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 Sep 2015 Matthew Walsh
I found my answer in your hesitation.

- F.T
 Sep 2015 Matthew Walsh
 Sep 2015 Matthew Walsh
Oh boy, you have no clue
how I'd **** to be on top of you
and if my mind had gone,
my jeans would be undone
 Sep 2015 Matthew Walsh
I'm afraid to love you
For people always seeking new
I'm not telling that it is you
Just old things treasured by few
Everything is good as blossoming flower,
Could we make it fresh in forever?
I couldn't risk what is left of me
Unsure of the love you promise
Don't get me wrong, we feel the same I know
Fearing to lose the love once more.
 Sep 2015 Matthew Walsh
Nik Bland
I read the writing of the rain
It's borrowed page, my window
As my fingers trace the lines
Of otherworldly words that flow

I look beyond my windowpane
As curtains of water dance
And think beyond these liquid walls
That these droplets might be returning my glance
 Sep 2015 Matthew Walsh
Innocence is the days when
I thought that monsters
lived under the bed rather
than slept right beside me.

It was the times I feared
heights almost as much as
I now fear brooding stares.

Back when I thought
passionate love was the
only kind worth having
— that I now wish for a
lover who loves quietly.

Innocence was thinking
danger was an ill-advised
adventure, not a man.

It was admiring a tornado
heart and not realizing the
damage it would cause.
© copyright
 Aug 2015 Matthew Walsh
Pictures painted perfect
presented passionately,
performed precisely
per person.

Pacific patterns push
pry precious paintings
past pooling purpose.

Politely, please pardon
pitiful, pointless
PPPPPPPP just trying somethin new
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