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How many mothers are aggrieved of themselves
Shattered by the heart of matters which they take part of the blame
No longer denying in their crying
That they too were made fools
Beggars yearning for a redo
To undo the terrible truths
Revealed and reviled

How many parents would stab their own heart
To undo the part they played
On any given horrendous day
And see the ones they lost
Unbathed in blood
By the horrors of the day

And whilst some cannot rewrite those dark nights
Perhaps they can pass on the lessons in wrongs
So other mothers can make this life right
 Jul 2015 Naume Mapaseka
Do you think life is unfair?
Do you think we are worth it?
Do you think there's still hope?
Who knows?

But maybe there's still hope
Maybe there's still star amidst the dark sky
Maybe there's still sun beyond the dark clouds
Maybe there's still a flower in spite of the winter
Or maybe, just maybe, we are too stuck up to notice everything
Maybe, we're  just too busy to notice that the rain had stopped falling

Perhaps, there's still hope

Perhaps, like flowers, we will bloom
Maybe not now, but a little bit soon
Perhaps, like stars, we'll bright again
So bright that we can no longer see the end
Perhaps we'll find the light that we're longing for
I don't know when, but I know it's worth the soar.
You might be in a dark place right now but sooner or later, you'll find the light. It seems like you won't but you will.
 Jul 2015 Naume Mapaseka
The things that
make me sad the most
are the people
who break promises
and the what ifs,
should haves,
would haves,
and could haves.
She thanks him for the scars she got
As they helped her become numb
She thanks him for the tears she wept
As they helped her become strong
She thanks him for her crushed hopes
As they helped her to grow up
She thanks him for the words he threw
As they helped her build her walls
She thanks him for the worst years of her life
As they helped her appreciate the years later

Yet she curses him for all the innocence he tarnished
As she now sees the world and its reality.
Time can heal wounds but can't make you forget them
I wish someone had told me
he was just a silly child
an empty vessel of a man
a selfish psychopath
a boy blinded by love
who lusted for control
who craved every bloodied part of me

I wish I could tell him
that the thought of his touch
makes me feel ill
makes me feel *****
makes me feel naked

I wish he had loved me properly
from the beginning
the way a man should
with tender kisses and
even softer words

I wish I had left him
10 days in
3 weeks in
when he said "I love you"
when he hung up the phone
when I hung up the phone
when I forgot how to laugh
when I had my first anxiety attack
or the second one
or the third

*I wish I didn't love him
.......But I do
Who in their right mind would choose to be a Mother?
For it is indeed a calling quite unlike any other
From the minute their children draw their first breath
Mothers are there for them right up until their death

They see their children as a gift from the man above
Feed them and nourish them, shower them with love
Watch over them, protect them, give them security
Let them know their Mothers love them, unconditionally
Mothers ensure their children have everything they need
Do absolutely everything they can to help them succeed
Praise, scold, and encourage them as they begin to grow
teach them all of the important things they need to know.

A Mother is on duty every single hour of every day
working the maximum of hours for little or no pay
gets very little thanks, shown precious little gratitude
in fact from kids a Mother gets mostly bad attitude!

Not one minutes break from the stress and the worry
Caused by kids who seem determined to grow up in a hurry
Who tend to question everything their Mother might say
Often accusing their Mothers of getting in their way.

Even when they cannot seem to do right for doing wrong
A Mothers love for her children remains forever strong
Mothers never give up no, no Mother will ever rest
All they want is for their children to be their very best.

Mothers guide us through childhood and our teenage years
There for us through good and bad times, laughter and tears
Often taken for granted, we don’t appreciate them as we should,
only realising how much they do for us when we reach adulthood

But a Mothers job is not done when her children are all grown
Even after they are married, have homes and children of their own
Mothers still worry and stress because they genuinely care
Ensuring their children know their Mother will always be there.

So if you love your Mother do not be afraid to say
You should tell her more often but especially on Mothers Day
While it is lovely to give flowers and gifts and such
They would mean so much more with a personal touch

For all she has done for you she deserves a big “Thank You”
It would mean so much to her to hear you say “I LOVE YOU”
though you may think she already knows it,  Say it anyway
because those three little words would make any Mothers day.

— The End —