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  Oct 2015 Nicole Dawn
Envy the dead for they shall never suffer again

© Leigh Herondale  *August 2015
My favorite creation. Ever.
  Oct 2015 Nicole Dawn
The dead must have pity us
Laugh right in front of our crying faces
Because they know a secret we don't
That's it's better to be dead than alive
  Oct 2015 Nicole Dawn
Camron Elliott
Here I Slice My Wrist
But To Me, It's Like A Kiss
Vein Is What I Missed.
© Camron Elliott 2015
Nicole Dawn Oct 2015
Where I used to see bright white snow
And playful afternoons
I now see everything dying
And cold dark days

Where I used to see beautiful colors
And big joyful leaf piles
I now see more chores
And death surrounding me

Where I used to see bright happy days
And hours in the sun
I now see stressful times
And sunburns

Where I used to see new life
And hope all around
I now see the world being happy
While I sit here alone

Where I used to be happy
I now sit and cry
This is about the different seasons
I hate growing up
Nicole Dawn Oct 2015
My mom can't figure out why all the knives are getting dull
Sorry :(
Nicole Dawn Oct 2015
The harder I'm laughing
The more I want to cry

The brighter my smile is
The dimmer my soul is getting

The lighter my humor is
The heavier my heart is becoming

*Don't let appearances deceive you
Nicole Dawn Oct 2015
A locked door
A rusty razor
A towel stained with red

A folded note
A broken mirror
A young girl lies there dead

Their emotions tangle
And the room begins to swirl
She was mommy's perfect angel
And daddy's little girl
This not my work
I got it from an Instagram account called _sad_quotes____
I just really liked it so...
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