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  Feb 2018 Anna
Krista DelleFemine
Everyone cared
As soon as she died
Love shows up from all corners
After suicide

(But not before, because if you talk about suicide more than once, you'll just annoy the **** out of people, and if you talk about it too much, they'll start to think you're full of ****)
  Feb 2018 Anna
i want to be able to see my heart in word-form, all of its callouses and scars spelled out in strings of the alphabet
i want words to flow off of my fingertips like the drippings of water droplets into a sink from a faucet closed only half way
yet i've found that the four-letter word i've been feeling
can only be expressed as it is
i want to be able to express myself but i feel as though i have nothing to express anymore
  Feb 2018 Anna
Devin Ortiz
Writing is my therapy.
I find it far easier to write
Away my demons into chains
Than to let their free verse reign.

I dare not sit in that chair
To face the things near or far
The cold and the heavy
The antiques of my persistent soul.

Though in time, when farther I succumb
Perhaps, I'll find that existential door,
One which takes me to the place, I need
To restore whats so lost within.

And true, I write the walls which hold me,
But better a prisoner of my own making,
Then be held hostage by an unstable mind.
Control, power, hold on, until you can't.
  Feb 2018 Anna
unaware that you had embedded
yourself - but i felt a shift
and embraced it.

marked by rose-scented words
and the curve of your lip and
the arch of your collarbone;
furrowed into my mind -
plays on repeat like a broken record.

marked by cotton touch
and midnight whispers,
playing pretend -
speaking like nostalgia.

technical spark, honeyed words,
fingerprints upon a computer screen;
happy tummy pains.

attractive eyes like shallow hot springs -
i wait till i am close enough to
feel their steam redden my cheeks.

beating heart proudly exhibits
the fingertips you
blemished into me.

flowers grow in their place
every time i think of you.
  Feb 2018 Anna
I’m happy
(I’m depressed)

I love myself
(I hate myself)

I can’t wait to live my life
(I can’t wait to die)

I am lucky to have my friends
(why do they even like me?)

I have a family who loves me
(and I continue to disappoint them)

I am an excellent student
(I can’t focus in school)

I want to travel the world
(will I even live to do that?)

I’m fine
(I’m not fine)

I’m perfectly okay
(please help me)
  Feb 2018 Anna
Have you ever felt different?
That you are slowly sinking to a void you cannot resist.
That you are leaning to a wall that slowly crumbles from within.

Have you ever felt lost?
That whatever direction you take you just keep going to the same place.
That no matter how long you seemed you´ve walked on, you still can´t go far.

Have you ever felt dead?
Because this is what I feel right now.
I'm caught in a void that ***** me,
I'm caught in a path I can´t walk on.
I feel dead, I feel nothing at all
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