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6.3k · Sep 2013
Angry Pen pt. 1
Angry Pen, Angry Pen, oh how I hate you Angry Pen
I wish you'd do some changing
Cause you're the only one demonstrating sin
You make me angry, Angry Pen
I know the writing can't begin
If you're too angry, angry, angry, angry
You're a raging pen
And sometimes, I just wish you'd disappear
Don't get me wrong when you're happy, I love to have you near
And when you're mad, well
It's a sad thought, cause it's never been this bad
But when you're mad I trail off like the tail of the rat
And it only gets worse
Sometimes I just wish you were in the back of a hearse
I want to put you to death
Put you to rest
And I don't mean to curse
But you **** me off angry pen
This pain isn't something I deserve
But Angry Pen, I don't understand, why you have to be so cross
Were you created that way or were you just taught
and if you want to be that way, well, then I'd rather you not
Because of you angry pen people think I'm a slob
Angry Pen, Angry Pen
How you nauseate me pen
I don't mean to be hating but I think I feel a changing wind
You used to make me angry
I used to think you were demonstrating sin
But that seems to be fading
Because I wrote this poem with the so called 'Angry Pen'

5.1k · Sep 2013
Angry Pen pt. 2
You came back with rage again
You stupid, freaking, angry pen
I used to think that we were friends
But that seems to be coming to an end
You're an angry pen
A crazy pen
I don't like you one bit
You're a lazy pen
A stupid pen
A freaking baby nudist pen
And I Hate You
I want to write but you're too busy distracting me
With you're incorrect grammar and all your pointless babbling
I can't believe this is happening
How can a pen be mad at me?
I feel like a disciple and this pen is just a Sadducee
And I'm *******, again
But this time it's going to stay
All I wanted to do was play
But this pen led me astray
And I hate it
Every little click makes me cringe
Every little word I write makes me want more revenge
But lets face it...
What exactly would I do a pen?
Instead of taking it a part and putting it back together again
Well, it depends...
But honestly pens don't really make good friends
You rusty pen
You musty pen
You mother freaking ugly pen!
I hate you pen!
I breake you pen!
I can't wait to look down from Heaven and see your face in hell.
3.8k · Sep 2013
School: Haiku
School is the devil
But learning’s pretty fun, eh
I’m just ***-guh-ry

2.7k · Sep 2013
untitled poem #3
to grin or laugh coarsely or mockingly
have you fleered today?
or do you fleer the day
that your greatest fears will fleer
right in your face
I think it’s funny how the word
sounds like
well not ‘funny’, per say, but in a dark ironic fashion
because, so often we fear to be fleered
we fear to hear cackling
that define our mistakes to be clear
but if you fleer at fear
then maybe,
just maybe,
fear will go away
if you laugh in its face and say
‘I won’t be fleered today,
but you, you fear, will fear the day,
that you become fleered in an adhering way
so stop making me fear and steer clear away
cause once the end is here it will be freaking clear as day
that you fear, were the real *****,
the whole. entire. time.’
cause, really, fear just fears to be fleered as much as you do
so fear shouldn’t be feared because it’s just here to confuse you
because the ‘only thing to fear is fear itself’
but if you fear fear then it will trick you to believe something else
because we’re all deprived of the hope that our cards that are dealt
are just another way to make life a hell
so don’t fear, fear, look it straight in the eye
then turn away from fear
because there are miles ahead of you
that don’t involve fear, that involve confidence and security
and your journey is just about to begin

