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36.9k · Sep 2019
Marie-Lyne Sep 2019
I think
the world
of us
than we
can offer
9.4k · Sep 2017
Le Trio Joubran
Marie-Lyne Sep 2017
Nobody can make you feel unwanted nor sad
Because what you have felt this evening was sacred
Three souls playing, fighting, crying
As if I have witnessed a conversation of people
who understood how to make life a
living, a misery and a land where we could forget our differences
To become one in their little world of music
To witness magic
Endless shadows
To feel so happy
A sentiment of pure excstasy
To experience patience, rage , sadness in a second
Is  rare in our world
To experience pain, nostalgia and a piece of your
distant country
To close your eyes from all this madness
To see lights in Ouds
To witness a cozy litlle night filled with
nothing but candles
and people making you forget that your soul
is trapped into a body that constantly suffers
Our deepest selves have found a shelter
We have visited our loved ones
with our invisible wings
We've known what made us human
We've seen three persons merging
into one for the sake of music
We've seen them through moments of excstasy
but most of all hard and severe body movements
Giving life to a woodly instrument
Making the robotic and the technological a human for once
3.7k · Aug 2018
Marie-Lyne Aug 2018
It was an adoration of the body
the male body
It reminded me of statues
of desire
of a ****** gaze
and multiple pleasures
what an aesthetic way
to compare life
to water
the cycle of life
the maternal side of life
what a tragedy
Marie-Lyne Sep 2018
Some things in ourselves are really hard to change
My main concern in life was
not being enough
for something
for my courses
I was self-doubting
I was really afraid
How could I start again after all the fun months I have spent?
How can I keep a routine?
How can I get back to study and
focus on myself?
How can I spend more hours in the library
and become more confident?
Waw how much these questions are important
And how much they involve
Every student in the world

And I answered them with other questions
Why do I need to be the best to succeed?
Shouldn’t learning be a fun thing?
Where it is all about accepting yourself
And expanding your knowledge
Why do I always feel the need to be more than I am?
Why do I have to become better?
Who said that the version of myself right now isn’t enough?
Why do I compare myself to others, to phones , to machines?
Why do we do this to ourselves setting up goals
Instead of waiting and seeing what life will offer us
Why can’t we trust that good things will happen
They can take time some time
And that’s okay
We should be patient with our fragile souls
Observe this world and see its hidden beauty

I need books to make me feel better
I need to read about a writer’s boring life
Accept life as absurd, boring and alienating as it is
Accept that everyone has a dark side
Involve emotions and feelings in everything I do or say
Let go instead of holding on
2.6k · Nov 2017
Mashrou' Leila
Marie-Lyne Nov 2017
Mashrou’ Leila will lead the revolution
Songs made in my country never fought the system
They never expressed what the youth wanted
or how they really felt about themselves
But their songs make us dream to the Marrikh
They give us a connection to reality in Fasateen
They expressed what the society of spectacle is in only 3 minutes
We could think about our ex in Ala babu
We are able to remember our country in Lel watan
How we always live in a state of exile in **** El-Khandaq
Manipulations In a daily life in Taxi
Grief and tough love in Abdo
Evolution and infinite surrenders in Wa Nueid
The barriers of language and sexuality in Kalaam
The devastating stages of a separation in Bahr
The closeness of strangers in Habibi
They are The Doors of our generation
They made crowds go crazy just like The Rolling Stones
But at the same time they were pure and melancholic just like Jeff Buckley
Thank you for keeping us alive in dark days and heavy nights
Your music will always give us new and unfamiliar feelings
2.1k · Dec 2017
Marie-Lyne Dec 2017
In the age of digital media
All we want is a relationship full of photos
Uploaded on instagram
We want a simple love
A non complicated one
But that never happens
Because love is a complex necessity
But hey for once we can try to keep the freedom to ourselves
To love someone
And to like someone else for a while
To see what we're missing
But at the same time what we still have
Where our strength hangs is in ourselves
Not in others
We're complete with each other
And by ourselves
Marie-Lyne Mar 2018
Ce que j'ai ressenti quand j'ai écouté ses chansons

True sorry
Sa musique t'envahit
Te coupe le souffle
Rien que des sentiments graves, étouffantes
Il te prend par la main
Et t'étrangle soudainement
Il te caresse dans ta gifle
Il est avec toi
et t'abandonne quand tu le désires le plus
Il est là
Sur des vibrations sonores hors norme
Ce qu'il fait t'exaspère
te rend malade
Il ment sans même rougir
L'improbable c'est lui
L'horizon , les jardins vivent dans
ses imaginations
mais il aime me montrer ses démons

Nomade Slang
Je me balade dans tes pensées
Je veille sur tes routines plates
Ton âme danse dans cet espace
Je te voix heureux mais effrayé de
ce monde et ne montrant que ta tristesse

