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Jul 2022 · 464
My Sunshine
X Jul 2022
Everything turns bad
That it makes every breathe so hard
But whenever I see your face
I feel the sun's warm embrace

Every negative
Turns into positive
When I'm with you
I always feel secure

Inconsistencies doesn't exist
It makes life more easier to cherish
You help me enjoy life
You always make me strive

You are the reason, I can see things in a cooler view
I wish that I could spend every moment with you
Because you are like the Sun
and I'm Earth that needs you more than anyone.
Apr 2021 · 1.1k
After All This Time
X Apr 2021
We've been together for a really long time
You are the only person that is by my side
Every time I look you in the eyes
I always melt inside

They say that love loses over time
But with you, I feel
that my love grows stronger each time
You're the one that made my heart heal

I can't believe that after all this time
You are still mine
I always wish that we are together
Because you always make my world better

You always cast away the doubts over my head
You are like a *** of gold that never ends
Always positive and cheerful
Always clingy and playful

After all this time
I always feel nervous inside
I still love you all this time
I still want you to be mine
Dec 2020 · 131
Can we measure love?
X Dec 2020
How do we know if someone's love is serious?
Do we measure and quantify all of its variables?
Or do we just feel it for ourselves?

Love is a complex subject that we won't fully know
Love is dynamic and has its own flow

Sometimes it asks too much
Sometimes it asks not too much

How can we really know if someone truly loves us?
Maybe it will still be unknown
Because love is different to each one of us
We will never know until it makes us feel like we're in a throne
Nov 2020 · 129
X Nov 2020
We all take different paths
but sometimes we encounter changes
This changes affects our detailed plans
Inch by inch we are getting out of range

This changes sometimes make us feel regrets
This changes sometimes makes us upset
This changes bring something that we can't easily forget
This changes moves us forward and takes up everything to the past

In the end we are all left with a memory
A memory that we wish to relive
A memory that brings us relief
A memory that yearns for a much more simpler life
A memory that lingers deep inside
A memory that deep inside we know will never come back
I just got inspired because of the K-drama "Introverted Boss" and its ost haha
Aug 2020 · 182
X Aug 2020
Why do I feel so alone?
Why do I keep pushing away people?
I feel like I'm in an ocean drowning on my own
I feel like everything's going to crumble

Probably its my own fault
for building an iron wall encasing my soul
Is it dumb of me to think
That someone will destroy it in a blink

I realized it too late
I realized it too slow
now I feel alone because of my mistake
I feel like there's nowhere left for me to go
Mar 2020 · 138
X Mar 2020
Why do we feel?
Why are we able to feel?
These questions pop in my mind
Is there something going on inside?

These past few years
I was not able to feel
These past few weeks
I was not able to tell

For the longest time, I am not capable
To tell the feelings that I have inside
It shows now that I am not stable
To express feelings that I never denied

How can I become normal?
How can I tell someone?
How do I reach the feelings that are gone?
How do I turn it back to normal?
Aug 2019 · 193
Alone/With You
X Aug 2019
I frown every time / I smile and think it's fine
Deep inside i feel tired / When I'm with you I feel energized
Bad thoughts always in my mind / You are always at my side
They just couldn't move away/ You are the ray of sunshine that stays

Every step is heavy / Every walk feels a breeze
Time is slow and taxing / Wishing to spend more with you darling
Always felt weak and anxious / With you its not difficult nor ardous

Hoping that it would stop/ Always wanting for more
Hoping I would be numb / Always wanting affections that are dumb
Hoping it would finally be lost/ Always wanting it to last
Finally written another poem for a long time
May 2018 · 269
It's been a while
X May 2018
It's been a while old friend
How much time has it been since the last
adventure that we had
Do you think we can still create new bonds
or just fade with the memories of the past

I know its never too late to look back
but I wished I should've just took that step
We should be in on it together
Not just only me clutching on to dear faith forever
Jan 2018 · 220
Living a life
X Jan 2018
Do we even wonder how we live?
or are we just going with the wind

Why do we always have to suffer
Is it a requirement for us to be much better?

Are we living the right way?
Or we are living it to seize the day?

