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MsAmendable May 2016
I am a slave to sight and sound
And touch, to which I know no bounds
But, oh, to see what can't be seen..
I dream to live within a dream
MsAmendable May 2016
Words flow like water
Brushing past my fingers, quickly
An unobtainable river
But taking the drops from my palms
Dipped in the tide
I shake a precious dew
Hopefully settling
Into some thing,
Some great being of vastness
To drink, drench, quench even,
It's multitude of worries
and curiosities
To flow in like an ocean,
Setting wonders in motion,
And healing animosities
MsAmendable May 2016
I'm a socially awkward person
Who comfortably pretends not to be;
My friendships are so spotty, I'd be dotty
To delude any of them not to be!
Although, its true, I have no foe,
But who would be my friend?
My silence is my shelter,
When the chaos never ends.
Yes, I haven't posted for a while...doesnt mean I wasn't writing!
MsAmendable Apr 2016
It might have been an idle dream,
It could have been a lie
But when I saw your shining face,
A thousand years went by.
MsAmendable Apr 2016
Oh don't you see
The people zoo,
With pres'dents and paupers
Oh my!
With some that run, and some that crawl
And even those who fly!
  Apr 2016 MsAmendable

Knock, knock - Who's there?
Is anybody home?
The lights are on, but you are gone...
It's silent as a tomb.

Knock, knock - Who's there?
Listen to the sound!
He waits for you! You know it's true!
But you are not around...

When Jesus is a'knocking
At your heart's fast door,
You appear to close your ears...

all go to heaven...
YES! There is a hell!
You will find that you are blind
Believin' a tall tale!

I am a "good" person!
I'm helpful, and I give!
It's okay to be this way!
I live and let live...

NO!* Jesus lead the sinless life
And gave it up for *YOU!

Let Him in, He'll take your sin,
For He is kind and true!

There are NONE "good" people!
Folks! We're near the END!
Satan promotes his lies and gloats,
You'd best believe it, friend.

We ALL sin, and like as not
God CAN hold a grudge!
I don't know why we try and try
To say He doesn't judge!

This means YOU TOO, Believers!

You'd best have a care...
Be ye pure, or you'll endure
The same fate sinners share!

This is simply Bible.
God, the temple left!
Ezekiel. You know full well.
It was then BEREFT!!!

CHRISTIANS! Are you holy?
Have you sinned enuf?
He is God - He's not a CLOD!
He don't put up with GUFF!!!

Do I sound like I'm frightened?
You BET! I am afraid.
There is grace, but it's a race!
I may NOT make the grade!

We CAN blame the devil,
And that is just a shame...
He tempts us all, but please recall

Adam blamed the WOMAN.
Eve... she blamed the SNAKE...
Holy SMOKES! C'mon folks!

Knock, knock - Who's there?
Christ died that we may LIVE!
Open up and drink the cup!
Then He can FORGIVE!

If you don't, please hear me.
You'll believe a LIE.
You may well end up in hell...

So kiss your soul GOODBYE.

(C) 6/12/2014

This poem is a spoken-word vidio
on YouTube...
I have prayed and prayed about posting this. I'm basically taking the gloves off now. I can't mince words anymore. The time is very short. I may get flack for this poem, but it's from the heart. I don't want to see anyone lost because I did not do my job as a Christian. I know you are aware that I have been praying for the last few days. I've been outside talking to God. Studying and reading. I believe this is what God wants me to do. Please take it in the spirit in which it was meant... I LOVE YOU ALL!
  Apr 2016 MsAmendable
Sidney Chase
I was always told
"actions speak louder than words"
and maybe that's why I'm always staring at your hands when you speak
instead of listening to what you have to say
and maybe that's why you keep spitting out things
like how gorgeous I am
instead of holding my hand or kissing my cheek
and I've come to the conclusion that
actions don't speak louder than words
because they're both equally meaningless
and that maybe you don't love me
and maybe that's okay
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