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 May 2016 Raihah Mior
Waters pour
From clouds on high
Restoring life
To a world so dry

I long to be reborn
Like the grass and grain
So I kick off my shoes
To dance with the rain
 Apr 2016 Raihah Mior
Moji K
 Apr 2016 Raihah Mior
Moji K
the colour of freedom
a whispered memory
a mother's touch

the colour of blood
needlessly spilled
a river in the streets

the colour of despair
but a remnant
of the candle's flame

a colour of...
it must be a colour
the pallor painting the father's-

it seems lost
among heartache, loss
will the memory ever fade?

the sky under which children play
will they again?
for the sky is grey

the mother's nation
birthed of strife, breach
shining through
 Apr 2016 Raihah Mior
Kathleen M
I love you
For all the times I didn't say it
For all the times you didn't know it
I love you
For every breath you questioned it
For every bit of hurt
I love you
For every time I cut you off
For everything I do wrong
I love you
For the lines crossed
For the tears lost
I love you
"Friends forever,"
Something worth to endeavor.

But what if
Life gets in the way;
And words spoken no longer weigh;
And distances just makes
The well-baked cakes
Go sour?

What if
You realize that you're alone;
And the birds sing a melancholy tone,
Perhaps it's better
To run than to chatter;
To save yourself from attachments
So you won't endure detachments.
 Mar 2016 Raihah Mior
 Mar 2016 Raihah Mior
I almost wrote a poem
saying it would be
the last one
I ever write for you.
                   I almost meant it.
But I reside in a forest of words
I long to lay upon your feet.
You are the only tenant.
Though I have already seen you hunger
for a wood more abundant with beauty.
You yearned
for the abstract; the colorful.
This is where I failed you, love,
for all I have to offer
is the pattern of my handwriting
against a bleak sheet of paper.
How is that to contest
a canvas
that turns heads
with its baby pinks and powder blues?
So I lay here
in the woods
that swarm with lost things,
longing to see the sun again.
And I am always reaching
      and reaching
             and reach i n g
But I am never quite there.
I lay still in the forest
with an abundance of almosts.
 Mar 2016 Raihah Mior
Time has stopped without you here
In your absence I hold you dear
The intensity grows into the night
With only the void to speak of my plight

You run around with looks that could ****
And yet like stagnant water I remain still
The cutting of ties you grew accustomed to
In my place they are all completely new

So forgive me for forgetting the days
For reality itself has become such a haze
I know the clock will one day start again
Or that's what I say to take away the pain.
 Mar 2016 Raihah Mior
I see how fast they are coming and there is nothing we can do
Our time is closing and thiers are just beginning
Our time is history and thiers is still a mystery
But I can't help but wonder are they ready
Are they ready to take on what we couldn't fix and make tomorrow a better day
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