No one knows how to live life correctly
We all had different principles that we believe deeply

We can't control the things around us
But we are in control of our behavior and emotions

We have to think positively
And brush off all the negativity
Jan 2018 · 393
X Jan 2018
Every time I close my eyes
I see visions of your smile
I sense the pain that you always hide
I feel hopeless every time

I wish that I could make everything better
I wish that I could make your life brighter
I wish that I can make you stronger
Seeing you miserable, makes me weaker

I hope miracles do come true
So that I can see that beautiful smile that you always do
I wish problem will go away from you
For you to start a life anew
Dec 2017 · 564
Engulf my Reality
X Dec 2017
Darkness cannot fade
Is this truly my fate?
How deep does it take?
For me to suffer the pain

As I try to get up
I'm always pinned down
Thoughts marching in my mind
I asked myself if i can still survive

No answers were given
Just hopes and dreams going
Away it goes with the will
To live and be free of this chill
Oct 2017 · 475
Nobody knows
X Oct 2017
Nobody knows the pain that i feel
Nobody knows how life for me is unreal
Nobody knows the anxiety that i have to deal

Every night
Every day
I always feel the darkness that won't ever fade
I'm hearing voices that I can't contain

The struggle that I am facing
is so life consuming
I can't remember the time
When I'm smiling genuinely...
depression is real
Oct 2017 · 356
X Oct 2017
Ever since that day
you changed my life
Ever since you walked that room
you made me complete

No words can express how I feel
how much you changed my life

Forever I will remember
Forever I will cherish
Forever I will love you
first time to write a poem again for  years haha
Dec 2014 · 519
The Stranger in My Dream
X Dec 2014
I dreamed something unusual last night
I was travelling with someone that doesn't seem right
We were so close to each other
Up to the point that we held hands together

We traveled to a place faraway from here
I felt so secure having you near
We carry nothing but only our hopes and dreams
I see you as someone that I will truly endear

I don't know why I feel so close to you
It's like there is an attachment between us two
It feels like I've seen you before
It seems that I've known you before

Nostalgic as it seems
But still it is something that can't be unseen
I didn't notice it before
But now I'm loving you like never before

I want you to stay
I don't want you to go away
I want you to be in my arms
I want you to be with me watching the stars
Dec 2014 · 405
Love can be blind
X Dec 2014
I fell in love to this girl
Who is clueless about everything in this world
I don't care if she's clueless about everything
I will still love her no matter what
Oct 2014 · 458
Happily Ever After
X Oct 2014
Everything started like a fairytale
Giving us hope that forever we'll stay
Giving us a chance to believe that our dreams will come true
Giving me a chance to believe that I will be with you

Dreaming the day that you'll be mine and I'll be yours
Is something unattainable for me of course,
You're a princess in a faraway castle
While I'm just a mere peasant just watching the cattle

I can't find the words to describe your beauty
I'm speechless and always feel this kind of uncertainty
Uncertainty that you and I are not meant to be
But I'm still believing that you are my destiny

Having some conversations with you is priceless
It makes my nights filled with so much happiness
Even with those small acts of kindness
It makes think that my love for you is endless

Now I can't believe that this is really happening
You want to talk me and tell me something
It gave me the chills when you said that
"I love you so much, Do you love me back?"

I'm lost for words and I don't even know what to say
I just hugged you and tell that you're the most beautiful person in this world
It still lingers, your scent that day
and I'm going to love you like no one ever could
Oct 2014 · 418
Last Goodbye
X Oct 2014
Maybe love is something that doesn't exist
Maybe love is something that we must have to cherish
Maybe love is something that could make us smile
Maybe love is something that could make us cry

I cherish the times that we had,
Even though it didn't last
You made me feel
That I am somewhat special

Through those words, you captivate my heart
Through those words, you made me feel that I'm complete
Through those words, you hurt me in an instant
Through those words, you made me think that love is a foolish thing

My world turned black
When you started hurting me with those words
How dumb am I to think
That you wouldn't going to hurt me

And now I'm in this ongoing battle
Between my heart and my brain
How much more could I handle this struggle
How much more could I resist the pain

It's now unbearable and I'm starting to hate myself
Why was I to dumb to didn't realize
That I was being manipulated and fooled
Maybe it's because I was too naive

Or maybe because those words that you've said
Made me feel safer and comfortable
Now I'm in this constant regret
Now I am emotionally unstable

Maybe it's for the best to move on
Maybe it's for the best if we shouldn't talk for long
Maybe it's my destiny for my feelings to die
Maybe it's for the best to say goodbye

— The End —