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Empty your mind
and now let the sweet rhymes gush in,
Fill your mind with a beautiful utopia

Calm down,my love
there is still time
empty your mind
let the stillness seep into you
let it settle.

breathe, child
you're like a disturbed puddle of water
you see
but, through the ripples and hazy visions

not through the calmness;
only the quandary.
not through yourself;
only through the charlatan that you are.

you focus not on the balm
but only the salt ready to be sprinkled

and then,
*you burn.
 Aug 2014 Elijah Almond
Aaron Bee
Before I raise
My hand,
Tell me
How rude it
For me to 
Put this same
Hand on
Another person.
In what way 
Is it 
assault, or
How would it 
Be to 
Steal something 
From the same 
Own hands.
Tell me this 
Before I 
Ask, or 
Is there somewhere..anywhere, far enough from here
that I will be able to escape you

from the dustiest corners of my soul?
I have emotions
locked away in my journal.
Knowing when I die,
my ashes will fly,
but my written emotions
will be eternal.
I choose not to
let them free,
'cause I know if I do
they'll be on a
 Aug 2014 Elijah Almond
she was broken and fragile
[she is beautiful]
she wanted to give up
[she's nineteen turning twenty]
i loved her and i didn't know why
[she's perfect]
im glad she didn't give up and I'm glad she pulled through
[she's happy now]
she's stronger than anyone I've ever met
[she's  alive. she's well. she's okay]
these are two poems put together, read it as a whole then the lines out of the brackets and finally the lines in the brackets
 Aug 2014 Elijah Almond
Thought he would rise to the occasion
  And slay all of her dragons.
Take her away to some fairytale land
  In a stone-made castle
    Built with his own hands.

And there they would stay
  To the end of their days....

   But there's one thing
      Shell never understand....

There's no prince charming
  In her helpless little world.
No one's coming
  To rescue this poor girl.

She's all on her own
  Heiress to her own throne
A princess could be a queen
  That's not afraid to stand on her own.

One day she'll realize
  There's more to life than this.
He can't wake her up
  With his magic kiss.

Life's not limited
  To some storybook bliss.
So stop waiting around
For a (k)nights empty promise.
I originally wrote this for my mum. But honestly, it's for any woman out there who doesn't yet believe that she's strong enough to slay her own dragons.
Poetry isn't written:
Words are written,
and Poetry is read.
If I heard you say
Let's steal away
Let's drop the pretence
Of lies;
Let the missing years
Fade to memory's mist,
And put to rest
The best years
Of our lives.

I wouldn't ask,
But let tomorrow's
Light come soon.
It's a day
Ahead of me;
I'd look forward
To midnight
And to noon,
Savouring every hour
In between.

I will wish
Today away;
Say good-bye
To yesteryears.
To all their fears,
And late night sweats
And tears, and
Embrace tomorrow's
Promising surprise.

Let's steal away
Like looters,
Thieving all
That's left.
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