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Lynn Al-Abiad Jul 2017
It is a sunset after a dance
A light leaking in in the morning on a bed that isn't yours
A child's happiness in the prairie
The first dip in the sea
The gradient line the sun leaves in the sky after it disappears
It is how the moon is always in the sky
It is late night rides filled with love after a very long day
It is dancing till you drowse, till you have no more feelings to give, till you feel the tear swallowing itself back into the ball of your eye
It is how the sea looks exactly the same on early morning hours and early evening hours
A moment of extreme tiredness and you can sleep anywhere that supports your head
A realization that people you care about are looking for the exact same thing you're looking for
A bike ride
The longest way home
A cup of vanilla latte
A cup of almond milk
A kind cab driver that would make a turn so you won't have to cross the street

It is all around you if you look closely
Happiness is next to you if you choose to see it

- LynnAA
Lynn Al-Abiad Jul 2017
Give me a puff.
Drowse me and kiss me.

- LynnAA
Lynn Al-Abiad Jun 2017
An ode
An ode to a girl,
Who fought, who broke, who lit fires, who went on
Who embraced old and new
Fear and courage
Mind and heart
Love and the lack of it
Forgiveness and kindness
An ode to a girl who wanted to discover the world
Who was contained in boxes and shapes
But she was curious
Her hands weren't hers
Her eyes weren't hers
Her hair, her nostrils, her lungs, her *******
Her mind wasn't hers
Her feelings weren't hers
Even her heart wasn't hers
What could be hers?
What can she be with all that she doesn't have?
She had to know
She had to be
So she left to where she only knows
She broke her box with all that she doesn't have to find what she can have
This is an ode
An ode to girl
Who went for the search of herself and haven't come back yet
This is an ode, a music, a chant
To follow that ******* her journey and be her tune until she comes back unrecognisable but true to herself

- LynnAA
This is a thank you
Inspired by /M

Lynn Al-Abiad Jun 2017
I imagined it falling down the toilet seat, and I laughed.

- LynnAA
And I laughed

Lynn Al-Abiad Jun 2017
Yes, I am crazy.
I am a fire, I do things I shouldn't do, I don't listen to good advises, I venture here and there, I listen to everyone and talk to no one, I touch people I shouldn't touch, I get undressed inappropriately, I run away to places only I know of, I lose myself in a long car ride, I always take the long way home when driving, I go to the beach and stay in the sea all day, I cut my hair when a story ends, or get a tattoo, I build walls in people's faces and destroy them when I feel comfortable around them, I spend more money than I make, I hop into strangers' cars everyday, I wear heels and go for long walks, I take routes that lead me to people I love, I sit on the edge of mountains with my legs hanging, I buy dance clothes and wear them everyday, I play songs I fall in love with on repeat for weeks, I yell out of happiness, I laugh oh so loud, ...
I am crazy because I can't be contained
I am crazy because I am curious about this world
I want to die with not a single "what if I had the courage?"
I apologize to those I hurt and will hurt
And I love back all those who fell in love with me
But most of all, I hope I grow through it all
I hope that, on my death bed, I can tell every crazy story to my sons and grand kids and die with a smile on my face, die happy, with all my memories flashing back inside my head.
I hope I become a fire that eats everything it meets and grows bigger and bigger, without burning, without leaving ashes behind, only bringing heat to those who have been feeling cold for a long while.

- LynnAA
Fire Sign.

Lynn Al-Abiad Jun 2017
و لذُروَة الحُب، غَشاوَة

لين اا -
و لذُروَة الحُب، غَشاوَة

Lynn Al-Abiad Jun 2017
Dessine moi des moutons, des nuages, ou des astres, des êtres indignes, une atome de phényléthylamine, un inconnu dont je ferai connaissance, une lune gibbeuse en plein jour
Dessine moi, dans un lit, dans tes bras, sous la lumière des étoiles en une nuit d'une nouvelle lune, après une ****** embuée, après t'avoir embrassé, au reveil de mon jour d'anniversaire
Dessine moi tout ce qui te déclenche un battement de coeur
Dessine moi quand je fais battre ton coeur


Draw me sheep, clouds, or stars, unworthy beings, a phenylethylamine atom, a stranger whom I'll meet, a gibbous moon in broad daylight
Draw me, in bed, in your arms, under the light of the stars on a new moon night, after a misty shower, after kissing you, after I wake up on my birthday
Draw me everything that triggers your heart
Draw me when I set off your heart

- LynnAA
Love note for the, yet, unknown

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