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  Aug 2015 themotionless
i feel weak and small
small problems become big
my brain is so full
i can hardly speak
i’m batteling my mind
fighting the pain
trying to survive
with teary eyes
and an aching heart

  Aug 2015 themotionless
Maria Imran
is not optional.
I wish it was. It's so tiring
  Aug 2015 themotionless
Missing you,
Almost always
Late nights
Break down
That song
Turn it off
Familiar place
Drive away
Smells like you
*Hold my breath
themotionless Aug 2015
im not sure how much longer I can hold on
  Aug 2015 themotionless
Ji Han
I promise to be perfect
for that's who you are,
the apple of my eye,
only one in my mind.

I promise to love you
again, like how roses bloom
at the touch of your
bittersweet breath.

But if the thorns of
your roses leave me
bleeding again,
I promise to be more perfect
in my next
next life.

                                              A cherry blossom that
                                              on your sight and
                                              at your breath.

I promise.

In my next
next life.
  Aug 2015 themotionless
A Wegner
Your wild blue eyes
A mystery to me,
Haunt me in my dreams,
I never want to leave
Taunt me as they glisten,
Shine and reflect the light
I get lost in moving tides
Like swimming in the sea at night
Why do I feel so alone
When I look into your soul?
Maybe there's more to discover
In your lonesome uncharted waters
Anything you share with me
I'd be gentle, I wouldn't chide
I can't help but notice the depths
When I look into your eyes
Blue eyes and oceans
Inspired by actor Max Thieriot <3
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