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18.9k · Jun 2014
Melody Goodner Jun 2014
you are a summer night

the way you keep me up

so hot the sheets stick to me

i have to open the windows,

take off all my clothes

morning comes and i still

feel you on my skin
2.0k · Jun 2014
flowers in december
Melody Goodner Jun 2014
the rose petal writings
of a young girl;
sickeningly sweet,
light as air,
only to wither and
1.5k · Jun 2014
counterfeit precipitation
Melody Goodner Jun 2014
she’s as fake as snow in the state of california
1.5k · Jun 2014
Melody Goodner Jun 2014
i know that i hate
country music
a little less than
i hate you
and i really *******
hate country music.
1.4k · Jun 2014
cinderella's slipper
Melody Goodner Jun 2014
the prince wanted so badly
to find the girl whose feet
would fit perfectly in glass
shoes made for someone
that did not exist.
1.2k · Sep 2014
give and take
Melody Goodner Sep 2014
i use to have
so much to give
but you took it all
and left nothing in return
1.1k · Jun 2014
old habits
Melody Goodner Jun 2014
morphine -
they could never quite
reach the pain in my heart.
1.0k · Jun 2014
Melody Goodner Jun 2014
you make me feel
like i’m looking through
rose colored lenses.

i see your faults
with a hint of red.

i hear your lies spoken
with cherry lips, and i
want to charge like a bull.
841 · Jun 2014
chasing perfection
Melody Goodner Jun 2014
i imagine my perfect self
hidden around every corner
i chase her
through the dark
crevices of my mind
we play hide and seek
and my dreams are her favorite spot
when i awaken she leaves me
only but a memory
of who i could be
if i stopped chasing her
and became her
762 · Jul 2014
fasten your seatbelts
Melody Goodner Jul 2014
much like an airplane,
crashing and burning
is inevitable for me
i guess when you fly that high
you forget not to look down
744 · Aug 2014
Melody Goodner Aug 2014
he wants everything
i have to give
except for me
718 · Jun 2014
through the grapevine
Melody Goodner Jun 2014
i heard your name in the
whispers of the wind,
turned around to check
if in fact it was you taunting me
but alas, twas only the trees
spinning their tall tales
and me wishing for
a happy ending.
700 · Jun 2014
Melody Goodner Jun 2014
going to sleep at four in the morning
waking up at four in the afternoon
trying to justify my insomnia
like i’m not the problems
that i create for myself
goodnight, sleep tight
don’t let the bed bugs bite
you in the *** you narcissistic
piece of sleepless ****
696 · Jun 2014
sidewalk thoughts
Melody Goodner Jun 2014
to me, the rain sounds
like a reminder
that i’m stuck in this town.
seattle’s a drain and
i’m going down
677 · Aug 2014
blurred lines
Melody Goodner Aug 2014
they say
hindsight is 20/20
but my vision
always has been perfect
i thought i saw things with clarity
but eyesight deteriorates with age
and i’m not sure i see things so
clearly anymore
667 · Jun 2014
passenger seat blues
Melody Goodner Jun 2014
the wind wails
through open windows
the seatbelt unlatched
as i watch
my insignificant life
go by at
110 mph.
667 · Jun 2014
Melody Goodner Jun 2014
I felt my heart flutter around in my chest like a bird in a cage that has just learned it could fly
656 · Jun 2014
before my eyes
Melody Goodner Jun 2014
i went outside to find
poetry in bloom:
floral letters falling from trees,
creating their own narrative.
whispy words pollunated
my inspiration while
phrases buzzed past me
swarms of thoughts as
i watched the world
off writing grow
and come alive.
641 · Jun 2014
Plenty of Fish
Melody Goodner Jun 2014
i thought i could like you
but i only really liked the chase
i reeled you in
but when i caught you
you were released
after all, there are plenty of other
fish in the sea.
640 · Jun 2014
Melody Goodner Jun 2014
the clock on my living room wall
is dying
each second it ticks slower while
my heart attempts to beat
in unison
i like the idea that this is my own
personal countdown to the end
of time.
622 · Jun 2014
Melody Goodner Jun 2014
non, je ne regrette pas une seule chose
car vous voyez à travers moi, mon cher,
et vous feront toujours.
611 · Jun 2014
Melody Goodner Jun 2014
drink it down
another laced crown
woven around your head
eyelids heavy as lead
body feather light
floating above the night
things are blurring
words are slurring
little dress alluring
no regrets
at least not yet
fading in and out
lip gloss pout
inhibitions like heels; long gone
partying until dawn
608 · Jun 2014
Melody Goodner Jun 2014
being on the shore
and looking out at the water
is so different
from being on the water,
looking towards the shore.
605 · Jun 2014
Melody Goodner Jun 2014
i like myself
the most when
i’m not being
so why do
i hate myself
when i’m being
605 · Jun 2014
Melody Goodner Jun 2014
is the fastest a
sport bike can go
and it’s also how many
times my heart beats every
single minute that i talk to you.
605 · Jun 2014
Melody Goodner Jun 2014
i should call you dope,
because i could get
addicted to you
and your pain.
601 · Jun 2014
Melody Goodner Jun 2014
having a best friend means
to forget your manners
let’s stuff our faces
while we talk **** and
about the ****** up stuff
going on in our lives
or in our heads
telling you my secrets
is my way of promising
to always keep yours
you and i have a bond
that cannot be broken
because meeting you was like meeting my other half
and the phrase “best friends”
hardly does our relationship justice
you’re my sister
you’re my missing piece
without you i wouldn’t be me
my life would ****
100 times more than it does today
if i didn’t have you to be sucky with
i love you
forever and always
599 · Jun 2014
bare brain
Melody Goodner Jun 2014
they gave me
the gift of insanity
but forgot the bow
and wrapping paper
590 · Jun 2014
chipped nail polish
Melody Goodner Jun 2014
i pick at the sparkly top coat
and wonder why my subconscious
wants to ruin things that are beautiful.
561 · Jun 2014
Melody Goodner Jun 2014
you are the rain in june,
it’s funny how lovely
a nuissance can be.
532 · Jun 2014
Melody Goodner Jun 2014
the burden of life
has fallen on my shoulders
and i am weak
from pulling the weight
of everyone but myself.
i’m at a
i am weak,
not even strong enough to cry..
but still i fight
for everyone else.
532 · Aug 2014
Melody Goodner Aug 2014
they tell you not to let
someone become your world,
but the earth does not choose
to revolve around the sun
519 · Aug 2014
shooting daggers
Melody Goodner Aug 2014
if looks could ****
i'd be a mass murderer
507 · Jun 2014
expletive love
Melody Goodner Jun 2014
i have given up
on romance.
**** the setting sun,
and the beach on a beautiful day.
i hate good morning texts
and your stupid ******* face.
i have given up
**** romance.
Melody Goodner Jun 2014
i have realized i regret
every single thing that i do,
but i can’t seem to learn
how to regret you.
490 · Aug 2014
you rascal you
Melody Goodner Aug 2014
i may have knocked
on your door with ill intentions,
but yours were much much worse
it seems we were both wolves
dressed as sheep.
486 · Jun 2014
Melody Goodner Jun 2014
pulling apart this forget-me-not
petal by petal i say
“he loves me, he loves me not”
on the last petal i ask,
“does he love me?” he does not.
486 · Aug 2014
This Isn't Wonderland
Melody Goodner Aug 2014
you make me
mad as a hatter
i have fallen
down the rabbit hole
484 · Jun 2014
Melody Goodner Jun 2014
in sixth grade,
she hands me
one eyeliner pencil
and a thing of mascara
and says good luck.

