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 Jun 2015 ellie
Sukanya Rajan
I'm the faded old photograph tucked away between pages of the romantic novel you read in high school.

I'm the smell of the coffee beans that greets you while you sip a latte macchiato on a rainy evening with your newfound love.

I'm the lyrics of a song you sing no more,
I'm the high you get from the pills you take
to drive the loneliness away.

I was there, I am here
and I will be
a part of everything that you've ever touched to your lips
or laid your eyes upon.

Every city that you breathe in,
the winds will bring my name to me.

And if not my name,
at least give to me the sigh that escapes your lips
when you feel alone in a room full of people

When you'd hold the glass of 1973 Chavignol between your fingers
like you once held my hand
I hope the color of your wine
reminds you of the color of my amber eyes
but ah! where would you find the depth.

I'd live in every second your watch ticks by,
every mile you drive out of the town where we lay beneath the ink sky and  those million stars
and made memories through the night.

Sometimes, you grow. Get over people.

But you'd never get over how they made you feel.

That's how they stay,
Like the after taste of something you ate.

And no amount of alcohol could make you forget it.
 Jun 2015 ellie
Laken Cooper
Tried being the good girl,
I got nothing.
Listens to whatever you say,
I got nothing.
Did what I think was best for us,
I got nothing.
Pretending to be happy even if I'm not,
I got nothing.
And now loving you even if you don't feel the same,
*I got nothing.
 Jun 2015 ellie
 Jun 2015 ellie
maybe it's me
maybe i'm just too hard to love
I wanted you to understand me
when I didn't even understand myself
 Jun 2015 ellie
Katie Ann
 Jun 2015 ellie
Katie Ann
I love you how I'll leave you,
With all of my heart.
I have nothing left to give,
So they remain strangers.
My heart always belonged to you,
I'm not sure why I tried selling myself to anyone else.
 Jun 2015 ellie
People say,
I should be over it.
"It was, like, a year ago. Stop being so afraid."
Don't you people see?
A year ago is all too close to me.
(and, for the record-- it's 11 months and 6 days)
How do you just 'get over' the loss of your peace of mind?
I sure as hell haven't figured it out.
I still see him
in my nightmares,
in the flashbacks.
Some people think I actually am over it.
But I know that I am not.
I flinch when others touch me without warning,
I cannot open the front door,
I'm unable to walk down the street.
I'm so hyper aware of what happened to me.
I swear, he is buried in my sheets.

So don't tell me to get over it.
Unless you can somehow tell me how.

The anniversary is coming up and I'm not ready.
 Jun 2015 ellie
You were the moon,
I was just the ocean.

I never could escape your gravitational pull.
My tides, the rise and the fall...
I owed them all to you.

The day you abandoned me,
I stood motionless, paralyzed by your absence.
A vast sea of salt water and emptiness.

Aching to feel your pull once more.
 Jun 2015 ellie
other people
 Jun 2015 ellie
other people
make you so miserable,
but you've still got
to make you even more miserable.
we can get well
 Jun 2015 ellie
i am attached to you
as is the rain
to the cobble stone clouds.
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