2.7k · Sep 2013
untitled poem #4
I'm not a poet
I'm a self proclaimed genius with a pen
with thoughts running through my head
like gazelles in the plains of Africa
and I'm just waiting for a lion
to come swallow them up
and finally give me a good
a good idea that rests on your
mouth like a Listerine patch
and comes out in a cool minty breath
a good idea that is so
easily shared amongst the masses
and is of the ability to make them
but how can I make them think
when I can't even think of a good
besides, who is this 'them'
that I'm trying to please?
and how can I please 'them'?
with a notebook full of
scribbled out sentences
and torn out pages
both results of my rage
and yes, I write a lot about writers block
because writers block is so evident to me
and I see a whole lot of words
like butterflies in a field
and I'm without a net to catch them
and I just stand there staring
wishing I could piece them all together
but, if I write about writers block often
then is writers block something to write about
therefore I don't have writers block?
I don't know
I'm not a poet
I'm just a teenagers with writers block
just trying to catch butterflies

2.0k · Sep 2013
untitled poem #1
As I pass through Art Museums
I see a ton of art that’s titled
and as I look at the art I make the realization as to why it’s
because I, like the artist, can’t decide what it resembles
so I decided that if I write a poem entitled
then it’d be counted as art
close enough?
I thought so.
But I like
artwork, it provides room for creativity
like this poem could be about Dragons
if you really imagine it
and if you replace all the times I say
then, boom, you have a nice medieval tale
with knights, dragons, the whole shebang
oh well, it’s your imagination not mine
but if I were you
I’d make it about dragons
1.5k · Sep 2013
untitled poem #2
You don’t know fear until you’ve walked to the bathroom late at night
the floorboards creek as you
every open door becomes an abyss
leading to the depths of hell
you refuse to make eye contact with any mirror
for you fear that you’ll see something you don’t want to
and you keep your eyes on the prize
the path seems to grow longer
the bathroom seems to become farther away
so you start picking up speed
because you feel breath on the back of your neck
and it tingles
you have no idea what it could be so you go into a regular jog
the bathroom still seems to be a mile away
and all of a sudden you start hearing things
voices? noises?
you’re sure it’s just your mind playing tricks on you
but they begin to get closer
and soon they show up on your list of
‘things I should be running from’
right below ‘drugs’ and ‘ex girlfriends’
but that’s a different poem,
you’re running now
the finish line is in sight
you burst through the door, quietly
and feel a since of pride
‘I did it!’ you say to yourself
‘I did it! I did it!’
then you do what you originally came to do in the first place
I don’t feel it’s necessary to elaborate on that
then you say your prayers quietly in the bathroom
and begin your journey back

1.3k · May 2017
my love for
is strictly
because what else
could it be?

I sit on her
and smile at every
word she says.
Her soft hand
my knee, exposed
by my shorts,
as she laughs.
Out of nowhere she states,
“I like the
of heaven, but
if there’s not a
I realize then what
that statement.
we were talking about religion,
ironic to me is just that,
we were talking about religion
while I worship the
she walks on.

My love for
is strictly
I worship her,
but only as a
990 · Jun 2015
it's odd
when you've been best friends with someone consecutively for the past three years
or so
and then someone else
to whom which you'd never thought you'd expect
starts making their way up in the "ranks"
not saying that I "rank" my friends
I'm not that much of a ****
but saying that
there's someone
who for some reason continues to take time
out of their precious day
just to make you smile.
and oddly enough it doesn't feel intrusive whatsoever
but it just feels
i don't know.
maybe I'm too soft.
or maybe I'm finally recognizing what I need.
903 · Apr 2016
one time i met a
in a library aisle
we really hit things off there
two days later she moved to
we've tried to stay in touch
but can't bring ourselves to have a
with more than five messages

i haven't been to the library much since, yet
i decide to visit i can't help but to
and go to that very aisle in hopes of a new person
to come along
not looking for a relationship, per say
but looking for
and nothing more.
856 · Oct 2014
New Mexico
There she stood
not one word was uttered
but no word was needed to
for she conveyed any beautiful and
word that could come out of her small pretty mouth.
What am I to do?
I stand there silently as well
watching her
waiting on her
waiting for her
to come over here and call me all those lovely words.
Not like I’m fishing for compliments or anything,
but for the lone fact that any lovely
that could come out her mouth towards me
would mean everything.
But I stand there
afraid, for the fact that my loveliness could never
And so I cast my eyes upon the ground
where I belonged,
until I see the
pair of feet I’ve ever seen
and as I look up I see eyes
so gorgeous
and she says to me “I love you.”
For she is a prize to be won
that I have already obtained.
I love you too.
725 · Apr 2016
i have this
bad habit
of thinking that
depression is fake
other than mine.
597 · Aug 2017
the night i
found out he
be sick it rained.
i ate manhattan's favorite
and tried so
to feel something
to be fair i was very
but i didn't feel it.
all i got was a
headache from
tears and a

