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Apr 2013 · 541
Lost in the storm
Megan H Apr 2013
Warm and sunny am I
As I stay happy
The sky stays beautiful
As I lay down for a nap.

Quite suddenly, things change.
The happiness is gone.
The dark clouds roll in.
The storm consumes me.

Oh, how quickly times change.
Sunny and bright.
To dark and dull.
As the times change, so do I.
Apr 2013 · 5.5k
Megan H Apr 2013
Why Mom?
Why do you compare me?
To the other children,
To my sibling?

Don't you understand, Mom?
I don't want to be them.
I am me.
I will always be me.

You will never understand, Mom.
You won't take the time to understand.
You won't know me.
I am who I need to be.
Mar 2013 · 431
Megan H Mar 2013
Pit fall.
I'm falling.
Need help.
No help.
I'm okay.
I can do this.
I can be better than this.
Even if it's just me.
Mar 2013 · 451
The Longing
Megan H Mar 2013
No feeling.
No caring,
Don't touch me.
Stay away.
But I need someone
I need a hug.
I don't want sympathy.
But I need it.
Mar 2013 · 5.4k
Megan H Mar 2013
These feelings engulf me,
But yet I feel nothing
I pretend I'm okay,
But I just want to explode.

I need to know-
Am I crazy?
I'm a "good" kid

If only they knew-
These thoughts I've had.
Barely hanging on
Losing the grip on reality.
Apr 2012 · 625
Megan H Apr 2012
I saw the butterfly,
Fluttering in the wind.
I wanted to know its story,
So I followed nature's gift.

I knew it intended for me to follow,
And I did.
Into the sun's bright rays, I did.
It went almost no where, that spirit.

But then I knew it.
It was my butterfly.
My angel.
There to make my day better,
And it did.
Nov 2011 · 1.6k
Megan H Nov 2011
Today was just another day.
Except I was alone,
And you weren't there.

Today was different.
As will tomorrow
And the many other todays.
I don't like today anymore.

I miss the mornings,
When I woke up
And thought, today will be great.
Today isn't great.
Not without you.

— The End —