La mer, le vent chaud
les gens qui passent
Tout est familier
Tu revoit ta jeunesse
A l'aise dans un coin
Ce que tu es ne te ressemble plus
1.8k · Oct 2018
You're not a robot
Marie-Lyne Oct 2018
Do not look at yourself and assume you are
a failure just because you don't fit the
standards of society.
Being part of life
means you have to accept
whatever happens.
Humans aren't robots
They are fragile creatures
who will always need support,
motivation and love.
1.8k · Jul 2019
This is diaspora
Marie-Lyne Jul 2019
That’s the thing about lived realities
They are not expectations
Nor stereotypes about cultures
They are the opposite of common knowledge
How about we document our life and get rid of these misconceptions?
1.6k · Jun 2019
7:39 pm
Marie-Lyne Jun 2019
If I keep searching for answers
I’ll lose myself
1.5k · Dec 2017
Call me by nour name
Marie-Lyne Dec 2017
Some movies will let you feel
They will give you the power to cry
They will show you simplicity
****** and eternal desires
They'll remind you of what you're missing
They'll reflect your life
1.3k · Dec 2020
The end of 2020
Marie-Lyne Dec 2020
We need to thank the people
that gave us support this year
that understood our pain
The people that never left us
Their presence
Their voices
Their words
gave us hope
to never give up
940 · Jun 2019
What stops progress?
Marie-Lyne Jun 2019
Being stuck
On a person
On a feeling
On a situation
928 · Feb 2019
Marie-Lyne Feb 2019
A conversation
Doesn’t always
927 · Oct 2018
Marie-Lyne Oct 2018
I belong here
I belong in unknown places
in deserted islands
I belong in scary forests
in deep seas
925 · Sep 2020
Marie-Lyne Sep 2020
My relationship
with you
is toxic
817 · May 2017
I am an introvert
Marie-Lyne May 2017
I am not a season
you can’t live with me everyday
you can’t  know who I am if you just look outside the window
you can’t know me if you just talked me or saw me
I dont open up easily
It takes time some time
if you dont know me
you can’t make your false first impressions
814 · Nov 2018
Loosing myself
Marie-Lyne Nov 2018
I am loosing interest in myself
In others
In the world surrounding me
I am lost
Not knowing what to feel
How to feel
And what can I do to stop feeling
Does missing someone
Makes us loose ourselves
Does missing someone
Crash us to the ground
Make us desperate
Tell me it’s okay to feel this way
Even if I don’t want to
If I even think this makes me weak
And at others times
I accept that it is perfectly normal
Lost human quality
Should I continue moving on
Even if I don’t feel like it
Can i take a pause
Because my mental health needs some rest
786 · Jul 2019
Human machines
Marie-Lyne Jul 2019
In a world full
Of human machines
Don’t be afraid to feel
Take a day off
And take a break
775 · Oct 2021
Marie-Lyne Oct 2021
You deserve
the same amount of love
you invest in other people
728 · Jun 2018
Little french poems
Marie-Lyne Jun 2018
L’amitié ne se regrette jamais
mais l’amour toujours

L’espace qui reste de nos sentiments
se rétrécie chaque jour un cm de plus

Tu peux avoir tout
sauf une âme similaire à une personne que tu aimes

Ce qui nous fatigue
nous rend malade
sans remède sur
des terrases de maisons
d ’inconnues
709 · Jan 2022
Marie-Lyne Jan 2022
You are not stuck
if you live in the same space
You are stuck
When you wake up everyday with the same mindset
705 · Oct 2018
Marie-Lyne Oct 2018
We have to stop somewhere
Observe our lives
Pause, take a break
Think of everything that happened
For whatever made sense before
is meaningless right now
702 · Oct 2018
Marie-Lyne Oct 2018
Endings are beautiful
Because you give yourself
the chance to start again
700 · Feb 2022
A message for you
Marie-Lyne Feb 2022
I never hated you
And I never will
688 · Mar 2017
Marie-Lyne Mar 2017
To visit yourself
Once in a while
will do you some good
To discover all the things inside of you
To get used to yourself and to help yourself
To get comfortable in your own presence
To find happinness
in your loneliness
682 · Dec 2017
Love and accept yourself
Marie-Lyne Dec 2017
Am I enough?
Or the world is too
demanding ?
We challenge ourselves everyday
But life is not a competition
I think we need to feel
grateful in a society that
is constantly trying to put
us down
We are not humans anymore
We should quit the jobs
that make us suffer
Have a roadtrip to
an unknown place
Sit on the grass
Look at the immense sky
It's not about how
much you've achieved
But more about what have
you learnt in order to
love yourself
and to accept your fragile soul
It's a long journey
But we'll get there someday
I promise
670 · Jun 2021
Marie-Lyne Jun 2021
We all need space
to figure out
what suits us the most
Marie-Lyne Mar 2017
the most beautiful germs are hidden in unknown places
the most beautiful stories are not told
how love sometimes is an obstacle
how jealousy is the real death
how we find peace when knowing that someone share our feelings
how we’re able to identify with a character
how fatal is love
how his flames burn us
somehow to bring us closer to life
how unfair some lives are
the way they are constructed
if only love was that strong
like a ******* disease
like a bullet that could **** you

