I like to play horror games
Amnesia was the first one I played
The monsters were scary
The envoirement was eerie
But if I'd call the monster Steven
Instead of scared I'd be merry
Steven was such a funny guy
He looked funny
He walked weirdly
Nothing of him would terrify
The only time he'd scare me was when I'd open the door
Sometimes the jumpscare would make me fall to the floor
Many years I have played these games
Even though I was scared, in the end I'd be okay
That was until I stood next to my brother
He was not yet in his grave
This experience was like no other
It crashed on me like a giant wave
I'd never seen him lay so still
It was hard but I wanted to try
Though I knew it could only go downhill
I wanted to touch his hand one last time
I lowered my body and reached out my hand
I was pretty sure he would scare me right then & there
But my brother didnt move, not even a hair
And I realized at that moment how much I wanted that jumpscare
I lost my brother back in February to suicide. Back then I didn't have the words to say what happened when I stood in that room with my best friend. I told her when I lowered my body that I was waiting for a jumpscare I knew would never happen.
It were very tough times.
To be honest, I still can't handle it.