in seventh grade,
i ask for a hair straightener.
we buy one the cheapest one
and i teach her how to use it.

at 16 years old,
i ask her to braid my wet hair.
she combs over my ears
and pulls too far to the left.

i’m 19, staring into a mirror
at a painted face that looks
far from my own, hair i did myself.
i smile because it is my work of art.
i cry because she never taught me a thing.
478 · Sep 2014
Melody Goodner Sep 2014
do not try
to mend his
broken heart with
your love because you
will end up the broken one
476 · Jun 2014
Melody Goodner Jun 2014
life threw me lemons
and i took them appreciatively
with good intentions
i saved them and kept them fresh
but when it came time to make lemonade
i found my pitcher cracked
my sugar had all been given away
and everyone was craving apple juice
473 · Jun 2014
southern discomfort
Melody Goodner Jun 2014
my mama shot up
them dollar bills
and my daddy he drank
them away
469 · Jun 2014
demons & diseases
Melody Goodner Jun 2014
in my house spoons disappear
like it’s no big deal
she spends more time
in the bathroom then she should
and she goes on mysterious outings
without her phone
so it was no surprise to see texts
from a man called poncho
whom she meets in parking lots
the mystery was solved.

i called into the bathroom,
“i know what you’re doing in there.”
her response was,
“i don’t give a ****!”
so i went and sat in the bathroom
as long as she did
wondering if anyone would notice if i too
disappeared like the spoons…
467 · Jun 2014
globe trotter
Melody Goodner Jun 2014
i wish that i had atlas hands
so that i could trace fingers
across maps and be transported
to where you were
nothing would be unfamiliar
if your face was what i saw
against the backdrop of the world
462 · Aug 2014
Melody Goodner Aug 2014
i am a broken record
so i’ll keep spinning
until someone comes along
who knows they can’t fix me
but they love me anyway.
435 · Jun 2014
ain't nothing sweeter
Melody Goodner Jun 2014
stumbling home smelling
like yesterday’s sweat and
this morning’s jd honey.
434 · Jun 2014
Melody Goodner Jun 2014
don’t you let a single tear
drip down your face
i know it’s hard
little girl
to choke back those sobs
and let’em have it
but it gets better
my dear.

it does.
Melody Goodner Jun 2014
this entire winter
i’ve been a hibernating seed
under a blanket of
protective soil and frost.
spring shows me
emerging from the
dewy grass and
spouting up towards the sun,
but summer is where
i truly flourish.
419 · Jun 2014
my all time low
Melody Goodner Jun 2014
she likes the same things i do,
and i can’t help but wonder
if that’s why you chose her.
do you think of me when she
talks about my favorite band?
well i guess it’s her favorite too.
if you only ever think of me
once a year, i hope it’s on my birthday.
it’s hers too.
it was hers first,
but you were mine first.
this is the one time where
i wish i was last.
419 · Sep 2014
Melody Goodner Sep 2014
my stomach is now
a graveyard
you killed all of
the butterflies
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