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 Dec 2017 Inkveined
 Dec 2017 Inkveined
He spoke with his fingertips
They danced lightly on my desk
A man of few words
But I heard what he said

He spoke with his fingertips
They skittered to and fro and back
His hands spoke the words
His audible voice lacked.

He spoke with his fingertips
Tapped his way into my heart
He never had much to say
But his words were a work of art.
 Dec 2017 Inkveined
once you buy a fresh pair, the black is vivid and strong and the toe cap is still perfectly intact, no scuff to be found

but after time, chucks wear thin and your favourite pair gets tossed and replaced with a replica that is never as good as the first.

it’s confusing you see, because if you loved something so dearly, a few scuffs from memories and love wouldn’t be such a problem, if anything you’d hold onto those worn up chucks as a reminder that love will wear things down, but the wear and tear is the most beautiful thing because it means you’re settling.

but i guess you don’t like things that are old, which must be why you treated me the same as your old chuck taylor’s.
 Dec 2017 Inkveined
i look into your
light blue eyes
and travel in deep
to this unknown universe
carved by your soul

i wander down
the lanes of your sorrow
down the roads of regret
and i take it all in
learn your mines by heart
tattoo the blueprints to my heart

i pick out
the tiny precious stones
that lay hidden on your mines
hold them in my hand
carry them in my heart

i travel down
all the way to the bottom
of your dangerous mine
any second now
and the earth will come
falling down on me
crashing me and my dreams

but i can’t help
wandering down
your danger mines
simply saw the words in my head and copied them to my heart
And when he does not love me anymore,
I will build him
one last altar,
and decide to burn it to the ground.

But will only get as far
as lighting the match.

Thinking about how he used matches
for something.

I'll brush my teeth,
thinking of the gaps between his.
How really,
it's a great metaphor for the distance between out hearts
or something stupid like that.

But in the end,
it's not a metaphor,
or an analogy.
They're just teeth.
(That could never quite come together
kind of like us)

I will crawl into bed
imagining an alternate universe
in which we have started a life together.
One where I wake up and reach across the bed for him.
Get the kids ready for school,
which is funny
because in this universe I never wanted children,
but in that universe,
we created something out of nothing.
Something with his eyes,
and my nose.
A manifestation of the love between two people.
Proof that it happened.
That is was real.
And it was resilient enough to breathe life into a world
that only offered it death.

In that universe,
our hair turns as silver
as our wedding rings.
And each wrinkle,
is a space where our skin just wanted
to hold the other person even closer.

But here
in this harsh reality,
time only pulls us apart.
And we will likely grow gray
with other people now.

In this universe,
I learn to say goodbye
to him.

I will build him
a library of poems.

And decide to burn it to the ground.
A poem on letting go.
 Dec 2017 Inkveined
 Dec 2017 Inkveined
Life has taught me
to be out of my comfort zone
to push myself over my limit
to try out something new
to think wiser and
to act bolder

Despite all
the cursing and swearing I've been throwing,
the tears and laughter I had
the busy and hectic days
the mentally and emotionally unstable moment

I am very thankful
for the memories
for the lessons
for every single person who came and left
for everything
for me.
 Dec 2017 Inkveined
 Dec 2017 Inkveined
I am not who I say I am
I am someone who
I have forgotten myself
names not me
my face is not me
my eyes not mine
my soul calls me down within
it rejects my reflection
I and the soul in division
who am I?
 Dec 2017 Inkveined
Simon Leake
Sky: a repository of adjectives
―land's fast mirror
―stripped of uniform
―thought to body.

Greece: a repository of alternatives
―Civilisation’s fast mirror
―never fully constituted
―thought to Europe’s body.

And all this water between us
―greasing the dialogue
―speeding up the dissolution

Isn’t it always cooperative?
After all, the trickster
is nothing without prey;
the entrepreneur nothing
without an audience.
I don't regret you
But I wish I could forget you
Silence can say more than too many words.
It's not what you said
It's what people heard
When you speak through silence
You're not misunderstood
But there will always be someone
Who finds volume good
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