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Renae Feb 2014
A captivating set of brown laughing eyes caress my soul with happiness
Slim limbs dangle around my neck like the most beautiful necklace I will ever wear.
Here's to wishing 10 lasted longer than one year
For my son who just turned 10
Renae Jan 2014
Every law mankind has made today is based on these 10 commandments (besides of course the commandments about gods. As church and state are trying to be separate):
1.Thou shall have no other gods before me
There are far more gods today, mythical, animal, musical, paper,etc. Than ever before
2.Thou shall not make a carved image or a form like the heavens above or on earth or in the waters. You must not bow down to them nor be enticed to serve them.
Mother Mary, Buddha, Hindu, The Cross....and many more images are carved and worshipped.
3.Thou must not take up the name of Jehovah in a worthless way.
This would be futile
4.Keep the Sabbath day sacred
How many work on Sunday now?
5.Honor thy father and thy mother
Tragedies of children and violence are in abundance more than ever before, children are having children and children are committing suicide at alarming rates.
6.Thou shall not ****
War is rampant and soldiers are deceived and lives are ruined while priests bless weapons and send who should be brothers off to **** each other
7.Thou must not commit adultery
Well we know most disregard this as insignificant and some view it as entertainment
8.Thou must not steal
This goes without saying
9.Thou must not commit purgery in court
I rest my case
10.Thou shall not covet another man's wife, house, or things
*Homes are broken into now by bling rings, thieves who covet lifestyles and things and then are made famous over their Actions.
God does not change. (Malachi 3:6) Jesus did not die for nothing. This is not a poem. This is truth.
Renae May 2015
A broken heart is
To put back together
the pieces wont fit
Once it has been
Renae Nov 2014
This world
is chaulk full of abuse
Kids bully
from early youth
Learning from angry parents
It's a tradition
Handed down
Someone please
Break the cycle
Learn to discipline
with love
Tolerate in peace
Learn to understand
Children are gifts from above
Do what you should
Pay attention
Gain respect  
with unconditional love
Renae Jun 2014
Your accusational tendencies tell on you
You must've thought I was so naive
I am not startled nor am I amazed at you
It is as you usually do....and so
you leave your heart open
leaving it there on your sleeve
In a burst of emotion
you'll blame it all on me
Renae Dec 2023
Fine print signatures hardly exist when
little white lines guide your mind
Trusted friends,  kin,
I believed when they said I'd win
Surely this won't take me
I claim invincibility
Laugh louder outside
Inside I am screaming
Save me
I am imploding
She is empty what happened to us
What happened to me
I am in disbelief
I chose this ending
Renae Aug 2021
What does it mean
to be adult in this world?
To be scared,
scarred and broken?
A protector of others
without your own,
buckled and bruised
while smiling,
hiding a crushed spirit
behind a job.
A job that doesn't pay,
it takes all your time away
head in hands
tears only fall where
no one sees
Cold heavy worldly weight
Lies heavy on small shoulders
This is adulting
Please pardon me,  I'm in my feelings tonight, (sorry not sorry) I'll write it out and feel better
Renae Jan 2014
shaping, molding
building like clay
forming with eloquence
polished as with silver
shining like gold
Renae Oct 2017
Nothing gained nothing lost
Guess it wasn't what I thought
Should I be surprised at all?
Truth is I'm just not
Not shocked
Shock value seems to be all you got
Enough with the whole facade
I'm done with the have nots
Spinning by
Like after thoughts
Wishing you knew what I got
Renae Sep 2016
Once upon a time I had a heart of gold....

Then one day
The day that door swung open
All of a sudden
Reaching inside
love was stolen...

a slow disseminating of cracking stone
Spreading intensely to each and every fiber
of my once content
once in love
once living, breathing soul...

