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Lynn Al-Abiad Jun 2017
Hide me in a man's skin and I'll show you what a woman really is.

- LynnAA
Because I know I have a man inside me. So does every woman.
Because every man has a woman inside him as well.

Lynn Al-Abiad Jun 2017
It is a moment of weakness
It is a moment where I forget to love myself for a fraction of a second
It is a moment where I recall the past to fill up an empty moment in my present
I do not want to go back
I told you, and I'll still tell you,
I would rather choke than feel again everything I have ever felt every moment I told you I loved you
No, this is not a goodbye message, it is not a love note, it is not about you, it is not me grieving
It is me, a year later, stronger, older, wiser, kinder, happier, freed and waiting for more freedom
Even so, I will always colour the center of my mandalas dark red

- LynnAA
They come and parts of them stay. Because this is how things are. And I love how things can be.

Lynn Al-Abiad Jun 2017
يمكن بعدَك متل ما إنتَ، مكَنكَن و فارش ببيت كل حياتَك عايش في و حاسس حالَك علقان، لأنّو ضيّعت مفاتيح هل بيت، ما فيك تضهَر خوفاً من إنّو يطبُش الباب و يِزِربَك برّا
بس إنت مش عارف إنّو الدنيا مليانة بيوت بوابها مفتوحة و ما إلها مفاتيح

Maybe you are still the same, feeling cozy in a house you've forever lived in, and you feel trapped because you lost the keys to this house - you can't get out, fearing that the door will shut behind you and lock you outside
But you don't actually know that the world is filled with houses whose doors are wide open, no key needed

لين اا -
- LynnAA
لإنّوالباب اللي إلو مفتاح بناسبك
Because a door with a lock suits you best

Lynn Al-Abiad Jun 2017
ِأتمنّى أن تجدي صوتاً لحُنجُرَتِك

I hope you find a voice that fits your throat

لين اا -
- LynnAA
Next thing I know, you're in the Bolshoi.

Lynn Al-Abiad Jun 2017
In that moment, I was so happy to be here I cried
Then I folded some laundry, put everything back to its place, packed my stuff, hanged the keys on the front door and left.
My skirt felt lighter, played along with my legs as I was walking down the stairs.
I was lighter - my *******, my hair, my arms, my ribs, my sole, my toes, even my heart was lighter.

- LynnAA
Still am.

Lynn Al-Abiad Jun 2017
I kissed the sun and the sun kissed every inch of my naked body.
At that moment I was only swinging, basking between spots of shade, a little mountain breeze and the warm feeling of the sun on my belly
And I realized that right now I am alone with myself, with no one to call me by my name.

A breath of fresh air, a sun setting already and a tear on my face - the day is coming to an end, and I would have to go back where nakedness under the sun is a sin.

- LynnAA
Note To Self / Love Note

Lynn Al-Abiad Jun 2017
البيت هوي مرجوحة كبيرة عل فيراندا و أنا قاعدة عليها عارية و الشمس عم بتغيب عجسمي

Home is me sitting on a fairly big swing on the veranda as the sun is setting on my body

لين اا -
- LynnAA
Love Note / Note To Self

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