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May 2015 · 783
Weeds of Misfortune
Monique Isom May 2015
I stood there, as the weeds of misfortune dawned upon me
I stood there, strong as a tree, yet fragile as a leaf
and I waited and waited for the rain to stop
and the sun to come out
oh, that blissful hope I yearned for so
but the roots of hope that were so deeply embedded into the ground
slowly began to part with their foundation
I drifted into the sky
as the branches of misfortune engulfed me
wrapping around my heart and capsizing my body, scratching my brown fragile being
Mar 2015 · 769
Can You Imagine...
Monique Isom Mar 2015
Can you imagine

a world
in which
Is an uncanny thing?
Really, if we were to somehow remove violence from our culture and let the generations pass.... Eventually there would be no nature towards violence.... right?
maybe I'm getting ahead of myself here..... But fighting....musn't there be a less brutal form of it? Why must our desires end in death, wounds, or bruises?
It is not the best we can do.... Is it?
And while I understand that there is a good chunk of the world that finds an alternative to violence.... The proof that violence is still mainstream Is in the government and culture. (E.g. war, discipline, video games etc.)
I'm inexperienced to the world and I would just like to know....
Feb 2015 · 500
Monique Isom Feb 2015
Love is like darkness,
Love is like the light,
It envelopes you in shadows,
Blinding your genuine sight
This love can be an evil thing,
But with the chance it turns out right,
There is nothing better in the world then
The light
Nov 2014 · 626
You saw me
Monique Isom Nov 2014
you saw me, you saw me,  you saw me
standing there
waiting for you patiently, to  honestly
you saw me, you saw me,  you saw me
standing there
my love you saw , you saw  it snuggled in a little
and you saw my love that once was nurtured,
for you it was
slowly become a
Oct 2014 · 1.1k
"I'm Fine"
Monique Isom Oct 2014
Can you see me bleeding?
Can you see me pleading?
Lying on the floor,
begging you for no more.
Can you see me bruising?
This battle I am loosing,
it's not supposed to end this way,
yet all i have to say is....
*i'm fine
Oct 2014 · 483
Drifting A p a r t
Monique Isom Oct 2014
Do you feel us slowly driftng apart?
The days go by and new habits start.
With each little habit there's a difference or similarity,
And between us, this glue, is giving up on me and you.
The ones that pull you away, you'll realize one day, that these were
The ones in which you changed for,
revealed, and rearranged for,
the ones in which you admired,
and their acceptance; you desired.
They're the ones who've caused you great dire,
and in my heart, a wrath of fire.

Those everlasting memories we tell,
can leave us to burn in hell,
for the one i trusted so well,
has caused me to retreat in my shell.*
Do you feel us slowly *drifting a   p     a          r           t?
Oct 2014 · 3.7k
Monique Isom Oct 2014
She cringes at night, recalling the  indelible days where she lie
curled in a ball, hiding from the scoundrel who
attacked her mind, her heart, and her soul, leaving her with nothing but
rancid memories of a living hell, but
even though she appeared live and well
d**reary darkness loomed in the body of
Feel free to message me if you would like the original poem scared back, or if you would like me to repost it
Oct 2014 · 5.6k
~To Trust~
Monique Isom Oct 2014
To trust is a delicate thing,
it's putting a heavy heart on a birds wings,
and hoping it has the strength to fly,

To trust is a fragile thing,
like a heart, once stabbed, can destroy
an entire being

