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Nov 2016 · 794
Mikaelyn White Nov 2016
Mother, mom, madre, love.
You and I fit like a glove

Mother, mom, madre, friend.
You help me with problems I cannot mend  

Mother, mom, madre, teacher.
You are smarter than most preachers

Mother, mom, madre, God-send.
You taught me how to believe again

Mother, mom, madre, and more.
You are strong to the core!

Bad things will happen, and bad things have come
...but I'll always be your daughter

To my mother, mom, madre, and most of all love. God is watching us from above!
My mom is my everything.. and today is the day we celebrate her birth.
Mar 2015 · 938
Mikaelyn White Mar 2015
I love your intentions
They are my deepest consolations
When all I see is dark
You caress my heart
And the shadows on the walls
Are dancing, surpassing

I love your affections
They soothe my afflictions
When day turns into night
You are the solace I seek
The find restful sleep
And quiet bad dreams
Calling out to anyone who has written a poem online and went to save it only to lose it all when the webpage wouldn't load. I salvaged what I could.
Mar 2015 · 678
20 w
Mikaelyn White Mar 2015
all of my attention is wasted differentiating

fact versus fiction
Jan 2015 · 367
Eaten Alive (10 w)
Mikaelyn White Jan 2015
Who knows how it feels to be eaten alive?

Jan 2015 · 303
A State of Being
Mikaelyn White Jan 2015
"School," says I

"Home," says Me

"Away," says Her

"Dead," says She
Oct 2014 · 329
Mikaelyn White Oct 2014
2:50 PM.
Another afternoon..
Unable to breathe
Unable to see
Shaking with fear
The panic wins again
0 points on my end
I would call it a draw
If I had gone to school

*Yet I did not
Oct 2014 · 713
Mikaelyn White Oct 2014
Tell me
This not the end

Tell me
You will make amends

And maybe when I come around-

Tell me
That you love me still

Tell me
You won't ever ****
(this feeling in me)

And maybe when I come around
Maybe when I come around
This stale air will breathe life

Maybe if I tell myself
Maybe if I tell myself
I am the reason why
It's okay. I have been alone all this time. I must have been mistaken.. fallen for your lies. "Friends" you said; "A joke" I say. I just hate to be alone, so lets pretend until I may go. I promise I will leave you alone. Lets just wait.. two more years.
Oct 2014 · 630
The Simple Art
Mikaelyn White Oct 2014
The simple art of poetry
Cannot be expressed by me
It cannot be expressed by I
But it must be expressed by we  

It is not always as simple as words
Yet there does not have to be rhyme and verse
In short, it may be plain
But when read it gives feeling
Again and again
Oct 2014 · 320
Mikaelyn White Oct 2014
10:20 AM.
Another morning..
A failure again
Succumbed to the weight
For which I see myself
Two black eyes
Gouged in desperation
One dark mind
Failing to grasp

*Yet He still reclaims me
Oct 2014 · 325
Untitled (15 w)
Mikaelyn White Oct 2014
What are you afraid of my dear?
Do you not understand fear is only fear?
If only things were so simple...
Oct 2014 · 349
Behind a Cloak of Lies
Mikaelyn White Oct 2014
The smiles mean nothing.
They are only pain.
Who do they benefit?
..the ones who don't know?
A buried heart will never see the light,
But the rain pours harsh on the open ground.
This is a tad old, but mediocre nonetheless.
Oct 2014 · 894
Mikaelyn White Oct 2014
Seeping through the skin,

A thousand watching eyes.

They prey for the weak,

The lost hopeless sheep.

Oct 2014 · 4.5k
My Little Brown Moth
Mikaelyn White Oct 2014
Little ringlets of soft black hair
A pair of eyes so soft
I saw myself in her today
Until she flew
My little brown moth

Sometimes I reach my hands out far and feel her in the breeze
The trees bow down in solemn
For she is so far from me
Until up with a gust

She blows off..