Some stories are hidden
but how beautiful is it to discover truths about strangers
like somehow they open up our life
our whole life
we change the way we think
we live more
we start to breath again

Let us discover untold stories
let us find what is hidden
let me change my world, my life
to have more knowledge about an unknown writer
how some people’s lives are meant to inspire us to leave everything behind us
leave maps that we constructed
follow unknown roads
I just want to feel
to fall in love with others
to accept myself as a boring human being
644 · Jul 2022
Le Trio Joubran...
Marie-Lyne Jul 2022
Their music have the power to erase identities
For an hour and a half we forget where we come from
We are mesmerized by three souls dancing with their ouds
Their music make us feel nostalgic to places and people we will never visit again
We are in the presence of chaos, beautiful sunsets and wildfires emerging from a crescendo of melodies
Every person in the audience felt like they belong to this circle of life that they have created in their songs
You can understand them without words
You can enter their world of passion and feel alive, content and calm
Even your negative thoughts leave you
You are in the presence of performers who transformed your mundane reality into a majestic scenery that you can’t stop staring at!
#le #trio #joubran
611 · Feb 2022
Marie-Lyne Feb 2022
On the road
you’ll find answers
to your concerns
and death will integrate
the circle of life
610 · Jun 2019
A thank you poem
Marie-Lyne Jun 2019
Some people make us who we are
And we will never get the opportunity
To thank them
554 · Sep 2019
2:17 pm
Marie-Lyne Sep 2019
We think too much of what we want to become
Instead of searching for what satisfies our soul
543 · Dec 2018
Marie-Lyne Dec 2018
If we fight ourselves
How do we know that we won or lost?
How do we know when to continue
When to stop
When to be more of ourselves
Can we do it alone?
Or do we need constant support
From people
Book and songs
Do we have to listen to other’s people stories
In order to feel better
Will our fight make more sense when it is experienced by someone else who was been through it all
Someone who will know our story just by looking into our eyes
They will say to us
“I’ve know what you’re going through
And I am gonna help you elevate yourself
You’ll know how to do it the secomd time alone”

If we abondon our own fights
Is it a relief
Or a failure?

Combattre soi-même
Devrait être une des choses les
Plus difficiles à faire
543 · Jun 2018
Keep this in mind
Marie-Lyne Jun 2018
Become something for yourself
not for others
531 · Jun 2022
Marie-Lyne Jun 2022
You keep going
No matter what
No matter how tired you are
and how much time it’s going to take you
514 · Dec 2019
Last wish of December
Marie-Lyne Dec 2019
We'll become adults
the timing
of the
understand it.
507 · Mar 2019
Marie-Lyne Mar 2019
What if you’re running away
From the things that are meant for you?
What if you’re afraid
Of all the things that can make you happy?
503 · Jul 2021
Accomplished goals
Marie-Lyne Jul 2021
Have faith in better days
In a better future
Look forward for accomplished goals
499 · Dec 2017
Marie-Lyne Dec 2017
You meet new people
and they fill you
With the feeling of belonging
491 · Aug 2019
7:24 am
Marie-Lyne Aug 2019
If only
We talk
Our failtures
The same way
We talk
About our
491 · May 2022
Marie-Lyne May 2022
Gives me anxiety
490 · May 2021
Marie-Lyne May 2021
Sometimes what we see in others
isn’t the same same thing they see in themselves
480 · May 2022
Marie-Lyne May 2022
Is my coping mechanism
477 · May 2019
13th May
Marie-Lyne May 2019
Life is a process
Nothing happens all of a sudden
Everything takes time
469 · Jun 2021
Marie-Lyne Jun 2021
Never let someone convince you
That you have big dreams
469 · Jun 2019
Marie-Lyne Jun 2019
We don’t need validation
To be ourselves
457 · Oct 2018
Marie-Lyne Oct 2018
Heal yourself
You have powers inside you
and all the wisdom of the world
455 · May 2019
Marie-Lyne May 2019
We do so much
For people
Who did
So little
448 · Jan 2022
Montréal,je t’aime.
Marie-Lyne Jan 2022
Travelling make us
More grateful
And appreciative
Of what we already have
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