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 May 2015 Michael Parish
Inheritance and loss
Time and space spans across
Planes of infinitude
Round of rebirth

Playing ten thousand games
Yet sparkling in each molecule
It vibrates complete

You are it and it is you
How could it be any other way?
I can only be whole
And actually be myself
I can hide who I truly am
And I'll simply be broken

There's no inbetween
Right now... I'm broken...
You say you love me.

When old age takes over,
And I can't move as fast;
Tell me THEN- you love me.

When my lips aren't as soft,
Nor my hips as shapely;
Tell me THEN- you love me.

When my ears dim, and no longer
Can I hear your whispers;
Shout out THEN- you love me.

When I won't have much to give
But my soft, hazy glances;
Tell me THEN- you love me.

But till THEN, don't say-
Only show me you love me.
Love is founded on words, and built by actions.
Or any relation, don't you think?
 May 2015 Michael Parish
Hot sun in the blue sky. Green grass yard. Sticky Popsicle's and ice cream dripping down your cheek. Boysenberry's and red as an apple maraschino cherry's. Its just so wonderful. Brightly colored birds. The stinging of the summer breeze. Always so agile summer is always fragile in its existence. Trees that looked like they had been painted with light. A fire so energizing that it made you laugh. Summer is like a doctor with a degree in beauty and relaxation!
Elder apple tree
Hungry deer know what is good
Sunny yellow fruits
Hopeless inadequacy
Binds me to the ground.
Cruel roots; anxiety, despair,
Pull at the soles of my feet,
Earthing me, pretending common sense.
The most terrible obstacles
Always lie within,
My greatest enemy;
That traitorous *******, doubt,
And I cannot cast him out.
 Jan 2015 Michael Parish
Long reflected streams
Of light,
Wheeled light beams,

Create the gusts
Of wind,
The nose thrusts,

Above four legs striding
On a walk,
Thoughts drifting, riding,

On hopeful crests of waves
Of an ocean,
That experience brings, saves,

The scars that mar the heart
On the surface,
Marks the day's began, a start,

Hours sit and stand at a desk
Of employ,
Creativity not addressed,

By name, there is trial
In the error,
In this day success is viral,

The day end comes fast with a stat
Of failure,
Walking home is time alone, and that

Leads to free writing, to break the hold
Of the cold,
Bureaucratic wasteland, truth be told,

Yet the night the evening brings time
Of peace,
And quiet and of release, so sublime,

Emotions roil, sounds toil, and struggle
Of reality,
Cold sided pillow, head rest and snuggle,

Oh dreams become certain reality
Of a Hope,
Yet life is short, feasting on frailty,

Human identity, a man, negativity
On a winged
Sleepy prayer, not shared, in proclivity,

Soft clouds of sleep fall firm, leave a pall
On dream-sleep,
Recharging for another day is all,

That is found waiting viewing the whole
Of foolishness,
Each day too full takes its toll,

Like a bridge with infrastructure tolls
Of empty,
Pockets, of resistance, and angry trolls

That crush dreams of day and night
Of promise,
Found rising stumbling by mornings light.

A new day has begun to get it right
Of sand,
And the hourglass, which empties fast, a sleight,

Of hands
That write,
Make magic to start a stopped heart which was waiting for, to die.
The day begins with a dog walk
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