Two tiny hands held strong
A gentle heart so warm (so soft!)
I saw myself in her today
Until she flew
My little brown moth
Mikaelyn White Oct 2014
Caress my soul a thousand times.
Drag me out of the dark...
Pull me in and open my eyes.
Feed me, love me, trust me.
Believe in who I am... your everything, your hope.
Show me the stars... show me heart.
A heart full of confusion
...a life of lies.
Who is real?
The flesh is a scam,
A wicked, twisted trick.
Who may prevail?
I wrote this last year. It is no longer applicable.. for my Savior has saved me. He is the answer to my questions, and I pray the same for all!
Oct 2014 · 403
Mikaelyn White Oct 2014
Hastily away we shall go!
Hastily away we shall go in the dark!
In the dark we must go!
For we mustn't be seen
In the shadows we will crawl
For the shadows are obscene
Yes, our cover!
No our trap-
Our wily little fiend..
He cannot find us in the dark
So we hastily away!
Up, up the mountain
And over the sea
Down into a rabbit hole- No! Let us be
Cried the rabbits ever so mean
We cannot stumble
We may not make a sound
For if we do-
We will be found!
Away! Away!
Quicker now
It’s almost daybreak
The sun is near
It is drawing closer..
Ever so clear
Our death it is upon us.
Yes, we see the rising sun
We thought we could make it
What fools we have become!
Mikaelyn White Oct 2014
The whistle is faint, only a buzz, if a midsummer bee
Hot beats the sun upon an untamed forearm, exhale salt and pollute the air
Does no sparkle exist behind those blue irises? Nowhere to be optimistic?
An unkempt mane rolls in waves like a history lesson
And forward pointing toes see no direction

Crippled stone gives way to broken souls, destroyed in a fit of revenge
Their beautiful bloom now only a ****-
Pull from the clay and expose its roots
Blood stained hands caress wandering eyes, forcefully stitched open
Choke on remorse, and cut from your mouth a guilty tongue
A gift given, now an act of the Devil...... a misused talent
Silence the screams, a thousand grievous hearts spit hatred
One being, lost in shadow, a unnoticed blade
Can the world now continue, purged of a merciless man?
Shall the repetitious cycle begin again?
Summon themselves a king, for he is surely more suitable
I wrote this some time ago, but I feel it deserves its place as does any other..
Oct 2014 · 315
See Me
Mikaelyn White Oct 2014
I am standing a foot away.

You are blind.

My fingers trace down your waist.

You can’t feel.

I sing you a song.

You are deaf.

My soft breath reaches your face.

You can’t smell.

I dance across your tongue.

And you don’t taste me.
Oct 2014 · 300
Behind My Blue Eyes
Mikaelyn White Oct 2014
Simple characters floating in the mind with the complexities of a thousand words.
Dancing on my tongue.
The reasons.. the logic,
The fear.
There is uncertainty in the corners, in all the hiding places.
Bluntly­, they jab in the dark. They twist the realities.. they twist the mind.
Love.. seeping through the skin.
A chance.
Dreams of warmth, of holding strong.
It cuts its way through a forest so bleak.
Out of desperation, out of necessity.
Hand in hand.
Don't see it shatter.
I can't hold it back.
There is pain.. so much pain,
Unjustified pain.
And it kills me.
No logic.
Ripping apart my limbs.
Simple characters floating in the mind; without mercy they haunt the dreams.
Help *my head is screaming!* It hurts.. *throwing my legs out madly, thrashing them against my will* Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. **** it! Stop it.. don't don't.. *my breath catching, forcing me forward coughing* Calm down.. please.. *coughing.. choking on my own saliva, gagging on it* Stop... oh God please help me.. *tears running down my cheeks as I struggle to breathe and not gag* Stop it! Idiot! *forcing my nails into my skin, my whole body rigid* What's wrong with you? Just knock it off.. what are you freaking out about? Stop. it. now. *tossing my head backwards until it makes contact with the wall.. again and again*

Panic has this magnificent way of consuming people alive (or so it may seem)

— The End —