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lins Oct 2019
I want to hold you tight
be next to you every night

but I'm over here
and you are nowhere near

it's alright because very soon
we will be staring at the moon

spending each moment face to face
us both going back to stay at my place

lins Mar 2019
the smell of you
on my skin
in the air around me
imprinted in my mind
I hope I don’t forget
the scent of you
holding me tight
still waiting here
for a warm smile
a soft caress
then a nighty night
to send me on my way
until tomorrow
with the smell of you
still on my skin
lins Feb 2019
today is shaky
by that,
I mean I am
lins Feb 2019
there’s a we now
but I’m not gonna
overthink it

that’s what I do

sorry babe

you get to deal
with all this crazy

welcome to my world
where everything is big
I’m dramatic
every day

care for me anyway?

I hope you don't get overwhelmed by me being overwhelmed every day of my life.
I don't want to lean on you too much.
lins Feb 2019
please, don't worry about me
but I'm actually glad you do
as a friend should be
I worry for you too

you've been so kind
pushy as always
but I don't mind
that's us nowadays
i'm so thankful for our friendship thanks for continuing to be around even after all the craziness

lins Jan 2019
my stomach can’t help but do flips
whenever you kiss my lips
my heart can’t help but expand
whenever you hold my hand

you're not what I expected
lins Jan 2019
two hands brush
finger tips touch
a smile shared
no longer scared
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