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 May 2017 Moli Quill
Laura Duran
I was thinking today
about circles
How beautiful they
can be
Never ending; continuous
Dependable and safe

Take my circle for instance
My circle of friends
Well mostly family
My closest people
The ones I love most
Beautifully diverse

Loving and kind
Not afraid to tell the truth
Hopeful and strong
Always there to help
Expecting nothing in return
Just my love and thanks

How lucky I am to have them circle, my guiding light
We may not always agree on things
We may sometimes argue
But we are always there for each other
Always will be

After all circles are never ending
I was surrounded by family today and very happy about it.
To the Fed
& The inevitable death
of Amerika

And to the conglomerates
for which we spend
One World
Strayed from God

Run by criminals
With bloodthirsty injustice
For All
 May 2017 Moli Quill
Valsa George
Down the dusty road,
in tattered rags,
He came,

Body bent with age,
bones sticking out of the flabby skin,
with a tremor
running down his limbs,
and with expectant eyes,
He waited at my doorstep.
No words came out from pursed lips
in mute language
begged for alms.

I held his shrivelled hand,
helped him ascend the steps.
Like a child obeying it’s Elder
He sat on a chair in the patio.

The sumptuous fare, served before,
he surveyed with eyes
bulging out in utter disbelief,
and greedily devoured
every bit of morsel.

A rare gleam lighted up his face.
With hands folded in benison
He stood up and silently took leave.

I watched him stumble
along the country track
and fade away in the distance.

Ripples of joy stirred my mind
in ever widening circles
as, a pebble idly tossed
cause ripples in still waters
Over a random act  
of kindness
idly tossed.......
Love is the cardinal of all virtues…. But love has many shades! Next to Love, comes Compassion…. It is love plus empathy….. ! I believe that even the Scripture minus compassion is zero.
This is a true story…. ! Through such small acts of kindness, the giver and the receiver derive some joy…As an average human being, I am not powerful enough to carry out heroic acts to better myself and the world around
I feel that if one has compassion, he/she cannot hurt anyone deliberately!
The lonely lion with monkey ears
He always wanted to be strong
He watched the others jump and play
While he sat back and sang a song

The giraffes and the elephants would pass and nod
But oh, how they wondered about him
Why was he so quiet and unlike the rest?
Why are his ears not like his kin?

The lonely lion watched his brothers fight
He watched his sisters bring in food
But he saw the plane in a different light
And for that he was misunderstood

He thought he might be kind to all
Maybe find a man friend or two
He knew the others wouldn't understand
But then again, he was already different in their view.
 May 2017 Moli Quill
 May 2017 Moli Quill
My life is full of poetry
in lyrical design
Expressions in a rhythm
that ascend and then decline.

One moment I am full of joy,
then sorrow breaks my heart.
My soul is touched by music
and the thrill that it imparts.

I love the rain, embrace the sun
and smile at winter snow.
I crave the full moon's silver light
and dance beneath the glow.

I savor sweet aromas
taking pleasure in the breeze
And love the gentle rustle,
as it passes through the trees.

Yes, poetic is the gift of life,
inspiring me to rhyme.
I'd write a million odes to it,
but I just don't have the time!
Happy Saturday
 May 2017 Moli Quill
Rachel Ace
[The lines of the hands formed a complex map]

Reality strikes
The days pass by
Two lines
Different seasons
Separate stations

[Reality hitting on the rocks]

Curve line erasing the good things of the past
2 drops of water falling on the way to the office
  |        |
  |        |
  |        |  Old soundtrack passes over parallel tracks
Theater full, broken line

Days pass and pass
Birthdays pass, not words
Difficult to pretend to be well
No words happen

Places I’m not, line closed
Places you are not, closed line

Romanticism doesn’t feel the same as maps on our maps
2 parallel drops fall
|                               |
The game hits me against the rocks
You don’t follow me in a straight line

[Reality catches me]

there are no words
there is nothing
thick fog

The same lines
Now they are parallel
Your reality hits

[The lines in my hand no longer form a map]

   - Codelandandmore // 4:00 PM ©
Eat drama food
 May 2017 Moli Quill
Rachel Ace
Thought of all those stones hitting my window

The crush lover is like a austere sword
Marble frames
Blue veins

Ducheess ice skies
Pure white sheets
Padded look
Wavy gold hair
Lighthouse freckles reflections

The spellcaster in her room
Gentle sender
Captivating eyes
Creator of edens

She prepares her cotton spell
Si           tele             swee
lk           pa              ts
Mi        dia                 du
lk         mond        st

Thought of all those instants gemstones pictures

- Codelandandmore //23:50 PM ©
Gold hair
Don't be scared, Love;
show me your scars.
Give me a piece of your soul,
and maybe a glimpse of your mind.

I could show you beauty,
without a field of flowers.
And an amazing high,
without the foul aftertaste.

Just let me in,
let me feel your pain.
I'll touch your soul,
and make you go insane.
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