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  Aug 2015 themotionless
Adam Mott
Have you ever cried because you felt so alone?
Have you ever been left outside in the cold?
Have you ever lived in a home that did not feel like your own?
Have you ever wiped the shadows from your heart, only to find bone?
Have you ever seen these eyes?
Have you ever been hurt by lies?
Have you ever left this life?
Have you ever had to say goodbye?
Have you ever had your heart ripped out and put on display?
Have you ever wished you could remember how to pray?
Have you ever wished you could just die?
Have you ever closed your eyes with the intent to never open them again?
Yes. I have
  Aug 2015 themotionless
Attractive, demure
A sweetness that lures
I was the man
The animal who came to feed
She the woman
The one who was my meal

I devoured her
Thinking I was the wolf
She succumbed to my embrace
With beauty and full of grace

I ate my fill
But she filled my heart
My thoughts my soul
Now I am hungry
But only for you
  Aug 2015 themotionless
too many poems
too many poets
describing the
same **** feelings
and yet
throughout the centuries
none of us
have ever found
the right words
// spent my whole life tryna put it into words //

thank you so much for the daily ♡
  Aug 2015 themotionless
Joe Cole
A strip of barren land
Stark, forbidding
But I sat there and watched a flower grow
Bringing a bright splash of colour
To this dead land
Bringing a bright splash of hope
To a world sinking into the darkness
themotionless Jul 2015
I cannot believe my life has turned out this way.

Where did it all go wrong...

Everyday is a battle with my mind.
Somedays I wanna jump,
end it all,
taking every aspect of my existence,
and discarding it.
Tossing it far away so none innocent,
will accidentally stumble upon the haunted remnants,
of my once isolated life.

She and I are over now.
And still to this day,
I am unsure how to go about this.
she was the last I could trust..
My final glimpse of hope.
The tunnel is dark now,
and i'm all alone again.
Your candle essence lit the path for me,
my thoughts,
oh how they dissuaded.
You gave me a sort of clarity,
filling Her position in my mind,
hogging the volume my first love,
had so rightfully earned.
it was better than the last,
my first.
I had assumed my heart grew too cold,
what with this abandonment from humanity,
possibly no one being there for me.
I'm already thinking about you,
I want to call you and apologize,
and comment your seduction,
and tell you every little detail you want to hear.
My love,
atleast I thought.
I already miss our conversations.
You were really the only one who wanted to listen.
You were my only dream.
You sob over the possibility of my recollection,
but this is not reality.
In fact,
you are as deceived as I.
i really need to stop writing poetry during class...

the students,
they are looking,
and the teachers,
they are noticing,

but i care for nothing anymore
  Jul 2015 themotionless
i'm just done
done with it all

i've cried and fought
so hard for years now
but now everything is falling apart
i feel it all crashing down beneath my feet

something is eating me up from inside
and i don’t have the strength anymore
to keep fighting back

i'm done

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