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 Mar 2021 mera
Kurt Philip Behm
The last step to forgiveness

(Dreamsleep: March, 2021)
‘From the 1st Book of Prayers’
 Mar 2021 mera
Neville Johnson
All alone with her memories
She tries to write a poem
It will be about life and love
And disappointment
The months disappeared into years
But the pain and joy go on
Forging her resolve to resolve
The loss, the hunger, the gladness, the sadness
The blouse she wears was given by him
Pulled from her closet on special days
There she is: sitting on that big rock
Staring into the Bay
It’s best not to approach her now
There’s really nothing to say
 Mar 2021 mera
Nathalie Hill
i lay on my bed
writting poems, writting our lasts moments of love,
our memories.
Remembering myself why i fell in love with you
and why you're so worthy of every tear that has come through
my eyes.

I hope someday far away from this present your soul and mine
could connect the same way it once did.
In the meantime, may our souls be apart from each other.
For your good and for my bad.
This is a poem i wrote about my bestfriend who turns out to be the boy i fell in love with but we didnt work out because of a bad timing and a lack of comittment from his part.
 Mar 2021 mera
Richard Frank
As the sun navigates the sky
Ages will pass and time will come by
When the stars were shining, I was growing up
Responsibilities had settled in
And before I knew it,
I forgot about the stars
 Mar 2021 mera
Shaun Yee
 Mar 2021 mera
Shaun Yee
Hot summer days here
Light cotton clothing to wear
Ice cream or iced tea
 Mar 2021 mera
Sonia Ettyang
His eyes spoke profoundly what his lips couldn't utter.
©Sonia Ettyang
 Mar 2021 mera
Shaun Yee
You appeared in my dream last night,
And you were such a splendid sight -
The sad thing is the dream did fade,
Before the final act was played.
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