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(read forward, then backward, line by line)

I ran.
Not knowing what else to do
There was so much blood on my hands
It was mine
The kitchen knife
Caught in my chest
Consumed by
I was heightened by
But running on
Wasn’t enough
While trying to stay calm,
Losing control
It was me that would end up
Dead. Because
He was
In front of me
The whole time
It was too late
I found myself
Locked in chains
My fate was
Forward: from the victims perspective.
Backward: from the murderers perspective.

 Feb 2018 Fritzi Melendez
Little girl who taught you
that your body is an object of shame
Girl of God
of Truth

Who taught you to hide
When you hear his name
Girl of blood
of power
of pain

Little girl who taught you
To be timid and tame
Girl of wrath
of beauty
of flame

Listen to me girl
Fight your demons for a longer while
Girl, little girl, I taste the revolution
             in your smile
This one is special to me. I hope it speaks to you too. Girl, little girl, we're one and the same.

A luta continua.
 Feb 2018 Fritzi Melendez
H Phone
It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Since I last talked to you? Because it feels like lately all you’ve been doing is yell at me and I stay quiet.
I keep holding back my tears, biting my tongue... I don’t want to look weak, but I don’t want to lash out at you either, so I stay quiet.
Every word you spit in my face, every insult you throw at it… it doesn’t break my bones, but it hurts me in ways I could never have imagined, yet I stay quiet.
Though, lately, they seem to bounce back a lot more than they used to, or maybe my sense of pain has just been dulled, so I stay quiet.

To tell you the truth, you’re not good for me.
You like to beat me up when I’m defenseless.
You tell me my problems don’t matter when I’m hurt.
You call me an attention ***** for reaching out to others.
You confuse me with your mixed signals and overthinking.
You make me feel alone and unloved when I need others the most.

You’ve made me lose motivation to become a better person.

Because maybe I really am that bad. I try to look ahead of me, towards the future, but you keep beckoning me to look back.
At all the mistakes that I’ve made.
And I know, there’s a lot of them, each one worse than the last, but you act as if that’s all I do, as if no one will ever love me because of it.
And the thought of that hurts…
So much.

You’ve left a hole in my heart where my inspiration and motivation used to be, because you keep bashing my work, telling me it will never live up to my expectations. I can’t even begin to count how many of my writings’ deaths you have on your name.

Even right now, when I’m going through a lot already, you just can’t resist to make me feel even worse, can you? Whispering in my ear that I don’t try, even though I do; that I will fail when I need to believe that I will succeed.

But I’m done taking this abuse.
And if you think that means I’ll retaliate, you’re sorely mistaken, because I’m not going to fight fire with fire.
If you think that means I’m finally going to leave you, you couldn’t be more wrong, because I need you more than anything.
No, instead I will love you, because you’re all I have and I am all you have. I hope that one day, we can set our differences aside and work together to be better. You haven’t always been like this and I know that deep inside you’re still the same person I’ve once come to know, the person I’ve once come to love.

So remember, despite everything, I will always love you.

A letter to myself
 Feb 2018 Fritzi Melendez
H Phone
Ravished by love or violence, it bleeds.
Amply present in the sun’s morn glow.
Ignition of a candle’s fuse, it burns bright.
Nature’s leaved veins extend in its wake.
Boundless oceans hold it in their foamy arms.
Otherworldly bodies at night, it envelops.
Wind blows through its vibrant petals.

Beauty cannot be captured with one color alone.
It’s a spectrum.
Recently, I was challenged to write a poem about my favourite color, but I'm bad at picking favourites...
I, uh...
don't want to
hurt your feelings, and I
know you and
I both
don't like this part. If you hate me forever after this, I understand
why. But it's the truth;
you and I both know it. I
want to
try and make
this brief, but I tend to be bad at that.

I appreciate that
You're brave enough to take the first step and
not wait for me to do it. Most people
need someone else to initiate things for them, so congrats on your fortitude. That's
good thing to have.

I'm sure you've had your heart
enough, but I honestly don't like you like.. that. It doesn't mean I'll
Leave you out or exclude you
from my
life. And anyway, even if you don't have
me, you don't have to be
alone. There are other fish in the sea.

I just don't love you like.. that.
Please don't cry.

Normal - What was said.
Bold - What I heard.
Italics - What I felt.
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