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  Mar 2016 Lindsey Nicole Isbell
I'm not as religious
as my mom thinks I am.
She teaches other kids
about our shared faith
every Sunday, with me in tow.
It's not that I don't believe
in the gods that she does.
God is supposed to
guide you and inspire you,
and teach, protect, and love you.
So I implore you:
find God in the halls of an art gallery
or in the crashing waves at the beach.
Find God at the bottom of a bottle
or on the top of a skyscraper,
the middle of a forest,
in the words of scholars
or in the cells of life itself.
Call it what you want,
but find God
in everyone
and everything.
I can't stand to see you two together, so closend
But there isn't anything I can do without seeming like a *****
I don't want to control your life
But I let you dictate mine
You never seem to care that I don't like it when she flips her hair and giggles like a school girl at everything you say
You see her 80 percent of your day
You see me maybe 10 percent if I'm lucky
And most of the time those two mix
I'm always waiting to be next

The next time you don't seem to care
I'll say **** it and never mention her again
But if things grow worse beware
I'll grow weary of saying **** it
One day I'll blow up
If you aren't careful, one day, I could say ******* and not **** it
the remains of us collect dust
on the kitchen counter
and i have stacked our memories
in bookshelves, tucked away,
dog-earing my favourite pages
and scribbling out the tragic chapters
you know the ones.
How like me
to hide away nostalgia
but refuse to dispose of it
Sentimentality, i always joked,
would be the ruin of us
and how like you
to prove me wrong
and leaving,
just as the story
was getting good
I wonder if my poems.. Will ever get me anywhere?
  Feb 2016 Lindsey Nicole Isbell
Grey eyes
Gray hair
Lost in her hopeless sea of despair.

Floating from day to day
like smoke
leaving from the lit cigarette
upon her lips.

Grey sweater
Gray shoes
She has no friend that isn't a bottle of *****.

Night to night
she sees no light.
Lost in the fog
that covers her eyes.

Grey face
Gray hands
left to the dirt in no man's land.

year after year
she gets closer to their fear
of becoming the grim reaper's dear.

Grey heart
Gray soul
she's spiraling out of control.

Jumping off cliffs
and biting their chapped lips
she's on the road to her death.
Inspired by the grays/greys of the days that pass.
Plump, skinny, short, tall
I'm surrounded by beautiful, talented people
They shine bright
Short blonde hair
Plump *******
Long brown hair
Long waist
Tall and thin as a stick
Don't get me started on their eyes or face
I'm surrounded by beautiful people
All of them shine brighter than me
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