i can feel you letting go.
i can feel your tight grip around my hand loosening.
i'm afraid of how cold my palms will be when you let go.
i'm afraid of not feeling your soft skin against mine.
i'm in so much pain watching you walk away.
i'm in so much pain watching you lose interest.
when you were gone, we both learned to be independent.
when you were gone, i finally managed to restrict myself from missing you.
when you were gone, i think you finally managed to do the same.
when you came back, i think i was okay without you. until you told me that the only thing you were certain about was me.
when you came back, i think you realized you don't need me anymore. that it's easier without me.
if that's the case, i hope you'll just tell me.
if that's the case, i hope you'll help me get over you.