
Fresh air ...
inflates the hollow
I yawn and stretch as nature's song
sings through my open window
My dream serene starts fading fast
my thoughts
to reality ... focus
while reaching out to close the pane
a dove slips through
... unnoticed ...
Jan 2015 · 879
Now That's a Shame
Rex Allen McCoy Jan 2015
Tis a gladness found in sadness
mostly pleasure
wince of pain
From an odor round the barroom
none the boys could e'er explain
Like a billowed line of washin'
after gentle fallen rain
Tis the wail of spring befallin'
on a barfly
oh ... the shame
there's homework
I'm the tender
to a list of things that broke
Ere the boss be sharing surely
words no poet ever spoke
Lazy good for nothing ******
paint the fence and fix the gate
You want a pint ... you must be kidding
Plow the forty ... 'fore it's late
Down the misty path of memories
thoughts of Kelsey's brew appears
In a vision almost godly
round a table rests my peers
And no memory tarries longer
than ol' Kelsey pouring liquor at the bar
I sheds a tear
Summer sadness tans bare shoulders
to replace the winter's shun
And the kids each day
they greet me ... Morning Dad
YOUR IT ... then run
I never knew that Heaven
'twas the place beyond my wall
Till I heard my children laugh
while toasting mallows in the fall
Though breath of Heaven
washed the aftertaste
of Kelsey's from my life
And forever I'll be holding ... dear
new memories
with my wife
I am angered at the sign
that hangs atop ol' Kelsey's door
. . . NO BARFLIES . . .
. . . CASH RESPECTED . . .
His wife now runs the bar
Jan 2015 · 741
Craving an Inspiration
Rex Allen McCoy Jan 2015
Water lifting sand
upon naked toes
Pant legs rolled above the knee
endless beach
and scanning cloud
for signs of muse

Craving an inspiration

Gull abound
invading thought
taunting the lack of light
devoted bards
never rest
till inspiration corners them

Timothy at hand
garners mind’s eye
Sweet grass replaces taste of chewing gum
nature's pearls
enhance the morn
Sunlight heals a mood forlorn
Gentle breeze
on whiskered face
melds with seaside interlace

Seabird songs
lift line of sight

Thought drifts out to sea

Thursday’s skyline
circles back
then dips its quill in me
Jan 2015 · 720
Scattered Thought
Rex Allen McCoy Jan 2015
Do you follow me...

I've scattered thought
across countless stages of unveiled catwalk
Graced anthologies of rhyme
Watched you
watch me
indulge in second guess
Still ...
seldom circulates
obscured from Elementary

Fact is... words refrain
as thoughts pile higher
Each ode grows less incent
from straining to dip our quills
way beyond comfort
to soak
in crisper thoughts

Our only regrets ...
a shortage of counterintelligence
Jan 2015 · 540
The Possibility of Perhaps
Rex Allen McCoy Jan 2015
The night seems much colder constrained in conceit
well ... perhaps just a little

as one awakens within an echo
reverberberates throughout a constant disorder
well ... perchance just a little

a cascading aural inevitability pervades constructive subconscious
and invades confidant tranquility
with some possibility of being the case

If one eliminates all the impossibilities
whatever remains
however improbable
could quite conceivably
to the verbalization...

Who ****** Cares
Jan 2015 · 718
Within Your Maze
Rex Allen McCoy Jan 2015
Tears transform a tranquill room
a sleepless night
over speechless sounds
to misty-eye your sight

My eyes could shut and call this dream
slip back
through slumber's door
Though curious whys deflate serene
I search within your eyes
a light
mear spark
disperse of haze
My touch careses salted cheek
my thoughts
within your maze
A sudden hug
you cling to me
my heart surrounds you tight
You turn away
but snuggle close
You smile
and say
Goodnight ...
Jan 2015 · 2.0k
Rex Allen McCoy Jan 2015
Droplets cling fast to an icicle
their silent plea echoes in vain
Mist gently lifts
in the wake of the sun
and tears
slip their bonds
once again
Jan 2015 · 506
One Wish Granted
Rex Allen McCoy Jan 2015
Entranced through castle window
arms outstretched ...
but resting on its frame
The only sound that falls to ear
from a pendulum's rhythmic swing
A gentle flame
sends ghostly shadows
that dance to silent notes
Entwined in scents from fireside
inlaid with cherry smoke
They said she would appear this night
as all the stars align
I drank their potion
said the chant
Still dispirited
counting time
The hour's close
near darkest night
a looking glass beside me
hand crafted by the little folk
ornate with sprigs of ivy
Enchanted ... yes ... they cannot lie
my wish they guarantee
Their word's been kept
since dawning time
One minute more ...
we'll see
A deafening thunder breaks the still
as lightning strikes the spires
From gentle breeze
to baleful gale
dare never
to think them liars
The ancient mirror begins to glow
as the clock counts off the trials
My heart explodes
beneath my chest
with the force of a billion smiles
" Take my hand ...
while the clock still strikes "
your voice pleads ... from inside
To my surprise
I reach within
with both arms open wide
Your loving touch
and I'm pulled through time
to your kiss
oh ... sweet embrace
A whirling swirling rainbow ride
as the tears roll down my face
" To the end of time ... I beg of you
Never leave these loving arms "
but there's one more task
you must fulfil
if you wish to win my charms "
With sprawling thud ... I hit the grass
spinning senses in a daze
A newborn sunlight
warms my face
sparkling air
helps lift the haze
Such marvels
this wondrous world
a voice sings with a smile
... " You must catch me " ...
rings your taunting laugh
from a glade
nearly half a mile
Jan 2015 · 4.0k
Reduce Recycle Reuse
Rex Allen McCoy Jan 2015
Ancient doors creak and groan
scraping back the dust
of ages gone
A formidable sight...
like standing guardians
since time immortal

Slinking in
past swirling fog
I pause to calm my fear
adding strength to resolve
when suddenly...
a deafening voice ERUPTS

Solid ground shatters beneath me...
I hover helplessly
Below me...
a noxious boiling maelstrom

The voice of truth EXPLODES from above
ECHOing  my 'Every Sin'
the resounding shock-waves
drive me down

Legs lifted high
to avoid the searing pain
a tangle of blistered hands reach out
and drag me within the churning inferno

Blinding spin and unbearable suction

Scream fades to gurgle

Unconsciousness welcome
though never met

The searing pain still rising yet

Each fibre ripped apart
to molecular particle

Riding the vortex of purification
Separating sins from soul


Cast out
and caught yet again by the uterine web
with the voice of truth
still taunting ...

Jan 2015 · 701
Blue Eyes... Dreaming
Rex Allen McCoy Jan 2015
Not far it was from Heaven
'twas the very month of June
and the sweetest birds were singing
when first
she stole my tune ...

As if from out the bluest sky
an angel came to call

Quintessence of Irish memory
with braids as I recall

The golden sun's shine o'er the dew
through her eyes

Like flowers
from a woodland path
her smile just mesmerized

With dancer's wings she stepped along
my song held in her arms

My blue eyes dreaming
now locked within her charms

"Good day kind sir"
sweet melody
embraced my very soul

With butterflies and rubber thighs
my tongue
I swear it swoll

My heart stood tall
to brace my jaw
an lock the molars tight

The best I managed
was a smile
my voice had taken flight

she locked her gaze to mine
reached out to my lapel

Placed a fragrant flower there
bent close
to share its smell

The moment
stole my breath from me

I gazed in pure delight

Enchanted with her beauty rare
to silent night

— The End —