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To those who cut:
Take off your bracelets and put away the blade,
You dont need music to flush away the pain,
If you need a friend,
Know one is here,
I dont care about your sin,
I just want you to smile,
Please just let me in,
Even just for a while,
I know that you feel so alone,
Even if youre always on the phone,
I know what they say hurts,
It always sinks in,
But trust me its just them,
Everything they say to you is a chance they lost to be something better,
So im telling you to turn your sadness into another person's gladness,
Show the world the beauty they miss out on,
There is so much to be discovered,
You are not one in a million you're one in trillions,
No one has seen, felt, heard or thought what you have,
So take your perspective and turn it into something new because there is always something that the world needs you to do.
 Dec 2015 Miguel Soliman
i woke up late. again.
but this time, i wanted to wake up,
and i think that's a start.
The worst part of getting over something or someone
is realizing you actually haven’t.
If you understood
the hatred I hold inside
would you still love me?

If you saw my skin
with purple, red, and pink scars
would you still love me?

I cut up myself,
do you still love my body?
Do you still love me?
Do you ever feel like you dont belong?

Look around and feel like everything is all wrong?

That you can't fit with all your crazy dreams?

And that maybe this isn't really you're scene?

But not as in a bad way
But more as in a good

Like you have known your life has been somehow off

Like you believed more then your friends

Or maybe that you knew you were just a little different

Have you ever looked around and wondered why light has become your enemy?

You may be broken
But you can now see

You may have fallen deep
But you can still be set free

Because there's a little saying you should know

It might be common to those around

That god knows

Even angels fall
 Dec 2015 Miguel Soliman
im sorry i talk too fast and too much when i start getting overwhelmed and upset. it's how i keep from crying. im sorry i run away without saying anything, for not giving any reason why, when we fight. ive always been the one to be left so i taught myself to leave before anyone gets the chance to again. im sorry i constantly ask so many questions and worry about you all the time. ive always been better at taking care of other people rather than myself. im sorry i cant be better, im sorry i wasnt better, im sorry.
 Dec 2015 Miguel Soliman
i wonder if she sees me in your eyes every time you look at her. i hope she does. i wonder if she can feel me every time you touch her. i hope she does. i wonder if you glance over at her when she's not looking, her there in your passenger seat, and see all the times we drove til we got lost, and promised each other we'd never let go. i hope you do. i hope you see me.
 Dec 2015 Miguel Soliman
i used to talk aBout you liKe
you ContrOlled the oCean's tides
but now you're gonE.
you're gone And i'M drowning.
It took You six weeks to kiss me
because yOu Said you were waiTing
untIL the time feLt right...
how Long did yoU wait
until it was the right time
tO leaVe mE?
I used to know You
lIke freckles on My Skin,
but yOu left
now even yoUr name
iS foreign to me.
It took me one yEar
a foot of haiR
and hanDfuls of ignoreD texts
but now i'Ve learned:
You'rE not coming back.
yoU dOn't love me.
they say
the effecTs of AlCohol
beGin dImiNshing an hoUr
aftEr every drink.
iT's been nine mOnths
and i still feeL You
bUrninG dOwn my throat.
are an empty hoUse
and unheard soUnds
reason enough to Call you
or can i only hear Your voice
when it's telling me tO
go **** myself?
1. come back
2. i still love you
3. i miss you
4. did you ever?
5. i can't let you go
6. *******
i'm not sure how i feel about these
all we have is our coats on,
yours with the colour of fresh snow—
neat and untainted; 'white' as they say
and mine completely present of
spilled paint and creases out of cloth;
hues of hope and folded dreams—
trying to reach that lab coat of yours
that's never messy as mine
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