Now I sit only enduring...
Fake smiles for my children's eyes
watching them,
They're unknowing...

without understanding

Growing up too fast

Watching us,
without trust
without love
Renae Apr 2014
A husband should love one wife
Like Adam loved Eve
Only never listen to her over God
of course
A husband should love his wife
As he does his own body
He should cherish and feed her
Keep her healthy
healthy... like he would himself
For no man ever hated his own flesh

Mental health
Physical health
Spiritual health...

A husband would want a happy wife
He would give lots of attention, lots of affection, communication of course,
A good husband would care for her
He would care about her wants as well
A good husband would listen
dry her tears

A good wife would be so happy to have a good husband she would cherish and respect him in return
Renae Dec 2024
Aren't you concerned
as you listen to money talk?

It seems to be the one thing everyone's after.

It may be what causes the biggest disaster.

Bow down to the heartless green & I assure you, it will be your ending.
AI is not the answer.
Renae Oct 2014
Never be anyone's downtime, part time or half time; be their all the time. All the time on their mind, with all of their heart. With all of your heart. Because that's the love story that lasts. When it's driving you crazy mad, know that's what's real. Pure emotion.

Lust is over and gone quickly but love remains long after you have to walk away. It is overwhelming, it's pain, it's knowing you'd be there if they needed you even though they couldn't stay. Love is the strongest emotion and it's so hard to find. So if you find it, never leave it, because you will only be cheating yourself. Loyalty and love are endless treasures.
Renae Dec 2013
Keep climbing uphill, ignore the rest. Nothing matters but what you let matter. You don't  have to listen to the negative, let the dead ideas and empty words die with them. They are desperate. And though you walk through the valley of death you will fear no evil because it is as good as dead already. It has no meaning and is over. Let them be happy now for a hundred years may be all they ever see, but you know better. Yes you were victimized and fooled, but you stand firm. Stay strong, don't let them get the best of you. They are done. No pleasure is worth it and your Father knows you. He knows you did not ask for this. He knows you did not want it. He knows your heart.
Speaking solely of the darkness that resides in this world world and how it affects me.
Renae Nov 2017
What is it to be alive?
Pondering life
Is it to be wild
without a care?
Taking off in a split second
No worries no responsibility
Is it to be wrapped up in
Spending time doing
The things you enjoy,
Being somebody
Loving somebody...
Does that make you feel alive?
Is it knowing?
Wisdom, knowledge, philosophy
What does it mean?
No matter where I'm going
All the places I've been
Even when I thought I
Was loved
All my years one thing I've
Never felt is
Renae Jan 2017
Kiss me as if my kiss
Was all you need to be content
It's all I've ever wanted
Hold me as if I was the softest mink
As if my warmth was your craving
Love me like you would if
You knew I'd be gone tomorrow
Love me with all you are
Love me like I was you
It's all I've ever wanted
Renae Aug 2020
All I know is
everybody wants to feel special
Everyone believes they are
And who am I to disagree?
I think maybe once or twice
I almost accepted
what I was feeling as divine
Only to open my eyes
To the trickery that kept
Steering me blind
One day I decided not to play
I ended the game
Now I stay lost in moments  
Trying to forget meaningless things.
Renae May 2014
Maybe I just wanted to see the beauty of the ocean in secluded perfection
Maybe I just wanted to smell the palm trees swaying in the breeze
to feel the summer sun on my coconut skin
Maybe I wanted you and me in a perfect
setting, a dreamer yes I guess I must be
I suppose
our eyes will never lock again
An embrace of minds, a second of truth
gone forever
Renae Dec 2014
Overwhelm me
with all of your flaws
equally like mine
Renae Oct 2014
How was I to know you'd be all wrong
I was convinced you were amazing
I was sure
I thought nothing less would suffice
Until I saw your true colors
Now I pay the price
Renae Jan 2017
Who is the ancient of days
From before time
He made the giant sea swim with monsters
He caused the sun and moon to shine

Can you tell me?

I am searching because I know Him
From a book He wrote, that speaks
of science before scientists!
An incredible book that speaks of future events!

