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Randy Johnson Jan 2016
People in the Bible worshipped idols time and time again.
They did it even though doing so was a terrible sin.
People once worshipped Baal, it was one of the idols.
People refused to worship God even though it was vital.

When God saw people worshipping idols, it really angered him.
They had to suffer the Lord's wrath when he punished them.
Some of those people's cities were destroyed and some became slaves.
Worshipping idols was a stupid and shameful way for them to behave.

Some people still have idols, one of which is movie stars.
Jehovah God is watching, he knows who these people are.
The Lord is the only one who people should idolize.
If you worship him, it is a decision that is very wise.
Randy Johnson Jan 2016
When Mom died, it broke my heart, that was how I was affected.
But the best day of my life will be the day when she's resurrected.
When Mom is resurrected, she will be in perfect health and she will be young again.
This will happen one day in the future when Jesus returns, the world will be free of sin.
It was very sad and painful when Mom's life came to an end.
But when Mom is resurrected, I'll be reunited with my best friend.
We will be reunited with our loved ones because Jehovah God is so glorious.
Satan will be defeated after this happens, Jehovah and his son will be victorious.
When Mom is resurrected, what a wonderful day it will be.
When this happens, I'll tell her how much she means to me.
Dedicated to Agnes Johnson (1948-2013) who passed away on March 6, 2013.
Randy Johnson Dec 2015
Thank you, Jehovah for giving me such a wonderful mother.
Out of all of the women you could've given me for a mom, I'm glad that you didn't choose any other.
You gave me such a terrific mother, she was so special and unique.
You gave me a mom who was beautiful, kind, thoughtful and meek.
Thank you, Jehovah, the kindness and love that you've given is something I probably can't repay.
But I do love you more than life itself and that is something that I'll always be proud to say.
Dedicated to Jehovah and Agnes Johnson.
Randy Johnson Dec 2015
Some people think that Jehovah God isn't real because he's invisible.
They assume that he's not real because his existence isn't physical.
Air is also invisible and everybody knows that it exists.
The Lord is just as real and that is something that I'll always insist.
If you turn to him, he will help you cope with any ordeal.
Jehovah is a wonderful supernatural being and he is real.
Randy Johnson Dec 2015
There will be world peace but only when Jesus Christ returns.
We will be resurrected whether we are buried in the ground or are ashes in urns.
Everybody will be friendly to each other, racism will be a thing of the past.
Black people, white people and all other races will love each other, it will be a blast.
Nobody will become sick or die ever again.
It will be paradise because there will be no sin.
When Jesus resurrects us, we'll all be young, nobody will ever grow old.
Look in the Bible and  you'll see that these things have been foretold.
But to be able to live in this paradise, many will have to change their sinful ways.
Because if they don't, they will have to face the Lord's wrath on Judgment Day.
Randy Johnson Dec 2015
We need spiritual food just as much as physical food.
Jehovah can lift your spirits when you're in a bad mood.
Just ask him to give you faith and to fill you with the Holy Spirit.
Jehovah is listening, if you pray to him about it, he will hear it.
You can receive spiritual food if it's something that you seek.
I receive it by praying and going to church twice a week.
So remember this when you're angry, worried or depressed.
Turning to Jehovah is the way for you to receive true happiness.
Randy Johnson Dec 2015
Some people may not believe that Jehovah is God's name.
But just look in a Bible and I'll show proof of what I claim.
The Bible tells us that God's name is Jehovah, it's there for everybody to see.
If you want proof that Jehovah is his name, open a Bible and read Exodus 6:3.
Jehovah won't become angry or vengeful if you call him God or Lord, using his true name isn't vital.
But our creator prefers to be called Jehovah because God isn't his name, God is his title.
When we address a preacher as Reverend, that's only his title, his close friends would call him by his name.
Jehovah is the closest friend that I have so I address him as such and I hope others will do the same.
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