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4.3k · Jan 2018
His Last Fight
Nandish Malhotra Jan 2018
As he stepped into the ring,
Everyone his name did sing.
They wanted him to win
The title, for the commoners.
The title in his last fight.

He was out of practice,
His reflexes had slacked.
Gloves, boxers, guard, did him justice
There was something which he lacked.
Lacked in his last fight.

Before he could hear his favorite song,
Followed by the nerve-racking gong.
He had a look around
To catch a familiar sight,
Have a look at her before his last fight.

He checked the stands,
Then glanced around the ropes
And before he had given all hopes
He heard a familiar sound
Right before the first round.
Go hubby go! Punch him left and right!
She screamed with all her might.
Putting a smile on his face,
And then he boxed like an ace.
Winning the title, just for her.
The title in his last fight.
In this poem I have tried to capture the role of a boxer's wife to lift his spirits before the boxing match.
1.8k · Jul 2016
The Devil and His Tricks
Nandish Malhotra Jul 2016
Come hither my noble child,
Look at this riddle
Where crocs eat grass and sheep go wild.
Come come! Let’s play and fiddle.
Have a look at this lion roar
With tooth and teeth that of boar!
Pride over pride, over his pride
Hog over-hogged, alas he died!
And there are still some more
Who want some more!
More some, more some;
Three-some, Four-some.
Thither see that one!
Still as a stool.
Earlier green in envy
Now dead-red in the pool.
The devil's riddle-rhyme of the 7 sins.
1.6k · Oct 2016
I...feel the chill
Nandish Malhotra Oct 2016
Moisty-mist on the sill,
The morning has come
There's no light still.
The winters are here
And I... feel the chill.

My breath is warm,
The air around cold
Dry season's balm
Makes me feel old.
I wish, I could, I will.
But I... feel the chill.

Body tight in blanket,
Eyes peeping around.
I look, I try, I fumble
Without making a sound.
The world's silently working
As if they took some pill
But me, I am struggling!
The task's too uphill.
So, I close my eyes and slumber
Coz I...feel the chill!
Dehradun winters be like...
1.2k · Jan 2014
In Love...Over & Over Again.
Nandish Malhotra Jan 2014
Maybe the fire wasn’t enough

To keep things burning.

And it required just a puff

For which both were yearning.

But my heart wasn’t cold

As I am told

Over & over again.

Maybe you’ll get married

To a rich man, one day.

And I’ll be just another.

If in some gathering

Our eyes meet, yet again…

Or we do cross each other,

I expect to see that familiar touch.

But nothing too much

To attract everyone’s attention.

Nor do I want a mention…

Of the acquaintance we had,

The times we spent

And how we were mad!

In Love…over & over again.

                                                       -Nandish Malhotra
Nandish Malhotra Jul 2016
Was I not beautiful enough
Or you don't find me attractive anymore.
Was I there to humor you
To laugh and make merry.
Or anything for that matter to you.
You called me your sweetest memory;
How we would walk hand-in-hand
Your fingers in mine.
And just a touch, like a wand
Sent shivers down my spine.

When I stared at you
With all the love
Your eyes talked to me.
Your gaze ever-convincing.
And then came those big promises
Which made me trust you
And you alone of all people.
You liar!
You lied so beautifully and conveniently.
Always knowing that I would be back
When you shed a tear.
Even while I am trying to control mine.

Are you crazy, crazy are ya?
You kept on repeating.
The same self who once said
We were like-minded.
And crazily enough
You pushed a dagger
Into my throbbing heart
Which is still bleeding.
884 · Jan 2014
Nandish Malhotra Jan 2014
The police found her body.
Her body when she was dead.
Who, none did know.
But blood did flow.
Her blood, when she was dead.

The doctor felt her pulse.
Her pulse, which was as dead.
And with a twist
He turned her wrist.
Her wrist, which she had bled.

They called her parents.
Her parents who had fed.
There broke a cry.
Many throats turned dry.
Turned dry, on her death-bed.

Then friends were called.
Her friends; and tears each did shed.
Told when they lived and laughed.
How did this happen instead!
Her death; and why she was dead?