three months earlier
near the time of my
i was having a terrible day
per usual,
when i received a birthday card
in the mail.
it was from my sister and on the
bottom of the card it said
then their names followed
but in the biggest
font, right underneath the rest of their names
was his,
written by his own hand.
at the thought of him
while writing that.
this is an unfinished piece, not that i don't want to write the rest of it i just cannot right now. it was cancer but he is doing fine.
569 · Nov 2016
this time
last year
sexually assaulted
and now America
just voted someone
who is saying
that that is
458 · Apr 2016
a few weeks back an
of mine, and i were playing
hacky sack
with one of those mini bibles that they hand out
we were making jokes about how we were those
your parents warned you about

today i saw a guy i used to go to church with
he seemed well off and happy
and i found myself being happy for him
given his circumstances in the past few years

i'm not quite sure what made me start hating religion
it makes so many people happy
it gives so many people purpose
and i used to love this purpose giving
faith driven
but now i find myself giving god the *******
and giving god a little g
and putting god on my shelf, collecting dust
just like that bible i used to hold dear.

maybe it was depression that made me start hating religion
that's what i always blame it on.
that's a dangerous thing.
i've just noticed that my belief in a higher deity began to
as soon as i started getting sadder
it was almost synonymous
then when i started getting
my beliefs continued to become less and less.

in church they always talked about the story of job
the man who had so much faith
that through all of the **** god put him through
he still remained faithful.
i remember one point in my life i tried explaining that to one of my
he told me he didn't understand
and that it was really ****** of god to do something like that.
i tried to explain it
but i found myself at a loss for words
he now attends church regularly and we don't

perhaps it was the feeling of rebellion that made it fade
it's difficult being raised in a religious household
so that the one moment when i tasted freedom from the
my parents put on me
i couldn't get enough of it.
cause let's face it
sin is fun
and i haven't been able to stop ever since.

i'm happy when people are happy with religion
i was much happier with religion
but i can't find myself to go back to it
no matter how hard i try the idea of god
or some form of higher being
just doesn't give me the same
that it used to.
i wish i could say it did.
sorry, god.
453 · Apr 2016
today on my drive home from work
i made
eye contact
with the girl who stopped next to me at a
traffic light
nothing was precisely
about the situation
but it was nice to share some sort of
with someone
for a split second before we both looked away
i kept glancing back at her
to see if she was looking in my general direction again
but i guess that split second was the only
she was willing to share
because she never looked back
and that's okay.
424 · Jan 2017
what does it feel like when you have a panic attack?*

it feels like i'm running
it feels like i'm running
and i just can't
and i feel my knees
lock up
and i feel my legs
go weak
but i just can't stop
i'm like a car
that has been put in neutral
i'm like a car
whose brakes have been cut
because i have no
to stop
and i start apologizing
i'm sorry
i say
i'm sorry
but it's not working
i'm not stopping
and so i start getting angry
don't ******* go to sleep
don't ******* leave me
can't you see that i need you?
why would you ******* leave me
when i need you?
why don't you love me?
why don't you ******* love me?
and with every word
my pace gets faster
i pick up speed
and the hill gets taller
and steeper
until it is a
ninety degree angle
and i'm falling
i'm falling to my destruction
why don't you ******* love me?
i keep repeating
why don't you ******* love me?
until i hit the ground
with a boom
so big that it could
an entire city
and i breathe
and i look around at the destruction
and i keep breathing
why am i like this?
i ask myself
what's wrong with me?
419 · Aug 2016
often times
when i go into
with my parents
that have little
in the middle of the the table
i always
to see if its a real flame
in case i need to burn the place down
if my parents try to ask me about politics.
398 · Aug 2017
rug burn
the last time
had *** i gave
rug burn on your back.