A book that is alive & sharper
than any two edged sword
This is a book
that tells of honest reward

A guide I use that helps me live
A clean life free of guilt and shame
The only book that's ever been accurate

Jehovah is the author's name
He is God Almighty
I search for Him through Jesus name
And somehow I know He finds me
Renae Nov 2014
A love story
Is an irresistible fable
It entraps the gullible
Eating up ideas like morsels
Wrapped up in legends
Noses in a book
Of warriors
and peasant girls

A love story is a lie
Telling tall tales
of hero's
Who rescue
& carry away
their trophy

A love story is a wish
The young girl craves
desires in her heart
Lingering in her mind
Currupting her reality
Renae Nov 2018
If forever was here
I couldn't count
memories nor tears
All the nights
You were on my mind
even then it wouldn't equal the sum
My thoughts roll into one
Replaying in melodies
Dreams in a daze
You seemed so real
Holding me so dear
Whispering I was everything
Imagining tortures me
A love I won't receive
Over and over I can see
A million and one times
Renae Jun 2021
All roads seem blocked
All exits taped off!
This and that
always get in the way
I ask and wonder and
I don't feel okay

Am I worthy??
As though
you should answer...
Are you?
Who am I to choose

There are hidden things
I cannot see
Your heart, your soul,
your memories
Your trauma, your fears,
Your meant to be's

That crashed and burned
broke your heart...

Who am I to think
you're too broken to restart?

Can I assume you
have no right to life?
That you're cursed
unloved & shouldn't
been born... right...

When I look in a mirror
I only see me
So I ask myself,
Am I worthy?
And then I answer,
most certainly.
Renae Mar 2014
Another dollar
another choice, another chance
what's on your agenda?
Renae Nov 2020
What if I sabotaged everything?
What if my children don't get the life I want for them?
What if the fire doesn't just burn down my space?
What if it spreads & only leaves ashes?
What if war breaks out
& the louder we yell the less comes out?
What if all we have is chaos and nothing else
Quiet minds are no where to be found
this anxiety isn't just in me,
It's flowing through all humanity
Matt 6:33
Renae May 2014
I read it somewhere that they say
If a man can be stolen let her keep him
A real man stands for what he loves
A real man doesn't let go
Not even when it seems impossible
Even though it hurts
Even though it's hard
A real man knows what he has in his heart
Renae Nov 2014
Awakened by a dream or was I even asleep?
These days it can be hard to tell
Especially since the moment the door was opened and what was allowed in I'll never know, and I believe I'll never want to.
Asleep is what I wish, yet it seems to fail me....
So my state of mind may be wary
Enduring in a fog of sorts, hopeful
Of miracles in white or color
Though they often never appear...
In a daze I'm yearning to remain awake
Unsure if what really isn't is and what is isn't......    
I toss and turn in the darkness
All along unconcious; all along asleep
Renae May 2017
"Be assertive"
I heard back in my teens
I thought to myself
"What does that even mean?"
Assertive like aggressive
Not exactly my idea of class
Assertive like action
Take action like *"step ahead"

Yes that's more the idea
I have in my head
Assertive like "make things happen"
Like "the moment is now"
How will anything be what we want
If we don't know how?
So we assert our imagination
Creativity in peace
Assert persuasion
Messages with ease
If that is the case
Then I will agree
To be assertive then
Is to live out your dreams
Renae Feb 2014
Nothing says
"I don't care about you"  
louder than assumption
Nothing hurt worse than
"I don't care about you"
When he assumed
my feelings weren't for him
Renae Mar 2014
It's too bad you treat me so poorly
I might have even taken you back
Now that you've shown your true colors
I couldn't imagine that downfall

