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Apr 2014 · 1.1k
Your Touch
rebeca Apr 2014
It's late at night when I crave your touch, and to be in your arms again.
Your emerald eyes piercing through me, causing my heart to skip, like a young girl playing on the sidewalk.
Your chestnut hair, all wild and untamed as my frantic fingers pull and run through it.
The softness of your lips, O those lips,
as pink as the morning skies when the sun begins to rise once more. Your rough hands possess a gentle touch
as they travel up and down the sacred temple which you call my body. I crave the feeling that overtakes me as you hold me through the darkest of nights,
our bodies and limbs a tangled mess
with the bedsheets. Your breath on my neck, warm and reassuring as you press your body, tightly against mine.
Because it's nights like these where your touch is my remedy.
Apr 2014 · 1.2k
rebeca Apr 2014
so many places to go
so many things to see
so many things to do
so many people to meet

and yet i am stuck in this insignificant  town.
Apr 2014 · 1.5k
silently screaming
rebeca Apr 2014
I'm not sure of anything anymore.
I don't know why I'm sad,
or so broken.
All I know is that I'm tired
Of hurting
Of fighting
Of bleeding
Of ******* up
Of crying myself to sleep each night.

I just want to be happy again.
I want things to be as they used to.
When I had no worries,
Or responsibilities.
Back when I was free
And still innocent.

I keep making mistakes,
And I can't seem to please anyone.
I constantly wonder why I'm still alive,
Because a sinner like me deserves to die,

It's just so hard to believe in yourself when There's nothing left to believe in.
I'm so broken
And my heart is aching,
For better days.
For things to get better.
For happiness.
Or am I a fool for hoping?
Apr 2014 · 1.4k
rebeca Apr 2014
You are scared
Of how the world might see you
Underneath the mask you put on.

Always feeling alone and
Even when no one is there.

But remember,
Even you
Are worth something.
Insecurities and
Under these scars, society
Left a stronger girl.
a poem i had written when i was younger, please like it or leave feedback!

— The End —