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 Apr 2016 Poet kiri
Life Lessons
 Apr 2016 Poet kiri
Life lessons I learned from friends, who've spent almost 90 years upon this planet

Stay creative. Let your phantasy carry you.
Laugh often. And if life throws itself at you, smile at it.
Never lose faith. Not in yourself and not in the force that drives you.
Keep your friends and family close. They will stand by you in times of peril.
Be kind. To nature, to the people around you and to yourself.
Live humbly. Only take what you need and then share half of it.
Try something new. And if everyone tells you, that you'll fail, show them what you're capable of.
And if you fall, no matter how often, get back up, shake off the dust and carry on! Because your life is a big adventure and you are here to enjoy it!
I have read several posts very much like this. But never have I met someone who fully embodies all of these... truly inspirational.
 Apr 2016 Poet kiri
Cynthia Jean
I have a memory
one  perfect one

where time stood still

for hours at a time

where the sun shone
even on cloudy days...

just me, my voice,
with the piano
in my grandma's
sun parlor

and the old, old sheet music
and picking out the notes
and playing with my *******
...just *******
and singing the songs
....with my one voice
and I was lost in dreamland songs, and hymns, and dixie and stephen foster....
and if ever i had a happy memory
...where nothing hurt
...and i was loved
...and safe
it was there.....

Cynthia Jean
Copyright 2016
everyone needs at least one memory untarnished by the world and this is one for me
 Apr 2016 Poet kiri
Mark Tilford
He would follow us kids to our swimming hole
He would climb up on the rock and take a dive
Swim back to the bank and climb
And take another dive
He made sure we all stayed alive
Stayed right by our side to make sure we survived
With that he thrived

He never missed a day of waiting at the end of the road
for us to arrive

Protected us
Made sure there were no intruders

Always greeted us with a wagging  tail
It never failed
He never bailed

He was an  ex police dog
so many people he helped to jail

Our best friend until his age caught up with him
and his life started to fail
We stayed by his side
and we did not bail
We stayed
until he took his last inhale

our dog
he was one of a kind
Rain falls on the ground. Drizzling water.
Television turned on. Angry rhetoric.
New plans proposed. Armies marching.
Please, please, please
                  pray for peace.

Skies black with hate. Lazy yelling.
Fish swim back and forth. Danger unaware.
Tribes gather and they scold. Malicious vibes.
Please, please, please,
                  pray for peace.

Watching children learn. Violence dominates.
Corporations preach and burn. Insipid parasites.
Grass grows in tones of brown. Dying atmosphere.
Please, please, please,
                  pray for peace.

Water runs fast and slow. Strangers shouting.
Trees shade and have no leaves. Corporate hello.
Moon rises naked in the sky. Sun is empty zero.
Please, please, please,
                  pray for peace.

Churches empty as stores open. Religious tolerance.
Dinosaurs gone but more to come. Media harmony.
Up is downwards and down is up. Confusing immoralities.
Please, please, please,
                  pray for peace.

Let peace be on our lips.
Let peace be in our hearts.
Let peace be our only word.
Please, please, please,
                  pray for peace.
Electricity fluctuates
Darkness, light, darkness, light
I will find my way out
But the problem is too complex
For a quick getaway

I see a flash of God
Then the devil
Then God again
Then the devil
It never ends

It's torture
I don't know whether the light is better
Or if the darkness is
To be honest
I just wanna be dead already and be
Buried six feet underground
Where I can hear no noise
From any person at all

Electricity fluctuates
Darkness, light, darkness, light
And what I'm doing now
Is trying to not give a ****
 Apr 2016 Poet kiri
Alif Imran
At this rate, it's just despair and un-healed broken heart that keep on bleed and bleed. I want to be able to touch you and feel your warmth all around me. To feel your fingers linger all over my body. To feel those gentle breath at my neck. To feel you feeling me.

At this rate, it's just hope and dreams in pieces. All of you is gone, leaving all of me alone in this consuming darkness of my own beautiful thoughts. You and me, we were the kings of our own lovely world, but why, why why why did you have to let go?

At this rate, i'm broken and helpless, i compared my ruined life to those with beautiful and lively one. I am done sewing my wounds and scars. Let the blood flows, let the pain consume my sane slowly. Let me be crazy over my own sadness. Let me dance in my own tears while i stab myself furiously with hope and dreams.

At this rate, i am feeling nothing, the world seems to be in black and white. I need you back, i need you to be the palatte of colours to my life. Without you, i'm colourless.
To-night the winds begin to rise
And roar from yonder dropping day:
The last red leaf is whirl'd away,
The rooks are blown about the skies;

The forest crack'd, the waters curl'd,
The cattle huddled on the lea;
And wildly dash'd on tower and tree
The sunbeam strikes along the world:

And but for fancies, which aver
That all thy motions gently pass
Athwart a plane of molten glass,
I scarce could brook the strain and stir

That makes the barren branches loud;
And but for fear it is not so,
The wild unrest that lives in woe
Would dote and pore on yonder cloud

That rises upward always higher,
And onward drags a labouring breast,
And topples round the dreary west,
A looming bastion fringed with fire.
 Apr 2016 Poet kiri
Joanna Rose
Her voice is the only sound that doesn't cause my head to ache

Her smile is the purest thing I've ever seen

And her lips are a gateway to heaven

Like an indescribable cure she does more healing than the pills ever could

Pain has no business being in my heart when her hands are on my skin

Our days spent together seem to stop time

The pink sunset skies I see outside my windows are eternal

The songs of the birds no longer sound generic

She creates beauty in the simplest places

She is everything
This is basically an extremely different version of my poem Her Voice.
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