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 3d Lyle
A smile so sweet, a heart so black, they stab your spine, then pat your back.
 3d Lyle
I miss who i was
Don't know who i will be
And I'm scared of what I've become.
I don't really know who i am anymore.
 3d Lyle
Today i found out that
My brother is turning into me.
Every single detail.
I'm scared for him.
My brother is exactly the age i started sh and i found out he already tried it "out of curiosity". Same as me. I have no idea how to help him because he refuses to believe he's not okay. I don't want him to go through the same stuff i sent through.
 3d Lyle
They talk about the act,

But never the feeling after.

They don't talk about the guilt,

The blood sticking to your sleeve.

The cleaning up after

Or the simple lack of it.

They don't talk about people asking,

And you saying it's because of the cat,

Half a million times.
A lot of people forgets that it's not just "cutting for fun", it's a bunch of other stuff.
Trauma leaves a mark
That cannot be erased
Stays with you forever
Something not to be praised
But time is a healer
The memory with time fades
You cannot forget
What caused that trauma
That made that imprint
Which stays in your mind
 3d Lyle
 3d Lyle
 3d Lyle
she has little innocent demons inside her eyes
they recklessly play with matches.
setting nerves alight
chocking her brain in billow smoke
and yet I’ve never seen sparks so pretty.
 3d Lyle
"You've been writing again."
Yes, I have.
"So, who is behind the pain?"
What do you mean?
"I know you. You only write when you're hurting. When your heart's heavy, your mind full, your soul splintered. Those are the times when your best words
spill on the page. I know this because I've read them, I've felt your words enter my skin, flow through my veins, and embed themselves onto my heart. So tell me, who's behind the beautifully heart breaking poetry this time?"
 3d Lyle
 3d Lyle
Stop looking at me like that,
with pity in your glassy dead eyes.
all I am to you is a tragedy, right?
Stop it.
Stop ******* looking at me like that.
Do you hear me?

I will break you with my bloodstained teeth.
 3d Lyle
"That's so cute. You think you're scary.
But mister, I've seen scary-
and you ain't got his smile."
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