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 Jun 2015 Özcan Mermaid
Day Wing
She built her walls high and mighty
For many have entered who only brought upon agony
Most were the lovers who promised her happiness
But eventually left her heart to pieces

Now, I knock upon her door
To her I promise no tears falling on the floor
But days with smiles and deafening laughter
And that I would be her happily ever after

Through her walls, she peeks carefully
Considering me, my words and sincerity
She said, I could come in
But trusting me, she still didn’t mean

She looked at me with scornful eyes
Still doubting, believing I was telling lies
If only I could take away all those hurtful times
If only I could return the girl with unbroken smiles

It would take time before I she would believe, years maybe
But I wouldn’t mind, I’d still love her eternally
I’ll make her happy once more, this I know above all
Until the lovely day her mighty walls would finally crumble
I hope they have a happily ever after...
 Jun 2015 Özcan Mermaid
Day Wing
When happiness and smiles you have within grasp
They’ll charge in with swords of pain and sadness
Raise your shield with a tighter clasp
Be strong, be strong against your demons!

As achievements and great success chimes
They’ll attempt to feed it with arrogance and pride
Keep watch and be aware at all times
Be strong, be strong against your demons!

While innocence and upright honesty comforts
They’ll rebel on with lies and sly deceits
Restrict them from ever passing forth
Be strong, be strong against your demons!

Among the midst of compassion and pure love
They’ll counter with anger and ugly hatred
Fend them off with all the might you have
Be strong, be strong against your demons!

They will be close your whole life
They will force themselves in
Do not let them win
Be strong, be strong against your demons!
May 'they' be something, someone, or even yourself.
Be strong my friend! Be Strong!
 Jun 2015 Özcan Mermaid
I never much wished
On a fallen eyelash
Or a drowning penny,
Never truly laid hope
On a dropping star
Or a moment on a clock.
I suppose I did place
My want on one whimsical,
Liberal, fanciful thing.
I placed my longing on you,
And maybe the chance
That your wish would be me.
Time is such a treasure 
That's quicker lost than found
And when it's gone you search again
For whatever's left around

A second seems like nothing 
When you have plenty to spare 
You never learn to value them
Until they just aren't there

A minute isn't that much more
So you toss them left and right 
And then you're scrambling to find
Enough for one more night 

An hour can be wasted 
As easily as breath or speech 
But when you have to count them down
You learn to make the most of each 

In the end I find it easier 
To always value time 
To cherish every single second 
Of every moment that you're mine
Night hands drenched in metal
Rings in the heart of desire
Dragons love more than you
With cold gleaming talons
Burn the coal along my fur
Humble hearts this eve


Whining sights stared
Claim three fears
Chaos gently cleared the fake
Breaking wrists haunt my strength
Lonely lives tonight


Hear last howls melt
Longer than my heart falls
Lying skin and deceiving souls
Rake your worst upon my soft side
Nash your steel teeth into my muzzle
Tell me I'm worthless

Don't you think
I already know what I'm worth?
Pretend that you've written something golden
I have no true value
The unspoken truth between us
You know I love you so
© Copywrite Lycan
Heal my heart heal my soul
Let your spirit take control of what little there is left of me
Heal my heart heal my soul
Set me free from the strong tethers that bind me
Heal my heart heal my soul
Help me fly span the skies that beckon to me
Heal my heart heal my soul
Guide me to a land where freedom awaits me
Heal my heart heal my soul
Together let us take control of our destiny
Let us walk holding hands
Into a world that understands
Peace and harmony
Hoping to live in a world where peace and harmony exist and let the wounds heal.
A fulfilled life
is a life of LOVE

The earth you walked
I am fortunate
To walk that too

When the water you bathed
I was sitting below your feet
And it touched my skin too

Silver of the sun
Touched me,
Only after touching you

Your exhalation during the day
Became my inhalation
And made me chaste too

While I abide to this LOVE of yours
I tried to LOVE you too

You took little,
But greatly gave
'LOVE' too
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