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 Jun 2014 jennifer
 Jun 2014 jennifer
I remember it,
it was a warm Tuesday evening
and we were stumbling to the bus stop
that stood on the side
of the busy town centre street,
she was being herself,
telling me how terrible
I am
and how she hates every inch of me,
then she leaned in to kiss me;
this would happen nearly every day
but that warm Tuesday evening,
something clicked;
I took the anger I had felt for so long
and painted it on her body
with bruises
shades of purple,
yellows and blues;
she left me the next day
for a pretty boy she had met
a few days earlier;
we were never going to work;
she was crazy
and I was crazy for her;
that 'love' did not bring me joy
and hope,
it brought me suicidal thoughts
and hard liquor;
I still remember it,
the day I broke into a million
tiny little pieces;
I still find myself searching
for those pieces
and it kills me every time
I realise I can never get them back;
but I am trying
to re-build myself
with the little pieces
I managed to cling on to
in the shock of the fall
 Jun 2014 jennifer
Guided Words
 Jun 2014 jennifer
All my life I have
dabbled in telling people precisely what
it is I need to hear, and tried
to convince myself the words I planted
in their mouths came
to them, unbidden inspiration, sentiment, however
you want to call it. All my life, I have
hated how what I need
is false, lies, trickery, never
true. All my life
I have wrestled with acceptance
of how my needs never coincide
with others' words. All my life, how
was I to know that I could never
prepare, never ready myself for
the shock of you
saying what I needed
to hear, unasked
How ridiculous of me to think
just because I never vocalized
you wouldn't know and
to forget that strangely you know
to read me better and
to think that this time was any
more special than any other.

May 18, 2014
6:23 PM
edited May 19, 2014
 Jun 2014 jennifer
Clara Oswin
I've found that i am grossly attached to people who hate. Typically themselves. Who wallow in self doubt and stay up late counting the reasons they despise their beings. The kids who drown their demons in Jack Daniel's.

**** it. We're all pretty much the same. Hatred; sadness hidden beneath scarred on smiles. But isn't that the truth behind the great american dream? The glory beneath the guilded age?

And yeah, i think i romanticize it a bit. Though i know that scars are disgusting when your body intertwines with another, and ***** tastes like acid; i still somehow think that there is a beauty in sadness. Shining a light through a dark cave. Surviving your demons. There is strength and courage. Because that's what it takes to survive your mind.
 Jun 2014 jennifer
Clara Oswin
Everyday, i look at the scale and pray
That the number has gone down
Because i don't know how much longer i can hate myself
With such vicious passion
I will probably add to this
 May 2014 jennifer
What a cruel trick
of my own nature
that you would have to build
me up spectacularly
and then come back and tear
me down crushingly
and make me question if
you ever loved me
until I could for the first time feel
I can speak to you honestly.
May 15, 2014
11:47 PM
 May 2014 jennifer
Secure Slumber
 May 2014 jennifer
Tonight I get to sleep
curled up around the warmth
the singular taste on my tongue
of the last words you said to me.
And then I woke up.
May 16, 2014
2:10 AM
 May 2014 jennifer
Ode To Aderall
 May 2014 jennifer
Jagged little pill
smooth little pill
soft little pill-
           fill my head with cotton
                 but make everything clearer.

Square little pill
round little pill
oval little pill-
           paint the world in shades of binary
                 a collection of dualities
                       a simplification of choices.

White little pill
brown little pill
orange little pill-
           fuel the fire inside my belly
                 but exhaust me
                       take away my hunger for life
                             outside of the lines you have drawn.

           of all the little pills every morning
                 the ones the doctors prescribe and question
                       the ones I am never sure if I can feel
                             the ones whose effects are dubious and enigmatic
                                   you are the most quantifiable, and the only one
                                         with whom my relationship is Daedalean.
I'm not sure anymore.
May 15, 2014
6:30 PM
 May 2014 jennifer
my hands are shaking
my bottom lip is trembling
and I stand,
like the rocks that await
to be hit by the sea,
I raise a fist and take it to
my own left upper-arm,
it hurts a little
but not enough,
I do it again,
raising my right fist
and striking it against
my other arm,
this time it hurt a lot more,
but I'm still not satisfied,
I hit and I hit
for around twenty minutes
until my arm is all kinds of colours;
blue, purple, yellow,
I am covered in bruises;
I am crying now and my vision
is blurred;
I pick up the phone and listen
to the voicemail you left for me
when I was too drunk to say my own name,
and I lie down on the floor
trying to remember
how your lips moved
when you spoke your words of hate
and how your eyes would always fill with tears
when you saw me take the bottle to my mouth
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