To trust is like giving away a sentiment,
so precious, unique, irriplaceable,
once forgotten is a lifetime forgotton
Sep 2014 · 749
Monique Isom Sep 2014
can it just stop?
this pain, well can it?
if one more time it wins thid game,
i swear to you i will drop,
this wretched life and all the bads
this pain will never pass,
so thannkful yet im still mad,
so when will this ordeal pass?
can it just stop?
Sep 2014 · 1.6k
Monique Isom Sep 2014
Its something I just can't deny
It causes all these tears I cry
The source of all my trust issues
The bane of all the love mis use
This forgiveness that I need    
Forgiveness in my self ,
so please
Inner me I'm begging you
Forgive my faults and burdens     through                                              
These last few years of teenage life
This something I just can't deny
The cause of all the tears i cry
This pain , so much
I don't know why
So inner me I'm begging you
Forgive myself          
And just  accept the truth
~Monique Isom
Aug 2014 · 1.2k
Monique Isom Aug 2014
what an overused
      overcherished source
of worry it is indeed
Aug 2014 · 621
Hollow Heart </3
Monique Isom Aug 2014
The one she loves,
And the one who needs her,
is the one who does,
in fact decive her,
these lessons she's learned,
those pictures she burned,
will eventually start
to form a hollow heart,
inside you see,
nothing in me,
but my heart that is,
a hollowabyss,
*no feelings,
from a
hollow heart
Aug 2014 · 1.6k
Monique Isom Aug 2014
This rope, this rope,
is wrapped around my throat,
every time i speak to you
  i choke, slowly choke
The suffocation turns my face
to a glowing shade of red,
restricting me from telling you
what i should have said
This rope, this rope,
is wrapped around my throat
everytime I speak to you
i choke,slowly choke
The suffocation turns my face
from red to a deathning blue,
after you leave i breath and watch you
go, slowly slowly go
Aug 2014 · 659
Monique Isom Aug 2014
just like they told you to,
with out a fight youll never win just,
once you have no strength left in you still,
look at the ones way far behind you,
now look at where you stand.
Jul 2014 · 1.2k
Her scattered Heart
Monique Isom Jul 2014
scattered on the ground,
her fragile heart was found,
broken into peices,
yet her love for you increases,
no matter what you do,
even if what you say is true,
she always seems to forgive,
despite the cost, die or live,
but one will pick up her scattered heart,
and for then with love they soon will  start,
putting the peices together,
and thats when her life will get better
Jul 2014 · 2.3k
tik tok
Monique Isom Jul 2014
tik tok tik tok
the sound of my personal clock
tik tok tik tok*
the time bomb that just wont stop
ding **** ding ****
the sound of a visitor here
ding **** ding ****
the pain they  try to  feel
splish splash splish splash
the sound of the somber rain
splish splash splish splash
fills an ocean full of my pain
knock knock bang bang
the pain the visiter can finally feel
knock knock bang bang
the pain they   try to heal
once i open the door and
let them in they save me    
from my own ordeal
accidently erased this, re uploaded
Jun 2014 · 813
1+1=1 not 2
Monique Isom Jun 2014
They say that 1+1=2, and that is in fact true
but when it comes to me and you
1+1=1 not 2
for together we are one,
not 2
for my future husband, the one who i have not yet met
May 2014 · 1.4k
Not a suicide poem
Monique Isom May 2014
This is not a suicide poem,
for its words and thoughts
of the high it would be to
leave all the bad and the stress
This is not a suicide poem,
for its words that keep one safe
from falling depressed
This is not a suicide poem,
for its words that explain what
society veiws as a healthy vent for
This is not a suicide peom,
for its words that come from a girl
who treats life like a **mission
not a *game
Mar 2014 · 532
The Fake One
Monique Isom Mar 2014
Don't think i'm not aware if what your intentions are,
fake friends get caught, and now I have to raise my bars,
eventually you will be taught
it's all and only about love..............
not image or popularity, you seem to need this clarity,
I never thought i'd find someone so much like myself than you,
all the secrets and arguments that there has been eventually came through,
we eventually come back together, to be best friends again,
but apparently you felt different, so I've grown a thicker skin,
because now I know your plans and as selfish as they are,
they'll come back to bite you, because you left the one who loved you scarred
Feb 2014 · 909
I Need You.
Monique Isom Feb 2014
Keep Showing me the world, showing me what I can be, without you in my life, I'd never be free.**I need you.
Jan 2014 · 626
Monique Isom Jan 2014
Music is like a medicine, soothing
my inner trouble
Its Soft, soothing melodies coerce my peaceful slumber
Its frantic ominous tunes rise my anxiety,
Oh how in the world did I let this music become the best of me?!
Music dances through out my soul, bringing me to a whole new universe.
A universe full of freedom, love,  and so much passion,
Its somber depressing tunes turn my passion into sadness my sadness turns into
Oh how in the world did I let this music become the best of me?!
Music is my way of life, I couldn't live with out it,
Although it can pull me up to go right back down I wouldn't myself without it.
Jan 2014 · 1.1k
Monique Isom Jan 2014
there's voices around me telling me to stop,
because your not good enough and you have no purpose,
there's voices in my head telling me yes, yes you can do it!
try again, just be patient,
my confidence once strong is now a like a fragile twig,
breaking with each storm that passes by,
blind to the truth, I don't know who to believe, don't know who to listen to..
what am i supposed to do?
when i listen to my thoughts, people call me a dreamer, out of touch with reality,
a setup for failure........
but is it really? am I really?
is it worth listening to you? your harsh criticism, stinging me like grease
from a hot pan?
**NO, I think NOT , I think i'll find my way,
my will and ambition soon will pay,
for then I will strive, and you? you'll stray,
back to you start and there you'll stay, and me? oh yes i'll be far far away!
because I listened to these voices, these will and ambitions... and indeed yes, they REALLY did pay.

— The End —