The parents were questioned.
Her parents still filled with shock and dread.
Then friends and familiars, then strangers too.
None of them, no one had a clue.
No clue, what made her bled.
But blood did flow
And so did life.
The life around her.
The life, when she was dead.
                                                             - Nandish Malhotra
865 · Mar 2017
The Dots of Time
Nandish Malhotra Mar 2017
In the quietness of the night
These stars, they speak to me.
Glitter with sorrow and delight
They remind me
Of past, the dead present.
When all was not pleasant.
The moon with its waning crescent
Some loss and some descent.
Life and its lows
But time still it flows
With its dims and blurs.
You want to sit down, relax
But it spurs
In the right direction.
The direction of time.
Where all is but sublime.
These dots they show
Switch off, then glow!
703 · Jan 2018
Just a Happy Thought!
Nandish Malhotra Jan 2018
It was my 18th
And you were to be soon.
In few sunsets and the moon
Equal as me, mind and thought.

And now as my 27th approaches
Minus the flowers and a red balloon.
In our town, our serene Doon
You remain, just a happy thought.

There is love in the winter air,
But I still feel chilly at noon.
Have I lost my warmth or become a loon?
You remain, just a happy thought.

As the next month comes by
I'll wait with my pseudo platoon.
And watch TV shows and cartoon.
Till I see you happily married
And bid your family goodbye.
Then I would finally cry
Seeing lost all love I had bought
From you, but still you'll remain
Just a happy thought.
This is the 2nd poem in my series of 18 again in 2018. The first one was Love 180°.
657 · Jan 2018
Love 180°
Nandish Malhotra Jan 2018
Love happens at first sight
And love is blind.
With eyes or without eyes
Love may not happen
And it might.

It is the best thing
Which ever happened to me.
It ruined my life.
Left scars on my body
My career, left and right.

Love is a beautiful feeling
Which ends in happily ever after.
Or they never saw each other again.
Still wished good and prayed
In darkness for other's light.

It is an ambition spark,
To make jovial men serious,
Work hard towards crazy goals.
And a potion for grave looking
To laugh with delight.

Love is the best form
Of punishment one can give
To innocent souls, trusting in nature
Who tricked by the cruel world
Don't seek revenge or fight.
Love is an emotion which can cause both happiness and sadness. That is what makes it a complete emotion.
514 · Oct 2017
Nandish Malhotra Oct 2017
Gift, Chocolates, Earrings
God, Pictures, Greetings
Milk, Tea, Coffee
Smile, Hugs, Kisses
Three times three
Were less for you.

Dip, Sauces, Creams
Chat, Letters, Messages
Text, Pictures, Videos
Car, Cards, Car-rides
Three times three
Were less for you.

Love, Life, Laughter
Sadness, Cries, Disaster
Nose, Tongue, Lips
Hand, Legs, Hips
Three times three
Were less for you.
Eyes : my left, my right
And between them
The 3rd.
Everything for you!
Shiva's 3rd eye
509 · Sep 2017
Unglorified Victory
Nandish Malhotra Sep 2017
There are some wars
Which cannot be lost
Which cannot be won.
Where you used swords
And I used guns.
There was bloodshed,
Deep cuts and wounds.
And each soldier each side did swoon.
Yours more than mine!
In the fought span of time.
And when we were done
The world around thought, I had won!
I looked around,
My gaze to the ground,
Covered in red.
'Tis true all your soldiers were dead.
And half of mine remained
Going never to be the same.
We hung our heads in shame
Killing is not a game.
There are some wars
Which cannot be lost
Which cannot be won
Which cannot be undone.
Nandish Malhotra Oct 2017
Maybe the fire wasn’t enough

To keep things burning.

And it required just a puff

For which both were yearning.

But my heart wasn’t cold

As I am told

Over & over again.

But I'll not let you get married

Never, ever to any other rich man!

And I'll be the one, the only one.

And he can be just another.

If in your heart, you still feel for me

Or in "our" cafe, our eyes meet yet again

And we do cross each other.

I'll hold you with that familiar touch

And this time it will be too much

To attract everyone’s attention.

And everyone would talk and mention

Of the acquaintance we had,

The times we spent

And how we were, we are and we would be mad!

In Love…over & over again.
This is a sequel to my first poem on Hello Poetry.
Nandish Malhotra Oct 2017
I know you read my poems.
I know you check my profile.
I know you are not happy
But cannot show to be sad.
Coz everyone would talk and mention
How she is once again MAD!
In love with YOU
Over & Over Again.

— The End —