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lins Jan 2019
two hands brush
finger tips touch
a smile shared
no longer scared
lins Jan 2019
this music moves me
provoking tears
waves of emotion
swallowing my heart

overwhelming me
unlike any other
letting it take me
to a new world
dedicated to the lovely band, Birdtalker
lins Dec 2018
I never imagined you, this way
a fixture in my line of sight
someone I wanted to look for
in a group walking by

you shook my foundation
while helping me to
hold on to myself
and everything I believe in

I never imagined you would
capture my thoughts
I have got to say
you really snuck up on me
ages ago I told a friend that you would be the one person that could cause feelings to sneak up on me and shake my world

lins Dec 2018
gal pal

if that’s what
I am to you
then we have
a problem
cause I don’t
think I want
to be only
a gal pal
I guess we can
keep it simple
I’m not a fan
of your choice
of words
to describe me
but that’s what
I am to you
only a friend
a true buddy
a perfectly platonic

gal pal
I've learned that I set myself up for this so I'm working on doing that less often so this time around I'm okay with gal pal I'm just fine with buddies.

lins Dec 2018
a hollow figure
fallen to the ground
shattered pieces
were once whole

being smashed
they destroy
the outer wall

they didn’t know
inside the shell
was nothing more
than emptiness

what they wanted
could never be
provided by
the hollowness

lying in pieces
there, disjointed
welcoming fate
of destruction
lately I've been feeling more and more like a failure and it's beginning to weigh on me
lins Nov 2018
be gone
get out
you aren’t welcome
not in my mind
not anymore
those thoughts
the ones that hurt
aren’t real
I am more
more than that
more than you
no matter how much
I run and scream
from you monster
you catch me
and trap me
mess with my head

well guess what
I’m over it
I’m free from you
and I’ll stay away
because you ruin
and you wreck
my lovely life
lins Oct 2018
good thing you were just a crush
so that I didn’t get attached
heart not invested
nothing like that at all

I can forget those thoughts
they weren’t a big deal
you just caught my attention
nothing deeper than that

except my chest still hurts
when I imagine you holding me
but I’m not invested
I can forget you easily

I’m just curious about her
what’s her name?
you smile when you see her
even from across the room

but, I’m only curious
just as a friend because
I’m not attached to you
no, nothing like that

I can be around you
and be totally fine
acting natural and friendly
remember, I’m not invested

your smile hits me hard
and that little laugh too
but I'll be okay because hey,
at least I’m not invested, right?
short lived but that's okay
that's what crushes are for
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