Trying desperately to be something I'm not
All for what?
For your disdain
Perhaps your dismissal
Somehow I don't
feel so sorry for her
Renae Jan 2014
I tried, I attempted
Does that count?
I tried to open your mouth
I only longed for emotion
Hopeful of an honest response
You dropped my feelings
Into silence
And left my hand alone
Your eyes are empty
Lost in some memory
Or  perhaps you've forgotten
Until there is nothing
Only you
I attempted
But you let me go
Renae Feb 2018
A walk down my memory lane
might just make you dizzy
trip over boulders
in my obstacle course
A walk down my memory lane
might make you wail
not just cry
Might make you wonder why
life is so intentionally cruel
and why so many lives
fall through cracks in boardwalks and get lost in sand
endlessly twisting in hourglass
canisters sitting on tables staring at happiness
they can not claim
Renae Mar 2014
Remember when good prevailed
The hero always won & there were
Happy endings?
Well I guess that wasn't real enough
not alot has changed since gladiator days
The innocent are still sacrificed
Fed to the lions so to speak
Or since ***** and Gomorrah
Only difference is now it's televised
As though this entertainment is okay
To desensitize is the goal
And the result?
Children killing parents
Parents killing children
People without love
Renae Jan 2014
Enter the designer:
"Move gracefully while ties bind you suspended  with 2 swords pointing at your throat
don't forget to show your fierce face while upside down and flopping uncontrollably
you must be my definition of perfection.
Now lose 5 pounds for my needle and thread cannot conform to your body!
It is my garment you must fit not the other way around!
Walk the catwalk and toss your hips to and fro, you are not good enough!
Chin down darling it is so much more becoming.
Oh how I'd wished you wore a shorter top making your legs run on for miles and miles.
Your plunging neckline becomes you since you have nothing up top.
Stick to greens mostly, a little mint and sage should spice up that lettuce bowl and drink nothing but water now I wouldn't want you to spoil the seams I've sewn for you"

Bone structures and pouting lips,
thigh gaps and protruding hips,
tiny waist lines and judding shoulders

You are Barbie, plastic as can be
you are a paper doll majesty

Dressing you up, dress you down  
Don't dare grow old so don't let your hair down
There shall be no relaxing for you
From your high cheek bones to your flawless skin tone.

**Modeling icon of anorexia for generation upon generation
for little girls with dyslexia of the natural body image
Creating dysfunction in societies views
of what health and beauty is to all girls.
Renae Mar 2014
One before I drift
pushing away from the dock
I reach over to set the alarm clock
lying back again in my little canoe
floating in ripples of soft calm
gliding and sliding away
into peaceful thoughts
tucking in tight
I bid you all
sweet dreams and goodnight
Goodnight poetry
Renae Nov 2014
Soft cheeks, smelly feet
My mind my life now
a beautiful mess
Laughter tears restless fears
Wanting needing empty feelings
Lost alone weak and vulnerable
Don't show that though
Stay strong like a pillar
You're the mom
Renae Aug 2021
She said he said
It's all so salty
Wanna know the scoop?
Mostly she thinks
"I'm better than you"
Blessed and chosen
From only a few
You don't know how little
I mean to you
Renae Feb 2021
You and you and you
Pointing at me
Take a look at the three
Staring you back in your face
How could you know
the sound of my heartache?

Go ahead, shift the blame
Don't you understand?
I can only be what I am

I'm not exactly who you see
I'll never be what you want me to be
I'm not trying to please
Not anymore

Your tightrope broke
I fell but I didn't choke
After you left me high and dry
Your revenge is a joke
I never wanted to see you broke
lonely or unhappy....
Funny thing is
you wanted all of that for me

So go ahead, shift the blame
Don't you understand?
I can only be what I am
Renae Apr 2014
.....and done
with the never-ending game of
who's the better one
through with never knowing
through with endless doubt
we've been beyond over
I want out
Renae Jul 2018
"You didn't love her! You just didn't want to be alone. Or maybe, maybe she was good for your ego. Or, or maybe she made you feel better about your miserable life, but you didn't love her, because you don't destroy the person that you love!"

