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Randy Johnson Jan 2016
You're  only fifteen years old, you will not have ****** relations under my roof.
You think you can do what you want but you can't and I'll give you the proof.
If you have relations with your boyfriend in my house, I'll send him to jail.
You won't even be able to kiss your boyfriend when he's locked in a cell.
You say that because this is the twenty-first century, you demand ****** privacy.
I'll ground  you for a month if you don't shut up, you don't want to mess with me.
If you have relations with him under my roof, I'll call the cops.
If I catch the two of you having relations in my house, it's something I'll stop.
This is a fictional poem but if I had a teenage daughter or son, it would be fact.
Randy Johnson Jan 2016
You think you're not good enough for a girl because she's popular and you're not.
She thinks she's too good for you so she belittles you and it sure hurts you a lot.
She thinks she's too good for you because she considers you to be a nerd.
But you are good enough and when you say you're not, it's absolutely absurd.
You're a great person, you volunteer at a homeless shelter and donate to charities.
She knows about this but she still thinks she's too good when she should be pleased.
Please listen to what I have to say because it's true.
You should find another girl who will appreciate you.
Randy Johnson Jan 2016
You starred in Die Hard and also in Galaxy Quest.
And you starred in Dark Harbor and The Winter Guest.
You starred in some Harry Potter movies and in A Little Chaos.
People are saddened by your demise because it's a big loss.
In 1989 and 1990 you starred in Quigley Down Under and The January Man.
In 1991 you starred in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves and also in Closet Land.
I'll tell you something that is certainly true.
You were a great actor and people will remember you.
Dedicated to Alan Rickman who died at the age of 69 on January 14, 2016.
Randy Johnson Jan 2016
I love Jesus but I love his father more.
I live to serve Jehovah, that's what I'm here for.
Jesus is fantastic but Jehovah God is far greater.
I loved God as a child and I still love him all these years later.
I wish that Jehovah could be somebody who everybody would love to discuss.
Even during bad times, Jehovah won't abandon people, he is always here for us.
I love Jesus but I love his father more.
Jesus is wonderful but God is superior.
Randy Johnson Jan 2016
Jehovah God isn't responsible for bad things that happen, Satan is.
Satan is responsible for the cruelty and suffering, the cause of it all is entirely his.
When wicked things happen, some people say that it's God's will.
But Satan is the one responsible when people lie, steal and ****.
Satan is the one to blame for the bad things that have occurred.
Songs were once clean but now some are littered with the F word.
When people hurt other people and commit other crimes, Satan is to blame.
When people say that these things are God's will, it's not true and it's a shame.
Cruelty and suffering are things that Jehovah God abhors.
The world needs God more now than it ever has before.
Obama says not to fear the future but I guarantee things will continue to get worse.
Satan will cause people to do even more evil, because of him, the world is cursed.
But when Jesus returns, suffering and cruelty will cease.
If you turn to God, you will gain eternal life and peace.
Randy Johnson Jan 2016
There is a church in Bean Station, Tennessee that gives free food to the poor.
The time had come to give the food but they had ran out, they didn't have anymore.
The preacher prayed and told Jehovah that these people needed food in order to survive.
About one day later a big truck full of food arrived.
Jehovah saved those people when he answered the preacher's prayer.
The Lord will never let people down, it is so nice to know that he cares.
This proves that Jehovah should be praised all day long.
When we turn to The Lord, he will never lead us wrong.
It's wonderful because he loves people so much.
When we think about it, our hearts are touched.
This is a true story.
Randy Johnson Jan 2016
I'll tell you about something that is rotten to the core.
When outside of church, some preachers cuss like sailors.
My friend saw some of these preachers who like to cuss.
They should be ashamed, preachers are supposed to set an example for the rest of us.
When they cuss, they anger God because it's like slapping him in the face.
Morality is not their strong point, what they're doing is truly a disgrace.
Out of all of the people in the world, preachers are the ones who should never swear.
Those preachers are not God fearing people and it is just too much for me to bear.
This makes me angry and Jehovah God and I are both filled with disgust.
It proves that the world is lost when we see preachers who we can't trust.
Sadly, this is a true story.
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