it stayed there for
some of the
to follow and remained
as i broke your heart.

in the moment i felt
about the red scabs that
protruded down the
outline of your

but looking back i'm
i could give you a
to think of me.

as horrid as it sounds i'm
i could give you discomfort in your sleep,
just as months later
would do to me.

and though i wish you the
now, i hope that when you
wince as you sit
back in a seat you think of
and only
386 · Apr 2016
i hear the clock go
over and over again
as if there's a ticking
time bomb
in my brain
and its going to go off any second
and i don't mean it's going to
go off
with fits of rage and aggression
i mean it's going to go off with fits of
and i don't know why i can't help it

no i don't know why i can't help it
and go on with my life
but it's just that i've never been able to help things i can
but don't
and it's quite the predicament
no it makes so
little sense
when you spend a week
getting better
and then the next week
getting worse
and you're back to square one
but every time you go back there
it gets even more and more
to advance
and i wish i could say that i've passed go
and collected what's rightfully mine
but honey i haven't passed go in years
cause who knew that all life has is a deck full of
trap cards
and i have nothing to defend myself with
i'm like a little kid
that only plays the games someone else invents.

a lot of people say you create your own happiness
but i think that's *******
cause i've wasted my life trying to
something i wasn't born with
and i wish i could say that i've
in moments that mattered most
and i wish i could say my friends did too
but it's just that i'm the kind of person that cant seem
to tell my friends about half the stupid things i do

cause no one wants to hear about death
unless it's in a suicide note
and i've never gotten that far
but i sure as hell have come close.
382 · Sep 2017
there was a time in my life
where i didn’t feel i needed you
but it’s safe to say
that was before we ever met

and though i wouldn’t label it as an
obsession by any means
still an infatuation

and now it’s not that i need you
but more so i want you
because i believe i can
survive on my own

well, i think that
then here comes my medusa
to look me in the eyes
and turn me to stone.
377 · May 2016
when i was young
i wanted to be a
fire fighter
then i became afraid of fires

then when i was older
i wanted to be a
then i became afraid of religion

then just yesterday
i wanted to
wake up
but then i became afraid of my alarm.
My God! My God! My most Loved God!
The same one that I sought
Doth strike me down
Upon this Holy ground
And lay my body here to rot

Fill my body with a fire!
Run smoke into my lungs!
I shall lay here
Confused by fear
Till I cough up all my blood
228 · Aug 2018
on letting go
i don't like the thought of leaving

i suppose i never did
they had to pull me out of my mothers
by my feet
as i was reaching at the
walls of her stomach
trying to grasp onto something that wasn't there.

that's probably the first time i got this
you know the one that you get
at the end of a trip
when it feels as
your stomach is eating itself.
and that's the feeling i'm
right now
as i sense an ending being near,
the end of some sort of
and it's scary
with the knowledge that i'll never get those months back.
and it's

today at lunch my dad told me that
when he was
my age
he was married, paying for an apartment, and going to school.
i wish i could let that go.
instead i've been looking at my dead end ******* job
like a coffin with my name on it
like i'm gonna die the same way i lived
in the food industry
bury me with mcdonalds soft serve
and a chicken jr. from burger king.

and i can feel myself grabbing for the inside
of my mothers stomach
and there's nothing to hold on to.
and without any sort of warning
i am pulled out of my warm
and i'm tossed into the cold dark world
and all i can do is cry
and let go.
223 · Feb 2018
i wish i could say
i felt something when i saw you cry
but all i could do
was think about how ugly you looked

— The End —