Why do I feel like this quote was written about me?
Not the one with the ego
The one destroyed
Love does not destroy
Renae Nov 2013
Stubborn in stature & determined by untamed will, she is unable to stop herself. Like that tornado that blew through Kansas, yes that tornado, it swept Dorothy away to a world nobody and everybody knows of. Maybe there she can find a prescription to fix her. Find her a brain, courage? Maybe even take her home...
Without control she rebels instinctively out of pure spite.
Her words are uttered in a childish fashion as if there were a need for defense.
Health escapes her thoughts, she feels there is no need for care. No need to pay attention to her body, no need for a responsible mind....she'll let the pills take care of that.....or maybe therapy. But that can spin out of control too. Just fill the bottles up like clockwork. If she doesn't smile, perhaps it was the dosage. There is no need to dwell on the questions in her mind, they come and go so quickly.
"How could they not take me seriously?"
"Why don't they listen to me?"
Tears flow as she falls apart then laughs at the funny parts, because so much of it is......funny. But wait!!!! The madness has only just begun! Anger is the horror of it all, adrenaline and a blackness like a veil covers what is true, she appears possessed in a horrid-dark-angry cloud of violence. Hide the knives!!!! Do not give her access to the pills... this is her torment. And alas the depression reigns. No showers today or maybe all week. She does not want to do anything but sleep. Until the dosage is doubled and finally she feels alive once again.
Renae Jan 2015
You think I'm bitter
No darling not bitter, better
I am glad the wheels are in motion
I am not bitter; only stronger
A fighter
I thank you for that
Call me not bitter
But a survivor!
A giver
Call me what you like
Call me a forgiver
A poet
A songstress
A mother
A friend
Call me a lover if that's what you wanna
But if I am a lover
I am a lover of Jehovah
Not of pleasure
Or of a persona
Judge me harshly
Judge me fair
Only remember
to look in your mirror
And I will not hold it against you
I won't remember
Because like I told you
I am not bitter
Renae Feb 2018
One day you're walking in a lavender field at sunset
Rich aroma fills your senses
Genuine excitement
pure joy in heart & mind
Simply put
love is in your grasp
nothing can stop your

The next day
the lavender turned black,
the sky black,
engulfs heart & mind
The love you so desperately crave forsook you & took your heart from your chest
Renae Nov 2014
If only life were black and white
White would always be clean and bright
Clearly seen and easy to decifer
white as good, black as the other
But instead there are so many colors
Renae Jun 2023
I love me. I am golden inside, I am not full of pride. I am love. My skin was gifted to me by the creator, it has exactly what I need for the sun that I'm under. I love my abilities; the fact that I have two hands  and two feet, 10 fingers and 10 toes. I know that I am loved, I can run and jump,  climb, smile, laugh, taste, hear and see. I am love and I am loved and that is all I need to be
Blessed to be human, who cares what color I am.
Renae Jun 2015
Look around you
The same as it's always been
Nothing's changed since
Time began
People are the same
as they were back then

Everything just repeats itself
Nothing's new under the sun
So let's eat and drink
and be merry!
Life is for living
Just have some fun!

No time for slowing down now
Got to go to see and be seen!
Try everything new now
Let's be like what we see on tv!

Now there is no God to tell us
What to do or who to be
We don't need a leader
We're the leaders
You and Me!

The bible's just an old story
Written way too long ago
Those who do what it says
Are just a bunch of sheep
How could anyone follow?

Close your eyes now
No need to worry
It will all be okay
No need to do anything
Although everything's blurry
You don't need the answers today

4 The god who rules this world has blinded the minds of unbelievers. They cannot see the light, which is the good news about our glorious Christ, who shows what God is like
Renae Sep 2020
Tonight wasn't the 1st time it's ever happened to me.
I've always felt that I could change the past, break cycles and break through ceilings.
Thought by now people would feel the same as me.
It seems that some are just too angry.

It's sad to stay as small as your own race.
I thought we had finally made it to where these things didn't take place.

I guess ugly stays, you put yourself in their shoes & repeat the same old school mistakes.
Take the upper hand like it makes you cool, like it makes you better, but it only makes you the same.
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