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 3d Lyle
i think you deserve a soft epilogue,
my love.
you are a good person
and  you've suffered enough.
 3d Lyle
you carry your fathers hand me down rage
its two sizes to big
and everyone can see it doesn't fit you
 3d Lyle
they call you useless
and paint bruises on your sides.
you nod and stay silent
 3d Lyle
if you think this is a happy ending
you haven't been paying attention
-happy ending aren't given to people like me love
laced in glow spill, dusk-slick.
tiny suns,
trembling—bodies of light,

hush-black air—
soft hymns flickering,
pleas pressed to glass,
breath-fogged, burning.

whispered tomorrow—
honey-thick, guilt-laden,
beauty begged to be held.

bled dry.
cold palms, hollowed vessel,
absence like ruin.

I lied to the glass.
I stole their dying light.

& now—
I bear their afterglow
like a wound that refuses to dim.

 3d Lyle
300 people
Have heard what I have to say

300 people
Liked it

It's crazy to me
That even one soul
Could care about my words
And my woes
But 300!?!

300 people
With thoughts
And poetry
Have read and enjoyed
Wow, this is a dream

I've written
Quite a bit
About feeling lonely
But just a second ago
I looked at the number of followers
And saw 300
A beautiful number
Built from beautiful people
And I felt together
And like I was no longer a weirdly shaped puzzle piece
With no existing puzzle to fit in to

Of course
I write for me
But it sure felt good
To see

Thank you,
Each and every one of you,
You mean so much to me
(this note was was written by a hippo that ate a blueberry sandwich for linner. Linner is a mix between lunch and dinner. His name was windowframe.)
 3d Lyle
To all of you
That are hurting
I wish I could soothe you
Give you a hug
And tell you that you're not alone

Unfortunately, we are all
Through a screen
On the deepest
Most beautiful place in the internet
And I can't hug you

I am trying my best
Willing my brain and my heart
To send you some comfort
And some love
Even when you feel unlovable

I hope that when you look up at the stars
Or the morning moon
You remember
All the others on here
So saw it too

You're okay


Tap your left hand with your right
Like I just did now

This is how
Even if someone of us are
Far away ?
(this note was written by a crayon, Garry. He was an indescribable color, but tasted like ham flavored toothpaste.)
 3d Lyle
I don't need a father
To call in the middle of school
When he's feeling like ****
And he wants to bring that on to me

I care that he's crying
Even though I don't want to
Either way
I don't need this from him

He takes your kindness
And uses it against you

It's not something I can deal with anymore
I'll simply not talk to him

I need a father
To make me feel comforted
And supported
And loved unconditionally

Not so I can be manipulated
And forced to grow up quickly
This is unedited, not so good, but needed to be written.

He feels the need to call me in his episodes, and it's always unpleasant. I'm done with it.

(This note was written by rage's pencil. It was broken into many pieces and smelt of metal.)
 3d Lyle
I feel less than
For I am a number
Or maybe an object
For seven hours a day

I feel less than
For I am different
And you are under people
If you aren't the same

I feel less than
Because I can't make my own decisions
And the people who do
Don't understand what it's like
To be in my head

I feel less than
For even my own haunted mind
Seems to rule over me
(this kite was written by an alien called humbeisvalizbs that was too lazy to think of anyyhing better for this note)
 3d Lyle
Do you ever feel
Like you're a bug?

I mean
Think about it
They get punished
For just existing
And in the world we live in
We are born in to this madness
With the only escape
Being death

Bugs come in all different shapes and sizes
Still bugs nonetheless
But when we see an ant just minding it's business
We step on it
And when we see a butterfly
we take a picture

Bugs get squashed
By people

People get squashed
By people

Do you see what I mean?
Maybe not the most poetic thing, but a thought I had.

(This note was written by a light that could not turn on, but you thought you could turn it on when you wanted to. Is that enough?)
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